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Forum Posts

My eBay cannot see number of views on iPhone and desktop

Intermittent problem where I cannot see the number of views on my listings. This is on my desktop as well as on the iPhone app. Views will disappear and then reappear. This is very unsettling as I use the number of views to try to monitor how the ite...

Visit counter not working July 2018

I have listings that have 4 people watching with 0 visits. In the past I use the number of visits to determine if an item should be re- listed or if an item title, description or price needs to be adjusted. Is anyone else experiencing this? Please re...

Promotions Markdown wanted didn't happen but NOW Items Marked down that shouldn't be!!

When my promotion ended recently, I attempted to start another one which as many noted, didn't work. 14 days rule, ok, fine, need to figure out a different method... I just discovered that items that I didn't NOT attempt to markdown suddenl...

Resolved! Unwanted Stock photos showing as main photo in many of my listings, despite me deleting them. many of my listings are now showing the stock photo as the main photo. I take scans of the comics I sell. I want potential buyers to see a picture of the actual book they are ...

Technical Glitz : My E-Bay Store Items Display in Random Price Order

For almost One Year , I had my E-Bay Store Items set to Display , in Order , from Highest Priced Items first , in Sequence , Down to the Lowest Priced Item . It was extremely Easy to Follow . It was Beneficial , to both the Buyers , who were looking ...

User avatar by Adventurer
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Technical "Glitches"

Woke up this morning at 4:30 a.m. EST. Logged into my seller hub and said "here we go again". 7/8 of my view counters have a line not a zero but a line in the column. 3/4 of the info in my seller hub said "unavailable", my sales (out of almost 5,000 ...


I started a sale a few days ago but it would not go through because of the new 14 day waiting period.HOWEVERWhen viewing my items there is a sale sign to view all items that are 40% off.When you click this link it shows the items that I chose but the...

User avatar by Thrill-Seeker
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Ebay shipping supplies link is down

I was trying to order the quarterly ebay shipping supplies but am getting this message instead of the usual page where you get the coupon code. Please fix. I'd like to order my supplies. Thanks. H...

User avatar by Trailblazer
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PayPal account limitation

PayPal placed a limitation on my account because I sold a jar of Emenance face moisturizer. I didn’t get any type of warning or anything. I’ve spoke with them several time regarding this and they say there isn’t anything they can do about it & there ...

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