I first created a 40% off sale on shoes in my store, but when a buyer
goes to the listing the sale is not on the listing. I then created a 30%
off promotion on a few other items and again, people viewing my listings
do not see a reduced price nor an ...
Hi There!Surely someone has come across such a situation. Items are
known to "disappear" from the site after 90 days. You can find the
details of the sale and the like, but here is the description, on which
you spent a lot of time and inspiration, th...
I'm noticing a lag on my dashboard on shipping. I pay and print
shipping, item is scanned in by USPS, but the next day, I still have the
item needs to ship notification. When I click on it and go to my
shipping page, it shows no item due for shipping...
i had a bad result with an auction few days back, the item is popular
and unavailable everywhere . in the week auction it generates over 200
views and 8 watchers. Me being new to this is unsure, but i think those
seem like positive numbers . About ha...
I was trying to write up some new listings the last couple of days and
most seem to be ok when previewed. However today the description on the
first one I wrote shows up in preview with tiny font. I click on the
font option and it show I selected the...
The golf cart is at a shipping company chosen by eBay, sealed with all
the papers. The deal includes free delivery and it will arrive at your
address within 3 days with all the documents, manuals and keys. In
addition, you will get a 5 days inspectio...
Ok, I'm starting my taxes late...sorry - did anyone get a 1099??? I can
figure out what I made, deductions, etc - BUT - if ebay sent a copy of
my 1099 to the IRS and I don't claim/send one I'm sure there will be an
issue. I'm WAY over the $600 or $20...
Hi all,Can someone please guide me on how to create a listing with
different variations so when purchased, the buyer can select a color and
style. I have been trying to figure this out on my own but can't seem to
and I would really appreciate the hel...