If your eBay app is requiring an update here are the steps to get
updated. We recommended you install any system updates that are
available for your device. iOS - Delete the eBay app from your phone
Open the iOS app store Search for eBay Install eBay...
I’ve been having this issue for several days now. I’m usually fine
posting several new items each day, but then I get this 111 error
usually for several hours, which is quite frustrating. It then does
eventually seem to fix itself. But I’ve had this...
I keep getting sent to a page saying I bought from this seller before
and I cannot see the items I want to buy. For example, I bought some CND
Shellac Gel Polishes from a few sellers, but I cannot browse their merch
at all for I am returned to the pa...
If you have been notified to update your eBay app, here are the steps to
take to get the latest version onto your device. You need to have iOS 14
or higher to get the latest version from the Apple App Store Open the
App Store app on your device Searc...
Good morning Mr. Ebay APP programmer. I have problems using the
application on my new HUAWEI phone, I can't see any products, I can't
log in to my account either, maybe it's because it doesn't have google
services. But with other shopping application...
How to turn off the INCESSANT WATCHED ITEM REMINDERS on iOS app ??????
NOT the item ending soon notifications, they can stay as they’re
actually useful. Just the WATCHED ITEM REMINDERs no viable solution on
the forum. Someone please help !!!!
Recently a buyer contacted me, infuriated that I had put no description
for one of my item he purchased. After exchanging a few message, I found
out that, as a user of the Mobile App, he was not aware that a more
detailed description, the one entered...
As above, everytime I try to log into my eBay app I keep getting the
same message - Something went wrong: 429 I have removed the app and re
installed it but still with no joy. I have cleared cache and again
nothing but I can login via my computer and...
When returning to the same seller to buy the same item again (I buy a
lot of bolts and hardware and have preferred sellers), if I click on the
item it bypasses the item page and shows a historical “you’ve purchased
this item” page. This has happened ...