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Forum Posts

Time zone setting

What is up the the time zone setting. Never had it default to PST on my listings before unless the seller was in PST time. I've been a user for years so the explanation that it's always been this way can't be true. It's useless to me this way, even i...

Packing Slips

I can't print a packing slip. I get this message: The eBay page or feature you are attempting to access is not responding.Please try the options below:Try to access the feature directly from the eBay Home Page, instead of using a bookmark.Wait a few ...

Filter by US only not working

When I perform a search and filter to US listings only, it removes almost all of the listings, including ones that are actually in the US ( I know this because I see some listings when I don't have the filter on that are in the US, and they disappear...

Resolved! $300 eBay bucks game is not working, it just redirects to the login page over and over.

There is an eBay bucks game being run by prizelogic to play for $300 on the front page of eBay. When I click get started it tells me to sign in and when I do it just brings me back to the same page, after like 2 minutes of waiting for the login. This...

Feedback tour

Is it possible to get someone to please get the service to stop asking me to "tour the new feedback" system? It asks me every time I log in. I've been an active member since before 911, but that aside, how long can the new system be considered "new?"...


The Photo Uploader is not working. I am trying to use it, as I always do, from a "sell similar" function, since I almost always clone my listings from similar listings. Today, suddenly, the upload gets stuck at about 50% or else the little green circ...

Cannot print shipping labels-Technical Difficulties Error Message

Cannot print shipping labels-Technical Difficulties Error Message I have a short window to print my labels before I go to my real job and ebay shipping is down. Will ebay ding my top seller rating when its their fault we cannot print labels?

Unable to make counter offers

I am having issues with offers and counteroffers. When I try to submit counteroffer through the app, I get Invalid User ID or password (Trading.35).I am signed in and can do other things but not this. This is happening on both my app as well as my la...

Quick Listing Tool Down?

Hello,I am creating this thread because as of this afternoon 05/09/18, I cannot access or use the quick listing tool via mobile, app, or web. There is normally an option to switch, but it is gone. I am frustrated because my saved draft listings all w...

International Shipping Incorrect Costs As Per Ebay

Have had several international sales within the last few weeks where seller promptly pays but shippping cost is incorrect...way too low. When checking listing through ebay the incorrect shipping amount appears & that of course is what the buyer pays!...

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