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I can't send offer to any seller

How can I fix it? Im thinking that is eerror of eBay...... "Sorry, the seller is not accepting bids or offers from you at this time. This may occur for various reasons. For example, the seller might have a limit for the amount of items that can be pu...

User avatar by Pathfinder
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Can't Add to Watch List in Safari on iPad.

I usually browse my saved searches on my iPad using Safari browser, but this week I found that I could not add anything to my watch list. The Add to Watch List button is missing on all listing pages in Safari for iPad. I don't know where else it may ...

User avatar by Thrill-Seeker
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Can't buy this shipping supply... Only this ONE... can buy anything else from this seller. Seller assures me it's not on h...

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Photo Upload Freezes My Computer

I have been uploading photos today for new listings, and as soon as they are all loaded, my computer freezes. I have to manualy shut down with my "off" button since nothing responds to my mouse click. It happened twice. I drag and drop the images, al...

Store logo

Can anyone help me to upload a new logo since my new store layout doesn't show mine?I can find where I chose to have a store logo and it shows it to me put no where to up load another one.I can see the old one had an http adress and I figure that it ...

User avatar by Thrill-Seeker
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help to unblock

Hello to everyoneI facing a horrible problemI created an account to buy tropical plants and i bought a product with my brother's prepaid cardAt the second time that i tried that i couldn'tSo i created my own prepaid cardUnfortunately i realised that ...

Issues with store layout

I have my store layout set to "list" view for the layout of the listings, however it automatically defaults to gallery view (which I really don't like the look of). Whenever I go in to edit my store, it shows the default being "list view," but then w...

How can I stop or block the StubHub popup?

Last night, while planning an upcoming trip for my husband and I, I went briefly onto StubHub to compare ticket prices. This morning, when I went to research completed auctions, I get a StubHub "popup" advertisement loading into the listings right at...

Listings don't show

All I get is the bar showing the number of results, then below that the number of pages and some sponsors. No listings! I've tried it with several different items. The home page and My eBay are okay. ????? It's impossible to find anything or shop.......

User avatar by Adventurer
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Advanced Search Problems: Purging Criteria

Have had issues for some weeks with Advanced Search. Previously, I was able to go to the "Advanced Search" page, enter a search term (e.g. "ocean liner"), check "Include Title & Description" and then exclude a list of bad sellers I had compiled. Unti...

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