The following are open technical issues that have been reported and we
are still tracking. If you are impacted by one or multiple of these
please consider shaking your mobile app or selecting the question mark
in the bottom right hand corner of the e...
Does that mean Ebay changed something? Or is that part of the site just
down today?I know it's hard to see other sellers' auctions now, but I
had about 1/2 dozen friends and people whose items I like to check out,
bookmarked that I can't seem to acce...
It’s not you. It’s us. Our server is down, but we’ll have things back to
normal soon. If you still need help, visit our help pages. This is the
message I got when I tried to get to listing tonight. I wish I knew how
they define soon. How annoying, an...
When I purchase a shipping label, everything seems fine until I try to
print the label. When the print dialog box comes up, the preview is
blank. If I print anyway, the resulting page shows the outlines of the
shipping label, with no content in the a...
Hi, is anyone else having problems with the reply to offer option? When
I click on it to accept or decline an offer it just takes me to my
listing. No decline or accept button, nothing. Tried no end of times and
now it says I have declined the offer-...
For the last few weeks when I press Buy Now I am asked to change my
password as I have supposedly been hacked. I am also told that the
account has been suspended for a few days to be safe. I duly change the
password and wait 3 or 4 days and give it a...
This has been going on for some time now. I do not have any option to
save a search - no button. I have tried three different browsers(Chrome,
FF, IE) but all have the same result. This is rather annoying to say the
least. Any ideas what to do?
Bit confused about this problem. I sell all of my items via Buy it now.
If the quantity of the listing goes to zero, eBay is closing the
listing. Once the item ends, I cannot find it anywhere in Manage active
listings............but if I try to re-li...
Am I the only one who has trouble posting feedback? Half the time the
screen with the stored comments won't come up. Then after a successful
post, the screen goes to another like screen. Posted feedback won't show
up when returning to the managed sal...
A seller has sent me the wrong item and when I click on (request a
refund), the page takes too long to load and then never opens, the
browser displays (The connection has timed out The server at is taking too long to respond.). I've ...
I got several problems with variations and I hope someone can help.1.
When I sell similar it takes all details from current listing and I just
edit it but the variation stays the doesn't change to the new
one.2. I edit the variation images o...
been on managed payments for months. as of tonight, when i try to
relist/sell similar any item, i get the error below. I'm just selling
common trading cards which isn't restricted by managed payments. In
testing, I have no issues listing the same ite...