I've been selling these CDs loose for a while now. I found out if I mail
just the disk in a cardboard mailer without tracking it will be about 80
cents then I have to pay extra for non-machineable which bring the total
to $1.27 if I mail it in person...
Ebay UPS account number is the You will thank me for this information!
Why no one could give this straight answer IDK. It's mentioned all over
ebay Community with all kinds of crazy information! But there you have
it! And if you have a UPS Claim afte...
So I've been down the rabbit hole of threads and have been getting mixed
feelings about to have Returns on or off. I mostly deal with Sports
Cards and Other collectibles, so in saying that what happens if I agree
to accept the returns, but the Item c...
Hi all. This is my first experience buying an item being shipped with
this eBay Standard Envelope method.I would just like to know if this is
normal and wait it out or if I should request a refund. The item was
supposed to arrive March 9th, but ever ...
Hi,Just wondering if anyone has encountered any issues with shipping
label charges today. Tonight (about 30 minutes ago), I went to print a
label and instead of deducting funds from the available balance the
charge was directed to PayPal. I received ...
I know eBay says that International Standard Delivery is cheaper than
USPS First Class International, but which is best, safer, faster? When
you print a label for International Standard Delivery, it does not show
the name, address or country of the b...
With GSP I used to ship computers and monitors abroad all the time. I
just sold my first computer under the new program and after shipping I
get a cryptic not from eBay saying the computer can’t be exported? Since
when? They are refunding the buyer, ...
Used to be able to put in a set price for shipping for additional
purchases of same items. For example: First item costs $5.50 to ship,
each additional costs $2.00. Where are they hiding this option
now???Thank you for your assistance.
Hi,I have a 39 pc encyclopedia set that I'll be listing soon. My
question is - how do I ship the set? They'll be sent via Media Mail and
may go over the USPS 70lb limit. I can find a huge box that will hold
them but it'll be very heavy for me, the ma...
Hi, I would like to sell a large set of heavy books. I know I will need
to place them in more than one box when shipping, and I have watched
videos and read about how you can print more than 1 label for the
shipment however, my question is how do you...
I sell mostly small items, yet my shipping fees on average is $8.00 per
item. Items wt. less than 3 oz. Ebay want nearly $4. 00 to ship off.
Ebay don't offer standard shipping on all items. If I mail an item under
3 oz. (For only 90 Cent), I cannot p...
I have been enrolled in Global for many years and it was working without
any issues. now some of my items go worldwide, some of them only US, and
some go to 10 countries and ... I called eBay and they say some category
it s not eligible in some count...
The photo was taken in the hills of Southern Nevada just south of Las
Vegas. You KNOW there has to be a pot of gold present. I am curious as
to how the Faithful will deal with this year' conundrum.
How many more alias carriers using POOLED & BOGUS Amazon
shipping/tracking numbers/histories is ebay gonna allow?My mum was
craving fruit cake since we spent Christmas apart so we finally got
around to order (Fruit & Peel ingredient) some last week b...