Seller Tools
Make selling successful with helpful tools, services, and apps on eBay.
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seller school

how can i find seller school page , what is seller acadamy .is it similler to the seller school or different

Resolved! File Exchange Problem with Accented Characters

On Italian ebay site I'm having problems when loading or revising new listings, because in the description and also in the custom attributes the accented characters (i.e. è, à...) are not shown correctly (�).Please note that I'm not new with loadings...

Resolved! New listing tool

In the new listing tool, there is not shown the courtiers for exclude. How can I fix it. 

Screenshot (143).jpg

Another seller has stolen my photos and descriptions

Another seller has copied my composite photos, translations and descriptions, and then undercuts my prices. I contacted the seller and he says "LOL". would Ebay do anything about this if I complained? He has even got so far as to remove my watermarks...

Talking to a live person at ebay???

Is it possible to contact someone at ebay? There is no telephone number or email address to ask a question regarding my account? Thanks for anyone's response. Bill

User avatar by Pathfinder
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New Listing Tool is GARBAGE

I've been on eBay since 1996, but the new listing tool is the last straw in a series of so-called "improvements" that have finally broke this camel's back. I'm phasing out all 784 of my eBay listings and will no longer use their website to sell anyth...

New Listing Tools

I can't switch to old listing tool. There is no any option. Please tell how to switch to old listing tool....???

Ebay seems to be staffed by drunk monkeys

Ebay pulled a listing for an item that I literally bought on ebay, which they claim violates their firearms policy, when clearly it does not. As stated in their policy: "Examples of allowed firearm parts and accessories:En bloc clipsBarrels (exceptio...

New Listing Format Unbelievable

I'm sure a lot has already been said on this subject, but I fail to understand the development of this new listing format. This new format is like a game of seek and find. I'm usually good with change however this listing format shows just how out of...

Resolved! Ad not showing on my cell phone

I am new, selling personal items but want to move commercial sales.I have a book listed, the ad does not show up on my phone. Using the sort option selecting low cost first I get many items higher priced than mine.What tool or how do I get my ad to a...

User avatar by Adventurer
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isdntek HTML code not working in listing description

Using isdntek YouTube Converter, the YouTube video link properly converts to the HTML code required for the EBay listing description; and in isdntek, the video plays. However, when the HTML code is pasted into my listing description, the video does n...

User avatar by Adventurer
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