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I have to pay shipping for returning a broken product that was falsely advertised?

I am currently in the process of returning a laptop I won in a bid. Little did I know that it was going to be the worst purchase I made in 12 years of using eBay. The seller had a near 100% rating after thousands of sales, so I trusted him. I had to ...

User avatar by Pathfinder
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Resolved! Return the item I bought with the global shipping program delivery.

Hello everybody Need advice.I bought the transmisson valvebody with the "global shipping program" (from US to Russia). The valvebody has broken parts and the seller agreed to get it back and gave me return label.The problem is it was an international...

Customizing Invoices

I have a bidder who has won about 75 of my auctions. There will be at least three different packages; two will be sent Media Mail (record albums and books) and the other will be sent priority. Is there a way to customize my invoices to that like item...


New message from: nikpen1313 (6,760)I work as a mail carrier. I've been with the post office for 20 years. Magazines are considered media and can be shipped this way.

Resolved! Global Shipping Program tracking

According to my research, eBay's Glogal Shipping Program ships to Maldives. ( Yet, my product does not ship to Maldives. I have no shipping exclusions set. Anyone have an idea what am ...

Sending Cellphone with Battery According to IATA Regulations?

Hello, Does it matter how I ship cellphone and included lithium battery? I am selling cellphone and ship by myself. Is there certain IATA regulations I must comply with?Should I ship cellphone with lithium battery inside or should I take it out to be...

shipping large and light package via USPS

I have an item in large (50" x 18" x 12") but light (7 lb) box. It seems the cheapest I can get is USPS Parcel Select, which costs about $185 from east coast to west coast. But the rate calculator also shows USPS Priority Mail Large Flat Rate Box ~$1...

Returned package and didn't get refund back even though ebay says I did. (my first ebay return)

I was supposed to get my refund yesterday and my return status is now this: The seller refunded $47.72 to your original payment method in PayPal. PayPal transaction: *************************I do not have any money added to my bank account (Paid for ...

So-Called "free" ebay-branded shipping supplies

Ebay raised the price of having a basic store, and (partially) compensated by saying we get a $25 coupon for shipping supplies every quarter.1. They only gave us one choice of where to buy these supplies (user ID: ebayshippingsupplies).2. This seller...

User avatar by Scout
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selling on ebay first time ship globally

i want to sell an item and i wanted be be safe ,what things i should consider and what should i avoid , i am very honest also this would be my first sell on ebay

User avatar by Adventurer
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Shipping cost for a CD: nearly three million euros!

I know shipping costs have skyrocketed lately, but when someone charges nearly three million euros for shipping a single CD, it makes me baffled. What could be the motivation for such a listing? Are they actually hoping that they can somehow force th...

User avatar by Scout
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When a buyer pays and then wants cancellation, where will funds be taken from?

If a buyer pays for an item and you have already taken the funds out of the Paypal account, then they turn around and requests cancellation, will your PP acct simply be put into negative when they get automatically refunded... or will PP try immediat...

User avatar by Trailblazer
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Error Code: 70226

Hi, I have a problem. When I try to buy something it says, ”we are sorry, but the item you selected may not be purschased due to seller shipping restrictions or due to country specific import/export or other relevant restrictions”. What should I do? ...

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