HelloWe had a scammed from buyer.Started a return request, did not use
our shipping but bought a different item from Amazon Fulfillment center
and ship it to us to get valid delivery tracking#.They used it and won
the case. We appealed and eBay alrea...
HelloWe had a return request. We send buyer Fedex shipping label. But
look like Fedex does not delivery it or lost during transit.Now customer
open a case for it. Ebay put on hold till Fed 2.We wonder what if till
the time frame is passed and still n...
HiWe have about 5 credit Chargebacks from customer for unauthorized or
not received item. We do have valid tracking number showed delivered.We
summit the information, cases still being hold for almost a month. We
contact eBay Payments, and here what ...
HelloWe start getting more Payment Dispute also known as Chargeback from
buyers. We wonder that kind of seller protection do we have here. We
tried to call Mange Payment but they have no idea.Anyone has link of
their policy?Will they protect us from ...
HiWe are getting more buyers abuse return request and sent back
different items.We see there is option to report buyer with "Buyer
returned the wrong item". Look like, we will have to ask eBay to step
in.Is anyone already tried that option and being ...
Yes, the buyer already used the label, and Fedex is accepted it.Tracking
keep saying shipping is pending.Yes, eBay Rep even said they understand
the item already shipped but if it not show delivery, they still close
into our favor. but we still worri...
HelloWe just got a call with eBay Rep.They already confirmed, if the
item does not arrive by time frame. EBay will close the case on seller
favor. Even though buyer already shipped the item out.But it still look
a bit worry. So hope anyone can share....
HiWe already sent reply to eBay, point out policy to themIn that policy,
there is part said:"Seller protectionsIf the transaction is eligible for
protection, we’ll cover the amount of the dispute, and waive the fee in
the following situations:"We wil...
HiWe already sent reply to eBay, point out policy to
that policy, there is part said:"Seller protectionsIf the transaction is
eligible for protection, we’ll cover ...