Dear Sellers, We are currently experiencing a technical data processing
delay that has temporarily impacted the timely processing of some Good
'Til Cancelled (GTC) renewals, affecting the visibility of certain
seller listings and listing count on Act...
From a C/Net article:"Amazon on Monday confirmed that it's significantly
delaying US deliveries of nonessential items, as part of its effort to
get more medical supplies and household staples to its customers during
the coronavirus pandemic. Accordin...
Hi I have a bunch of 2 oz Purell bottles. my mom bought a ton in
February as she is a clean freak and 74 and she just gave me like 20. I
only needed a few. I still see some being sold on eBay. So I’m confused
if we can still sell. and before people r...
I know how to block people from bidding on my items, but how do I block
people from seeing my items at all? There’s someone I’m trying to avoid
for going on 8 months now but she keeps harassing me, starting new
accounts just to send me annoying or we...
This is happening over and over. Item I set up for USPS ground but after
the sell I'm not able to purchase the label. Can't get Ebay to figure it
out. Please someone help me before I have to leave Ebay. Happens almost
everyday. I didn't have this pro...
I sold a video game about two weeks ago. The buyer didn’t pay within 48
hours, so I started to look at their profile to see what their history
was like. While checking things out, I took note of their name and
address. They ended up paying a few hour...
I sold an item that ended up damaged in shipment. The item was insured
but the buyer used another forwarding service to ship the item from the
address I sent to, to I guess their home address overseas. The item was
damaged (I don't think the buyer is...
Hello Fellow Ebay's, This seemed like a nice place to get something off
my chest as I ponder next moves. Seller Protection: What Is That? Due
Process? Doesn't seem to happen. I sell higher end and vintage menswear,
been an Ebay member since 2002 and ...
in my account i can list to 100 but the when i list my prroduct it's
give me this msg what i can do please It looks like there's a problem
with this listing.You have reached your maximum account balance limit.
Your limit is based on transaction histo...
Please don't wag a finger at me. A buyer scammed me, and I accept that.
What I want to know is how to avoid this happening again. A buyer
purchased a knife from me on day one and another on day two. Btw, these
are seperate listings, not quantities of...
eBay let everyone know they would defer payments, I applied, was
approved and even double checked through email that I didn't owe
anything this month. Like many others I have NO INCOME because of the
shutdown of our economy. eBay took the money anywa...
I've gotten a few weird ones that don't get rejected by ebay shipping
labels, but this one is a new front runner. His shipping address is
"$60.00 or best offer". Ha ha.