I know everyone is talking about the negotiated rate increase eBay
announced that starts September 16th, but in case you missed it - USPS
also announced their 2024 Holiday increase for published retail and
commercial rates as well. The increase will ...
I just browsed around more on EBay and came across this on some of their
shipping related pages. They are aware of the issue. They better not try
to raise my costs because these items will be late now!!!
Anyone else having problems getting shipping labels to load to print.
Won't work on app or laptop. On app it loads forever and on laptop it
says no shipping service selected and won't allow one to be selected.
Just went to print some shipping labels and as soon as I edit the
dimensions or weight, all options except UPS become "greyed out" and
unselectable; "We could not get a quote for this service. Please check
the order details and try again." This is ha...
Ebay's quest to run off sellers continue.Some can't even sign into their
accounts and none can get orders out because the shipping system is
down. Hopefully you adjust the system so we're not penalized for all the
late orders that are about to happen...
This issue has come up in the past. It's back again... I can't print
labels and get a "no services available" no matter what size or weight
the package. Shipping is to a normal US postal address. eBAY, Please fix