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Resolved! Anyone know if Japan Post is shipping again?

Sellers claim Japan Post has not been shipping to the US since around April. I've been checking online, but keep finding conflicting charts about where they are shipping and what services are available. I can't read kanji either, which may be a stick...

Select Account for Returns with Managed Payments

Hi all, I was just switched over to managed payments yesterday, so please bear with me. So, if I have a refund, and the total amount of funds are not available in my balance/pending in MP, how can I select where I want eBay to deduct the additional f...

Cancel a return

My buyer opened a return and now says they don’t want to return the item. They told me to cancel the return. How do I do that?

USPS sent package to wrong state, buyer requesting refund

I sent out a Google Home Mini on July 28 (provide this item information for context, as that it was a rather large package that wouldn't slip in between the cracks as easily as a letter or something). This item was sent out through my local post offi...

User avatar by Rising Star
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Resolved! Additional shipping option not showing up in listing

When listing an item for sale I offered Parcel Post shipping (based on location)and offered Priority Mail as an optional shipping service.The listing only shows the first shipping option.How do I fix that? Tnx.

User avatar by Adventurer
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Help with random price jump in shipping very strange

Today I sold a typical item thats 19x12x9 and 12lbs and fed ex fround wants $85 to ship?Normally this size would be $20ish or less infact I just sold a larger item for less,The only conclusion is the desitination but still it doesnt make any sense be...

User avatar by Not applicable
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ebay's calculator only charging buyers the online rate?

I have (had) my preferences set up to charge retail prices for calculated shipping but I went to do a label this morning and saw that ebay had only charged my buyer the online rate (including my TRS discount!!) Has anyone else noticed this?

How Do I Keep My Defect Rate Down?

Currently, i get a problem of transaction defect rate is up to 2% because some of my unlucky cases . So i've read many blog writting about this issue, but i really afraid of discredit me to ebay and my customers. I literally want to improve this term...

User avatar by Adventurer
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eBay Shipping Policy a Disgrace

I shall share the email that I sent eBay customer service department, which sets out my grievances and disgust at the state of eBay’s service delivery... In short, eBay is not what it used to be. Items are held up at the Global Shipping Center for an...

Question about international shipping

I didn't realize that international shipping is automatically selected when making a listing and I didn't look. I listed a media mail item where I paid shipping. So I purchased the label for $2.80 (which is fine) but my question is will there be any ...

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