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N95 Face Masks ( and others ) Are Getting Listed FASTER than I Can Report Them !




Search of N95 Face Masks:


Search of Generic Face Masks:


Why can't Ebay hire just 3 temporary employees ( 1 employee on an 8 hour shift, 7 days a week  )  from a Temporary Employment Agency to delete these listings as soon as they get listed ?


Obviously, Trust and Safety cannot keep on top of the problem.


I have also noticed non-marked face masks being sold as "brand name" face masks.


I have also noticed non-marked face masks being sold as "N95" grade face masks.


I have also noticed that after a seller gets a face mask listing deleted for non-compliance, 10 minutes later, the SAME SELLER re-lists the SAME item !


Why are their no procedures in place to identify these types of sellers, and then restrict their selling account when they get caught re-listing the same exact item again ?


This is a total FAIL by the Trust and Safety Department !


To their credit, they have taken down about 25,000 listings after the ban was announced, but they have not been effective in stopping new items from being listed, and they have not been effective in restricting selling accounts for repeat violators of the policy.


I have reported several hundred face mask violations over just this last week ..... and now I am tired of it.


It is Trust and Safety's responsibility to ensure that this wide spread and on-going abuse of Ebay's ban on face masks ( and other banned items ) is stopped with more effective procedures and with WAY more active involvement in monitoring the 2 simple searches above.


I am done reporting violations.


I am tired of doing it.


I did my part to help the community.

Message 1 of 30
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Re: N95 Face Masks ( and others ) Are Getting Listed FASTER than I Can Report Them !

Why would they hire someone, you are doing the work for free

Message 16 of 30
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Re: N95 Face Masks ( and others ) Are Getting Listed FASTER than I Can Report Them !

@inhawaii wrote:

@kcdcpa wrote:



Because the police don't have obvious search tools available like these:


Search of N95 Face Masks:


Search of Generic Face Masks:

So ebay has these "obvious search tools" yet they are unable to keep up taking down all these listings. So what are you trying to say?

Looks like eBay is trying to say re-iterate that they intend to enforce this policy selectively, as with all policies.

Chaos is NOT an "industry standard".
Message 17 of 30
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Re: N95 Face Masks ( and others ) Are Getting Listed FASTER than I Can Report Them !

Ever hear of Adam Smith and the "Invisible Hand"?

These things work themselves out without interference.  

Message 18 of 30
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Re: N95 Face Masks ( and others ) Are Getting Listed FASTER than I Can Report Them !

eBay, if you read this:  add a button to the 'report item' page that says "report covid19 violation".  Make it simpler to report these people. 

Message 19 of 30
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Re: N95 Face Masks ( and others ) Are Getting Listed FASTER than I Can Report Them !

I'm ultimately curious why ebay just doesn't shut down the offending accounts instead of whacking individual listings??  One seller has multiple listings so shut down the seller.

Message 20 of 30
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Re: N95 Face Masks ( and others ) Are Getting Listed FASTER than I Can Report Them !

Price gouging and scams are wrong... So very wrong. However, I just bought two legitimate N95 masks on eBay and now that listing has been removed. Why? Why can't people sell LEGITIMATE items for REASONABLE prices on eBay? It doesn't seem fair that the consumer isn't able to protect him/herself with proper masks because no one is allowed to sell them to the public. Quite frankly, we ALL need proper protection and I'm so thankful I was able to order two from eBay at a reasonable price. Now, I feel protected enough to hit the stores to buy what I need. My husband delivers to several grocery stores and is constantly exposed... We ALL need protection! Why won't anyone allow us to buy proper N95 masks?!?! No one should be left at risk w/ inferior masks that don't have the proper filtration for micro particles. If we had proper protection, the spread would stop or at the very least slow down... My point, THE PUBLIC ISN'T PROPERLY ALLOWED TO BE PROTECTED WITH PROPER N95 MASKS!!!!!!! So, we get sick and the spread continues... Please leave the legitimate sellers alone!
Message 21 of 30
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Re: N95 Face Masks ( and others ) Are Getting Listed FASTER than I Can Report Them !

We are Actively Removing Price Gouging ... - eBay Inc. › stories › news › we-are-actively-re...
eBay is an open marketplace with 1.3 billion listings live at any given time. ... new listings and removing existing ones that sell: masks including N95/N100 and ... which will only be permitted for sale by business sellers in a fixed price format.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 22 of 30
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Re: N95 Face Masks ( and others ) Are Getting Listed FASTER than I Can Report Them !

but honestly- if you run an auction on a mask or hand sanitizer, hell-even a high priced buy it now item.... and somebody buys it. its because they want it ,,and they are ok on paying that price...hell fire after seeing the news with long lines at stores just to see empty shelves ,  maybe the best option is to buy it on least its shipped to home in case you are quarentined ..BUT;  No matter what, the BUYER should be able to purchase the product they choose for the price that the BUYER themselves agrees to pay. ebay as a company makes plenty of$$ either way. AND the BUYER is happy to pay the price -or they dont need to buy it - its not rocket science.  Right now there are folks who want to buy products, they drive to a retailer and stand in line for hours risking their own health just to find bare shelves and higher prices.. buyers arent stupid-let them decide for themselves  bubby 


Well said . 

Message 23 of 30
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Re: N95 Face Masks ( and others ) Are Getting Listed FASTER than I Can Report Them !

@kcdcpa wrote:




Why can't Ebay hire just 3 temporary employees ( 1 employee on an 8 hour shift, 7 days a week  )  from a Temporary Employment Agency to delete these listings as soon as they get listed ?




All those temps are already hired and working in other positions of assistance.

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 24 of 30
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Re: N95 Face Masks ( and others ) Are Getting Listed FASTER than I Can Report Them !

@turquoisetulips wrote:

but honestly- if you run an auction on a mask or hand sanitizer, hell-even a high priced buy it now item.... and somebody buys it. its because they want it ,,and they are ok on paying that price...hell fire after seeing the news with long lines at stores just to see empty shelves ,  maybe the best option is to buy it on least its shipped to home in case you are quarentined ..BUT;  No matter what, the BUYER should be able to purchase the product they choose for the price that the BUYER themselves agrees to pay. ebay as a company makes plenty of$$ either way. AND the BUYER is happy to pay the price -or they dont need to buy it - its not rocket science.  Right now there are folks who want to buy products, they drive to a retailer and stand in line for hours risking their own health just to find bare shelves and higher prices.. buyers arent stupid-let them decide for themselves  bubby 


Well said . 

Do you know how to use the quote function on the boards?  This is a good example of how not to use it.  I read a whole paragraph before finally seeing a word at the very end that must be your way of showing who wrote it.  No use of the normal way ebay provides to make reading posts clear.   The little " marks are provided in the toolbar above in the camera/bold/emoji area to use in order to quote another poster's words within your own post. 

Message 25 of 30
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Re: N95 Face Masks ( and others ) Are Getting Listed FASTER than I Can Report Them !

EBay's Justice Brigade....

Message 26 of 30
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Re: N95 Face Masks ( and others ) Are Getting Listed FASTER than I Can Report Them !

@turquoisetulips wrote:

but honestly- if you run an auction on a mask or hand sanitizer, hell-even a high priced buy it now item.... and somebody buys it. its because they want it ,,and they are ok on paying that price...hell fire after seeing the news with long lines at stores just to see empty shelves ,  maybe the best option is to buy it on least its shipped to home in case you are quarentined ..BUT;  No matter what, the BUYER should be able to purchase the product they choose for the price that the BUYER themselves agrees to pay. ebay as a company makes plenty of$$ either way. AND the BUYER is happy to pay the price -or they dont need to buy it - its not rocket science.  Right now there are folks who want to buy products, they drive to a retailer and stand in line for hours risking their own health just to find bare shelves and higher prices.. buyers arent stupid-let them decide for themselves  bubby 


Well said . 

It's due to supply issues - if you get teams of people wiping out stocks to list them online then inflating prices, it turns into a self-perpetuating problem - no items available locally, only available from certain vendors for very inflated prices, frequently out of the reach of those very people who need them.


It's very easy to organise something like this into an MLM scheme when there's a lot of money to be made.  A very short look into history will show how this has been done over and over again during times of crisis.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 27 of 30
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Re: N95 Face Masks ( and others ) Are Getting Listed FASTER than I Can Report Them !

Stop being a tattle.
Message 28 of 30
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Re: N95 Face Masks ( and others ) Are Getting Listed FASTER than I Can Report Them !

Buddy I listed legitimate face masks eBay removes my listing for price gouging when the auction for 10 kn95 masks started at 9.95
So don’t get upset
Message 29 of 30
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Re: N95 Face Masks ( and others ) Are Getting Listed FASTER than I Can Report Them !

"Buddy I listed legitimate face masks eBay removes my listing for price gouging when the

auction for 10 kn95 masks started at 9.95"




I meant ebay is.


Ebay would probably close down a small store by me for selling singles at $2.00 ea.

Message 30 of 30
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