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Ebay calculated shipping wrong

I just had an order for 5 of the same item. eBay calculated the shipping wrong. They charged the customer 11.75, but the shipping was 18.76? I have never had this happen before.

User avatar by Rising Star
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Return shipping labels from Canada Seller to USA Buyer

I live in Canada, sell on cannot make a return label via eBay, to a US buyer who wants to return item...nor eBay, Canada post, nor USPS will issue one..seller does not answer emails to make other arrangements..was told by eBay

User avatar by Adventurer
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First class package weight changes?

I was told by my local post office that the weight limit for first class packages is now 13 oz instead of 15.9 as it was before. Some research online shows this apparently is the case. Although I didn't see any information regarding this change on eB...


Has anyone heard how much postage going up next week????I saw this 9/29Single-piece first-class mail (smaller, lightweight mail) traveling in the same region will still have a two-day delivery time, Frum said. First-class packages, however, will be i...

Using pending payments to pay for shipping labels isn't working for bulk payments

For the last few days, when I purchase shipping labels, instead of getting the option to choose between PayPal and pending payouts for payment, the message I get is "Automatic PayPal payments for USPS services have been set up". This message only app...

How does a seller know total shipp ing costs?

I as the seller want to charge a buyer the actual cost of shipping. Ebay offers cost plus $x shipping For the item. What happens if the shipping turns out to be much higher because the item needs to be shipped to Hawaii or Europe How do I know what t...

uploading tracking on hand delivered items impossible

somehow ebay believes it is better to ship an item with a carrier than to deliver yourself (or currier) when it is going a few miles. been in contact with them more times than I can count and have gotten nowhere. This then reflects in your tracking u...


So recently within last month or so. I have been told by sellers that item shipped won't show of track package until it's delivered. On all of these I have not received package and issued refund. Wth if up. Are they just wanting information?

Super fast delivery

Holy Moly! This I can not believe.........According to tracking, a FedEx pkg. made it from Indianapolis, IN. to Cedar Rapids, IA. in 1 hr. 02 Min. THAT'S FAST!!!!! It was delivered to me yesterday and signed for by some stranger that I don't even kno...

Ebay shipping mixup with USPS and FedEx

I have been using ebay since 2004. I had over 450 feedback with a rating of 100%. I left ebay over high seller fees (especially the idea of making me pay part of shipping costs, since it's part of the final value fee), and then recently decided to si...

**bleep** is up with ebay

I sold an item used there shipping label and when i go to sellers hub it says delivered and took a pic but everything for payment says waiting delivery 


Resolved! Is there a quick way to switch all my listing between Free shipping and Calculated Shipping?

Hi, I have around 140ish listing. Last night, it took me 2 hours to switch all my listing from Free ship to Calculated Ship by editing one by one.... There will be time that I can get cheap shipping from time to time, so I would like to know if there...

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