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Forum Posts

Item won't list

Don't know if this is the right place or not, but.... Attempted to list an item, got everything filled out, checked preview, no problem, then attempted to list it, clicked button, screen flashed a little, nothing happened. Went back to look for error...

User avatar by Adventurer
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Promoted Listings Standard - No Options for Bulk Edit Suggested Ad Rate after Last Update

So why did eBay take away the bulk edit "suggested ad rate" option????I have over 1000 listings there and eBay wants me to go though each and every one of those once a week to stay competitive???Why do eBay always make things harder when they change ...

Ebay 1099-K Gross Amount Question

So, I've been trying to figure something out. Line 1a on my 1099-K (gross amount of payments) has a certain amount, but reviewing my total sales amount summary from the entire year on my Ebay account page shows a pretty significant difference. The am...

how to add videos for listings with variations

I see ebay recently added the ability to add videos to listings, I can do it ok for a normal listing but for one with variations I cannot see how to do it. I don't necessarily need a different video for each variation, but one main video would be use...

"Save To Inventory" option does not exist

I posted this in the Technical Issues and Ask A Mentor forums, but did not get a helpful response. So, here we go... Last week, I was able to move items from "Sold" -> "Archived" -> "Inventory". A few days later, and that option no longer exists. The...

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Resolved! Help with Font on new Lister

Hi, Ever since the new listing tool rolled out, it seems like everything I list ends up with a different font. At first I assumed it was because I was still applying an old template to add a paragraph of text at the end of listings, so I stopped doin...

Turbo lister alternative

What are you using to list your auctions instead of Turbo lister. I loved Turbo lister because I could work up many listings over a couple weeks and store them right on my hard drive offline, ready to list. Anything like that, you are using?

Resolved! List of Orders

On the page where I look at the orders I have shipped, I have to scroll down to see the latest orders. I want the newest orders to show at the top of the list, but I can't figure out how to do that.

Do Promotions even work?

I created a 'volume promotion' in the beginning of the year and I have not had a single sale against it. It includes about 75% of my categories I sell in. I had my wife (using her account) pull up some of our listings and there is NO indication a use...

Webinterpret technical query

Hello everyone there !For Webinterpret users, here is a query. Please help. Suppose I have a monthly promotion of 2000 items on eBay UK. If I have 5000 items on my source website (eBay USA), can I list all 5000 on eBay UK through Webinterpret without...

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