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Forum Posts

Problem Creating New Message on Selling

Using my other ID I created a new topic in the selling discussion titled "Postcard Item Specific Suggestions, Questions, and Hopefully Answers from eBay" at 9:46 AM PST but it doesn't show up. I also added 3 replies and they don't show up either so I...

User avatar by Trailblazer
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Invoicing just went down.

I just had 2 invoices up from last night that I put together this morning, when I went to refresh the page so it would let me change the shipping it now says all the items are vehicles and can't be invoiced. Same thing I have done for years and none ...

Verify your bank account

I'm having trouble getting, microdeposits posted to my bank account. I've updated everything I could. But, there are two deposits, I'm supposed to enter. Nothing showing up in my account. If someone could help me get this working, I'd appreciate it. ...

incomplete "see other items" listings

So often I find that an item in my want list that is about to end and, before I bid on it, i open the "see other items" link in the listing to see what else the seller is offering. I sort by "Time: ending soonest" and see that the most recent listing...

Item views significantly drop

Almost overnight My views for my listings have dropped off the face of the Earth. I sell vintage fabric and textilles. Most of which are listed in the collectible linens and textiles category. Some are listed in the arts and crafts category. The ones...

Shipping update for a day in the past

Just got an updated shipping estimation this morning saying my package was now estimated to arrive on October 22nd...yesterday. Come on ebay, how is this something that isn't caught by the site logic as an impossibility? Please go check your coding o...

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