All of a sudden I'm getting emails every time I post an item for sale.
Never had this before. Is this some sort of "improvement"? I really
don't need these. I already know I listed it. It'll just clog my inbox.
Nothing in Notification Preferences cov...
I have two accounts here. On one they now show my "order earnings" for
each sale, which is my net after fees and label costs are deducted.
Pretty useful. Didn't ask for it. My other account doesn't have this
feature. Any one know how I can get it the...
Is there any way to bypass the "tell us what you're selling" step. They
never have what I am listing, and I know what category it belongs in,
after 20+ years here. Between this and the "preview" issue I'm wasting
time when I could be listing more.
Another seller had the same question and were given an expert's answer
that frankly does not work. There is no "more actions" dropdown
available. I've done it before with no issues. I just lose my money?
Can't imagine why anyone would use PM these days Way more $$$ than GA,
probably not much faster. They really shot themselves in the foot with
the rate structure. Local P.O. won't even take back PM supplies unless
they are Flat Rate. That's all they h...
I've blocked people who I suspect will be trouble based on their
questions or number of questions. I blocked a buyer today who offered me
$25 for a $70 item, which I feel is an insult.