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Page Views Still Not Fixed as of July 5th 2018

Hello Ebay Community and I hope Ebay Customer Service:


I want to report that starting June 01 and continuing through July 05 2018 Page Views are still "broken"    showing "-" more than 85% of the time.


Could I get a reply/answer/assurance from anyone from Ebay monitoring this channel?


I saw the announcement from corporate on July 3rd  that page views were fixed. And they were for most of that day.  But beginning the next day and continuing today they still arent on either of my iphone mobile devices.


Thank you.

Message 1 of 84
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Re: Page Views Still Not Fixed as of July 5th 2018

While the page views are not visible in my own seller dashboard (and yes, I reverted, don't like the changes) when I click on the specific auctions I CAN see the number of views in the blue summary bar at the top of the auction page. On my dashboard I'm still seeing nil "-" unfortunately.
Message 61 of 84
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Re: Page Views Still Not Fixed as of July 5th 2018

Odd, in seller hub the views have been stable and appear to be correct since 7/7, at least for me.

Member of the Grumpy Old Man crew
Message 62 of 84
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Re: Page Views Still Not Fixed as of July 5th 2018

lucky u then
maybe they are slowly fixing it ?

Message 63 of 84
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Re: Page Views Still Not Fixed as of July 5th 2018

Problem has not been rectified a/o 7/10/18.

I had contacted customer service and was advised that problem would be "fixed" soon.

This was many days ago.

No free good will (keep members happy!) listing promo. or ebay bucks ( keep buyers happy!) promo has been offered 😞


Message 64 of 84
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Re: Page Views Still Not Fixed as of July 5th 2018

yup like i said they dont care and plan to take their time to "fix" the issue. they dont care about sellers so regardless of all the complaints , they dont care:)
dont hold your breath people, things may never get fixed.

Message 65 of 84
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Re: Page Views Still Not Fixed as of July 5th 2018

 take back what i said my views are working in seller hub
GET SELLER HUB if you want too see your views
just google ebay seller hub and itll link u right to it
your welcome

Message 66 of 84
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Re: Page Views Still Not Fixed as of July 5th 2018

nah, nevermind ebay. i CAN see my views now in ur  turrible new seller hub, but views are definitely off and not right. i would say maybe they ARE down. some listings with no views except the few from me. VERY odd. most views i have is for a poular auto part thats been for sale for 8 days and  is 54. another is 50. a few have around 30 each, where some have 0 and others just low as i said. this is low IMO.
ohhhh well...
my sales are usually $100+ every 7-10 days and thats enought to pay some monthly bills, but they are defintely down...
what ever.
also ofcourse the first item i sell is to an EXTREMELY unreasonable jerk of a buyer !! ridiculous. if he leaves a negative i hope i can call and have it removed.
he is saying hes very upset because i didnt ship the item same day, when i dont even offer ame day handling, but rather one day. it was ordered 7/9 10am and shipped 7/10 and is arriving 7/12...told him sorry but i did nothing wrong according to ebay.

Message 67 of 84
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Re: Page Views Still Not Fixed as of July 5th 2018

@vintage_sterling_spoon_rings wrote:

@pburn wrote:

We really needed yet another thread today about this issue. Thanks so much.

It's called the "Squeaky Wheel" approach… And it’s the best way to get the attentions of many of a certain mindset.



That's correct  IMO as well . Tulips 

Message 68 of 84
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Re: Page Views Still Not Fixed as of July 5th 2018

@pburn wrote:

@steelernation2007 wrote:

Here it is.


They don't even go into detail about what exactly the issues were. I hope there were not so many that they can't even describle them all.

Oh, I read that one, but the OP posted:


I saw the announcement from corporate on July 3rd  that page views were fixed.


THAT'S the one I want to read. The one from July 3 that says the page views were fixed. Post a link to THAT announcement, please--not to one that DOESN'T say that.pburn 


I've lost track of the exact  time now but a few weeks back  I had called e bay  about the no views glitch . They switched me around  until they connected me with the right person  who could provide an answer . She told me e bay knew about the problems and were working on them . She gave me a date of July 3rd or possibly  earlier before the issue could be resolved . The next day I began a thread and shared this information. There may not be a message from e bay  directed at all sellers  giving out that same information. Tulips 


Message 69 of 84
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Re: Page Views Still Not Fixed as of July 5th 2018

@fern*wood wrote:

@ripcityresell wrote:
What do you use page view totals for? Or do you just like seeing numbers?

I have that question too.  I've sold a long time but never found them especially helpful.   I feel stupid asking, but what do sellers do with them other than see that something might be getting more interest than something else?   Are sellers using them to decide whether to relist an unsold item or not?

I find the view count helpful myself . The reason is that I make my own jewelry  to sell here . Much of the time my stuff is unusual  because I also invent my own designs . When I list a new design that I've never offered buyers before  the view count helps me to determine how much interest is being generated in that particular item . If potential buyers are clicking for a closer look  then I find it encourging . If no interest  is showing , then I'll put that design on the back burner so to speak . Tulips 

Message 70 of 84
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Re: Page Views Still Not Fixed as of July 5th 2018

@beauty_at_your_tips2013 wrote:

After all these years of offering page views, you would think that making that feature work wouldn't be so difficult.  Do they have a bunch of elementary school kids doing the programming?  I have to wonder.

We have to wait until after recess to ask them.  🙂 Tulips 

Message 71 of 84
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Re: Page Views Still Not Fixed as of July 5th 2018 wrote:

Unusually low views or no views are often a warning signal of a problem with the listing.   Could be a number of issues, but it requires follow up. 

Exactly . When I have an item with very few views  experience tells me its unlikely to sell . Tulips 

Message 72 of 84
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Re: Page Views Still Not Fixed as of July 5th 2018

@dtexley3 wrote:

@paudoh-16 wrote:

My boyfriend says his views are stable but he's in Canada. I wonder if that makes a difference.

I'm in the USA and my views have been stable all day.

I think if everyone had a horse  the country would be more stable . Sorry  had to throw that in . lol   Tulips 

Message 73 of 84
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Re: Page Views Still Not Fixed as of July 5th 2018

@clu3 wrote:

Haha, no kidding!

Remember those odometer looking view counters that were introduced in very early web programming?  (Because programers realized THE IMPORTANCE of knowing how many people are actually LOOKING at a web page)

...I was thinking of putting one in my listing description.  🙂


Can't believe some don't see why a view count is important.  It takes all kinds.

Ditto - tulips

Message 74 of 84
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Re: Page Views Still Not Fixed as of July 5th 2018

@yestergroove wrote:

Mine are still borked.  They were fairly consistent for about 18 hours, but today I'm getting "--" again, or else numbers that make no sense  (ie: an item that had "0" views suddenly showing "225" and then "--" on two subsequent page reloads.


You'd think by now they would have coders who know what they're doing.



 Nope , this is one reason why I think  e bay  should be changing their name  soon to e glitch ,, its only fair to be honest .  Tulips 


Message 75 of 84
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