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Forum Posts

My Ebay page no longer accessible

I am no longer able to log into My Ebay from any web browser at the current moment.On the browsers where I am logged into Ebay, I cannot enter the My Ebay screen and access any information, it just brings up a page notifying me that "this service is ...

User avatar by Adventurer
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Glitch du jour? Wrong prices showing

alan@ebay brian@ebay.comReports are trickling in about bid page displaying the wrong bid amounts. "Under bids and offers ( active), every item is the same sale price and shipping cost as the first item in the list. If you click on an individual item ...

Buyer Item Searches

Hello ,, Gd Day As a pritty regular buyer of surplus motorcycle parts, and other newer Items (especially TOOLS), I have noticed recently many of my item searches are directing me to "Chinese Store" sellers ,, or some, (what I can tell) RESELLERS ,, m...

Watch list is empty

Hi,my ipad app ( latest version) , doesn t show my watched items list ! It is empty !I've deleted the app and reinstalled it , i've logged-out and sign in and nothing changed !I even entered via PC in my watched list and deleted old items.... I just ...

Quantity arrow not showing in iOS

Hi All,I was trying to buy a quantity of items using the eBay app on my iPad running iOS 11.2.6. The app was updated only yesterday (March 6 2018). The quantity arrow does not show up. However it is there on the desktop. Any ideas? Screenshots below....


Starting and ending times are all goofed up. Sometimes they're reported in military times, sometimes they're not. Sometimes they're reported as Pacific Times, sometimes they're not. Sometimes they're reported as ex: 05:00, which means am when the tim...

Why no Announcement on Ebays announcement page about website issues, problems, fixes?

Why wount ebay put something up on there annoucement page about technical problems ... both buyers and sellers having lots of problems ... Please EBAY don't keep us in the dark, let us know what is going on, problems worldwide on your website.

Unable to List item from template

When I try to list an item from a template it takes me to the myEbay page instead of the listing page. Check the item in the inventory, click Sell Again, and boom, myebay page, no listing. @Anonymous brian@ebay

User avatar by Rockstar
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Something very wrong. I found a round-about way to get to your selling page.

Ebay seems to be having a major breakdown right now. Others are noting this. In the meantime I found a way to get to your selling page. Prepare to make a new listing of something. Then run a search on an item you know you have already listed. When yo...

New listings not showing up in active listings page

I have listed around 20 items this morning and less than half are actually showing up on my active listings page. Where are the rest of them? They are all GTC items, and Wonder Lister shows they are active but I am not finding them anywhere. This is ...

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