I had an item listed with local pickup only. Buyer purchased today and
clearly they aren't going to come and pick it up as they are located in
Florida and I'm in California. So how can I cancel this transaction
without getting a defect? I sent the bu...
I saw my fees go through today for eBay Int'l Delivery labels, but I
also got an email saying one of my eBay Int'l Delivery orders is being
returned and I won't be charged for that label. I'd like to confirm the
charges I received today don't include...
Ebay charged me almost $1.50 MORE for shipping than the customer paid. I
have the shipping calculator set correctly, and have sold duplicates of
this same item without problem until today. Is there a way to get credit
from ebay?
A Buyer contacted me after paying and asked to have shipped to a
different address. He seems to be a newer buyer with a feedback of less
than 25. I do not feel go about it. Would I be coved if I shipped to the
other address? What do I do?
Dont know if this was posted yet WASHINGTON - The United States Postal
Service filed notice today with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC)
regarding a temporary price adjustment for key package products for the
2021 peak holiday season. This tempo...
Helloi need some help please.I ordered an item on eBay a few months ago
from the US. Apparently it has been delivered to my address, but there
is nothing here!! I contacted the seller and he was most upset with me
for contacting him. So I then contac...
I purchased a $198 dyson vacuum from seller. He did not print a shipping
label thru the EBay App, but instead input a fake UPS tracking number.
Then made a change to that fake tracking number to another fake tracking
number. I know this because I cal...
Hello everyone!Last week a package was returned to me from the USPS
after 2 failed attempts to deliver it to the buyer. Both times the error
was house number not found. I mailed the package using the address
supplied by ebay, and I see that the buyer...
Hello everyone, I sold several items this past week. I dropped off three
packages to USPS on Wednesday and the tracking has yet to update.
However, I dropped off another package yesterday to the same post
office, and the tracking has updated and is m...
Is there anyway to print a scan sheet for the post office without using
the Bulk Mail Feature?I print the postage for my eBay sales
individually. Most days I just have 1 or 2 sales but once in awhile I
will have 6 or 7 items and this gives the Post O...
Why is delivery time from china more than 3 months? Is this a new way to
rob european sheeps?It seems fraud when delivery time is 3 months while
feedback time is 60 days. How to deal with that? I didn't received last
3 items at all.. Ordered in may.
I have a E textbook code that I am physically shipping. The dimensions
of the card are 5.5inx8.5inI was thinking about shipping in a 6x9
envelope. How would I list the item to have the cheapest shipping cost?
I see some major changes in shipping refrigerants after Jan. 1st 2021.
Called UPS and Fedex, got the runaround but basically they won't ship it
from a private seller? This is a factory sealed and boxed 30 cylinder of
R22. Now retired I won't ever nee...