06-24-2018 10:49 AM
When you click the shipping tab and put in a new country and then click
GET RATE - the screen jumps and goes back to the Description tab - so you
then have to reclick the shipping tab to see what the rate is.
For a new customer this is very confusing.
Please look into this.
Thanks, Amy
06-25-2018 07:14 AM
This has been happening for over a month now.
If you want to see what's truly confounding for new buyers and sellers alike, see my thread "eBay Shipping Calculator is hopelessly broken..." especially since the "get rates" function uses the shipping calculator.
If sellers are wondering why they have so many abandoned carts... But then all functionality on eBay is "in good health" according to the eBay System Status page so this isn't an actual issue anyone should concern themselves with before carrying on as usual as if nothing at all is wrong.
eBay: "A solution would be to offer free shipping."
07-01-2018 05:06 AM
This problem has been happening for a while now. (I personally reported this in February)
I personally reported it again to CS yesterday. (Along with about 5 other issues)
I even had the issue detailed in questions for BOB but now see that thread closed/locked
Walked them (CS) through it - had them see exactly what is happening. Had the rep try the exact thing I was describing. "Well, that is concerning......" (yah think?)
Besides all the other issues with the calculator that the other member has posted in detail about -Some I have seen, some are hit and miss. Most of those I have found a work-around for by offering flat rate shipping because I have no faith that the calculator works. But, the largest and most frustrating/concerning is that if a buyer wants to see how much shipping would be for multiples of the same item in a multi-quantity listing the same thing you are described is happening.
They change the the number they want to anything more than one , then click get rates , it glitches to the item description (it may or may not hold their location) but it DOES NOT hold the number - so then the assumption by the buyer is that no matter what the listing says that any additional quantities of the item will ship for free or for the same price as one.
Add on top of that - NO "request total from seller" tab showing or that option being grayed out or the buyer receiving a message that " this seller already offers discounts" , " seller does not offer combined shipping discounts" etc are all messages I have seen myself or heard of from prospective buyers.
I have even had instances that CS has told me that I am "confusing" the system because I am offering combined shipping discounts and offering combined payments. (FACE PALM!)
I have heard, seen, been described instances where when people put multiple items in their cart , the cart Still does not combine properly. IT either adds all the per item shipping rates or adds all the weights rather than following the rules that are set-up. In MOST cases IF the buyer is brave enough to disregard what the caculator shows - once they complete the check-out process the correct rates will be applied. But that is only after they reach the point of payment. Usually, not always - have seen it happen both ways But, again, very confusing for the buyer. And in the buyers eyes it is the seller that is violating them. "You're not allowing me to request a total, invoice etc."
To alan@ebay
Is it possible ( and to make your lives easier) have a weekly Topic update on the Technical issues board that simply states - "known issues" these are what we are "currently working on".
OR a simple "if you are experiencing an issue with "BLANK" add your name to list and we will review your account asap"
We're all getting tired of that feeling that no one's listening and that no one is taking action to fix these issues.
I appreciate the fact that you were able to get the "there is a known issue with......" message added to seller hub but honestly that message should be added to lots of other places.
Can the powers that be take a step in the right direction and put the "view sellers other items" tab back in the listing frame for all users? (and the store search box - That I do still see in some stores) I know we were told that these were felt as redundant,superfluous, snd unnecessary but with all the negative feedback you guys are receiving about this - can we not make admit our mistake and get it back ?
Thanks for all you do - we appreciate it.
07-01-2018 12:46 PM
Re "I have found a work-around for by offering flat rate shipping ... But, the largest and most frustrating/concerning is that if a buyer wants to see how much shipping would be for multiples of the same item in a multi-quantity listing"
Flat rate quickly becomes a nightmare for multi-quantity/item orders, especially for international, and even more so for domestic and international if your items vary greatly in size and weight. I went through all that in 2016-17 and gave up on it. I think that's why most of my sales in that period were of just one item; as soon as the potential buyer added other items the shipping became "Too **bleep** high!" And yes, I tried/had the "subtract" and "add" options configured. Plain and simple: "IT DON'T WORK!"
I think people are missing the whole point here: The mind-numbingly-simplistic shipping calculator is an insult to both eBay and all sellers who use it, whether for flat rate or calculated rate. Shipping calculators in open source e-commerce packages, Magento for example, are FAR-FAR more advanced than the pedantic kiddie-code eBay has put into service. After all of the fees eBay collects, and considering how vital a PROFESSIONALLY-CODED shipping calculator is to business success, there is no excuse whatsoever for this kiddie-code shipping calculator. Whoever is responsible for coding and approving it should be fired from eBay and banned for life from having anything to do with computers. Yet, instead of addressing this critically serious issue, eBay directs its efforts into the "improvements" we've been suffering under.
The ONLY "workaround" is for eBay to immediately replace this heap of kiddie-code with a PROFESSIONALLY CODED shipping calculator. I wish people would be a lot less passive and accepting of eBay functionality that's hopelessly broken; the fees we sellers pay are to pay for PROFESSIONALLY CODED FUNCTIONALITY, not the mindlessly-moronic hopelessly-broken kiddie-code garbage being dumped on us, THAT'S ALSO AN EVEN BIGGER BLACK EYE ON EBAY'S FACE!!!
(Maybe with enough hyphenated-adjective posts and calls to eBay support, by the end of the decade eBay might have this fixed -- I'm trying to remain hopeful.)
07-04-2018 10:38 PM
My apologies.
Poorly thought out, quickly typed, poorly worded response.
NOT a "work around"
What works for me is that most items I have listed are all similar weights or additive
Diecast cars that a single pack weighs 4 ounces, 8 ounces packed in a box.
2 packs 8 ounces , 12 ounces packed etc ....
So adding a $1.00 flat rate works best for me - then I can easily say to a buyer (asking about combined shipping) that your base shipping will be (x) and just add $1 for each extra.
Because - if they try to use the page to estimate their own shipping they can not due to the "back to listing description glitch", "reverting back to 1 quantity count glitch" - whatever we want to call it.
Sad as a seller that I can not even do that any more . Where it does (like you've said) get really tricky for me is International sales - I cannot do flat rate there because of the limitations/bad code/bad math of the caculator as you have detailed out in threads. And what I was able to do and how I did it before was change count on a listing with sufficient quantity to get an estimated shipping total for a buyers item count but then again , back to square one, it glitches, it's broken, it doesn't caculate properly.
and on a side note - I agree with about 99% of what I have seen in every one of your posts.
I actually had a "punch list" of a lot of these noted issues for Bob but sadly now those are all lost/hidden/deleted/locked. I think a lot of sellers spent their time and thought and posted a lot of good content, suggestions, some gripes but mainly showing an effort to right the ship.
All gone now .....Yup we got problems, and sorry some were affected
Ebay needs to focus on fixing the glitches 1st and then promoting that they're fixed it to give a smooth hassle free search experience ,getting and keeping OUR items in peoples carts, offer a smooth hassle free check out experience. I said in questions to Bob and we say it again - IF A BUYER WANTS TO REQUEST AN INVOICE they should be able to for any reason - that option should never be grayed out - that simply tells a buyer "hey, I'm not that interested in you money, move on, next".
AND Transparency on just how bad the glitch status is and the turn around time to fix long standing issues.
"These are the issues we are working on. This is what we're currently doing"
"This what we did and are doing for buyers"
"This is what we did and are doing for sellers"
Rant over
07-19-2018 08:01 PM
They're at it again.
Let's see what else we can mess with
09-15-2018 11:01 PM
I was also told to offer free shipping...humn
i gues that would work if i was selling toasters as you usually only but one toaster when shopping
i sell lots of smalls and most shoppers KNOW they can get better shipping shipping rates when they bundle stuff.
Why should I tag on shipping onto every spool of thread and then brag its free shipping? However i will ship one spool or a 100 spools for $2.80
'Get Rates' has been broken for 4+ months so its obviously not broken just something they are in the process of 'doing away with', that is the feeling i get
09-16-2018 02:15 AM
@kateinthe26th wrote:I was also told to offer free shipping...humn
i gues that would work if i was selling toasters as you usually only but one toaster when shopping
i sell lots of smalls and most shoppers KNOW they can get better shipping shipping rates when they bundle stuff.
Why should I tag on shipping onto every spool of thread and then brag its free shipping? However i will ship one spool or a 100 spools for $2.80
'Get Rates' has been broken for 4+ months so its obviously not broken just something they are in the process of 'doing away with', that is the feeling i get
Thought you might enjoy this one too ...............
09-16-2018 10:57 AM
Well, i don't know its all very peculiar. There is still NO 'request total' from seller on the app, so you have to jump on a lap top or log in at work to request your invoice,
'Get Rates' is non functioning, and has been for months, they haven't set Ayden up to handle excess postage refunds, although they now say they are 'looking into it'
My opinion and it is only just my opinion is they will try to force 'free shipping' in the next few years as standard.
I no longer sell expensive stuff here, on any of my selling ID's and if i have to start doing free shipping on my smalls then I can't be here as i feel its stealing/ gouging tagging on almost $3 onto every little spool of thread, pack of buttons, vintage handkerchief, collectible coin, necklace or yard of fabric etc....
Luckily there are other places to sell but none have the exposure that ebay does for the things i sell but that might change.
But we shall see, its a waiting game
09-16-2018 02:15 PM
09-17-2018 06:41 PM
I totally agree with you. I have noticed one of my competitors selling a yard of fabric for $5.00 with free shipping so they are doing 'loss leaders' and have been for a few months...good luck to them, but that's not for me
09-18-2018 04:03 PM
@kateinthe26th wrote:I totally agree with you. I have noticed one of my competitors selling a yard of fabric for $5.00 with free shipping so they are doing 'loss leaders' and have been for a few months...good luck to them, but that's not for me
Does it work for you ? Let me know
09-27-2018 06:19 PM
@toomstoys wrote:
@kateinthe26th wrote:I totally agree with you. I have noticed one of my competitors selling a yard of fabric for $5.00 with free shipping so they are doing 'loss leaders' and have been for a few months...good luck to them, but that's not for me
Does it work for you ? Let me know
If you need a laugh -
try changing the quantity in the shipping tabe now and click get rates.
09-27-2018 06:21 PM - edited 09-27-2018 06:22 PM
@kateinthe26th wrote:
I totally agree with you. I have noticed one of my competitors selling a yard of fabric for $5.00 with free shipping so they are doing 'loss leaders' and have been for a few months...good luck to them, but that's not for me
If you need a laugh -
try changing the quantity in the shipping tab now and click get rates and see what happens.
09-27-2018 06:36 PM
I did; I looked everywhere but couldn't find any eBay people who cared.