I have all of my items on One Day Handling. When I sold an item on
Saturday, June 1, 2018 Ebay says I need to ship by June 8th. The
delivery in my own zip code is June 12th. I have called for assistance
several times and Ebay staff keep saying Ebay i...
I had a buyer pay for an item, then I packed it up and printed a
shipping label after which the buyer put in a return request. At this
point one hour had not past since the purchase was made. It seems the
only option through eBay is to have the buyer...
What is the Promotion?Invited sellers (“Sellers”) who activate the offer
and update existing or create listings to allow for free 30-day returns
(seller pays return shipping with no restocking fees) will be eligible
to have eBay pay return shipping c...
A buyer is claiming an item is "defective" because I did not include a
"manual" No where in the description or title of the listing was there
any mention of a manual. I put the listing up and accepted returns(under
condition that buyer pays shipping)...
I was wondering if anyone had a solution for my dilemma. I had a buyer
open a damaged missing parts on a makeup palette and lip gloss that I
mailed out to her USPS first class. USPS marked the items as delivered
on Saturday, but the buyer said that t...
This afternoon, someone purchased one of my items using PayPal then used
Contact Seller to request that I ship to a different address in the same
metro area. Using a burner account here to protect buyer's privacy. I
understand that eBay will protect ...
In Feburary, I sold a $1,099 computer graphics card (MSI GTX 1080TI)
through the global shipping program to a buyer in Russia. Tracking info
shows it was delivered. Buyer claims the box was "empty" and opens a
dispute with eBay. eBay first and then P...
How can we (or do we not yet have the ability to) use the new eBay
feature to set up a distinct international return policy different from
domestic returns when we are using the eBay Business Policies feature
rather than setting the policy with each ...
I sat throught the webinar today, basically welcome to Amazon, should
you choose not to accept 30 day free returns, good luck with your
endeavors with Bonanza, Spotify, who we want to be Amazon,
etc...basically they told people accept it or leave. Wi...
Wondering how this works with international shipments. Do we have to
foot the return shipping for anything outside the USA? The new free
returns thing just started yesterday and there’s nothing in the update
that specifically says anything about it.....
I have a 14 day return, but we all know that does not matter. After 21
days a buyer wanted to return an item, he claimed it was not working. I
sell appliance parts and I own my own allpliance business. The motor he
bought was fully functional and tes...
Ok this is a tough one. We've had a popular listing for a long time. It
lets people build a bundle for different waterbed mattresses and they
can add things like liners, heaters, and mattress pads. All of these
mattresses come in different sized boxe...
Is there any way to track an item small item shipped first class, or
even USPS Priority overseas? For the most part, NO, that option is not
included.But when an item, sent to an address overseas *supposedly*
doesn't show up, Ebay sides with the buyer...
Has anyone else heard of this? I weighed my item put in the measurments
then printed out the label, which measurements don't print on, and I
paid $20 for shipping!USPS then stated I underpaid and charged me
another $18.56! Then they decline all of my...