07-05-2018 09:03 AM
Hello Ebay Community and I hope Ebay Customer Service:
I want to report that starting June 01 and continuing through July 05 2018 Page Views are still "broken" showing "-" more than 85% of the time.
Could I get a reply/answer/assurance from anyone from Ebay monitoring this channel?
I saw the announcement from corporate on July 3rd that page views were fixed. And they were for most of that day. But beginning the next day and continuing today they still arent on either of my iphone mobile devices.
Thank you.
07-05-2018 09:13 AM
@2coolzr2 wrote:Hello Ebay Community and I hope Ebay Customer Service:
I want to report that starting June 01 and continuing through July 05 2018 Page Views are still "broken" showing "-" more than 85% of the time.
Could I get a reply/answer/assurance from anyone from Ebay monitoring this channel?
I saw the announcement from corporate on July 3rd that page views were fixed. And they were for most of that day. But beginning the next day and continuing today they still arent on either of my iphone mobile devices.
Thank you.
Mine are still showing dashes and thought they would have been fixed by now.
07-05-2018 09:17 AM
Hi, 2Cool. No, not fixed. I just now received an eBay ended item email on one of mine that didn't sell and it shows 0 views with 1 watcher. Plus the body of the email has all gobblely **bleep** computer nonsense in the body of the notice. A few days ago before it ended, it had up to 54 views. No, not fixed and lots of threads about this. If you keep hitting refresh you will get different numbers each time.
07-05-2018 09:28 AM
@2coolzr2 wrote:Hello Ebay Community and I hope Ebay Customer Service:
I want to report that starting June 01 and continuing through July 05 2018 Page Views are still "broken" showing "-" more than 85% of the time.
Could I get a reply/answer/assurance from anyone from Ebay monitoring this channel?
I saw the announcement from corporate on July 3rd that page views were fixed. And they were for most of that day. But beginning the next day and continuing today they still arent on either of my iphone mobile devices.
Thank you.
You already posted in a thread about the view counter posted by keziak about an hour ago. We really needed yet another thread today about this issue. Thanks so much.
Please provide a link to the announcement from corporate that the page views were fixed. I must have missed it, and I would dearly like to read it.
07-05-2018 10:17 AM
07-05-2018 10:37 AM
Here it is. https://community.ebay.com/t5/Announcements/We-re-Sorry-for-Recent-Technical-Issues-That-May-Have-Im...
They don't even go into detail about what exactly the issues were. I hope there were not so many that they can't even describle them all.
07-05-2018 11:05 AM
@steelernation2007 wrote:Here it is. https://community.ebay.com/t5/Announcements/We-re-Sorry-for-Recent-Technical-Issues-That-May-Have-Im...
They don't even go into detail about what exactly the issues were. I hope there were not so many that they can't even describle them all.
Oh, I read that one, but the OP posted:
THAT'S the one I want to read. The one from July 3 that says the page views were fixed. Post a link to THAT announcement, please--not to one that DOESN'T say that.
07-05-2018 11:12 AM
@abfabvintage wrote:
Hi, 2Cool. No, not fixed. I just now received an eBay ended item email on one of mine that didn't sell and it shows 0 views with 1 watcher. Plus the body of the email has all gobblely **bleep** computer nonsense in the body of the notice. A few days ago before it ended, it had up to 54 views. No, not fixed and lots of threads about this. If you keep hitting refresh you will get different numbers each time.
Interesting, not to discredit what you're seeing, but I'm not seeing this behavior in my browser (rarely use mobile devices to access my own listings). I've been crusing back and forth between pages, refreshing, etc and the numbers are stable for me.
I have seen items with 0 views and >0 watchers, but that's the "new normal" as people can activate a search option that allows them to add an item to their watch list without having to view the listing.
07-05-2018 11:37 AM
07-05-2018 11:46 AM
@ripcityresell wrote:
What do you use page view totals for? Or do you just like seeing numbers?
I have that question too. I've sold a long time but never found them especially helpful. I feel stupid asking, but what do sellers do with them other than see that something might be getting more interest than something else? Are sellers using them to decide whether to relist an unsold item or not?
07-05-2018 11:51 AM
@fern*wood wrote:
@ripcityresell wrote:
What do you use page view totals for? Or do you just like seeing numbers?I have that question too. I've sold a long time but never found them especially helpful. I feel stupid asking, but what do sellers do with them other than see that something might be getting more interest than something else? Are sellers using them to decide whether to relist an unsold item or not?
Speaking for myself, yes. For example if I have a book in my store that strikes me as less than a good bet to sell (might be esoteric) and I'm getting very few hits, I may not relist it.
07-05-2018 12:01 PM
Page views help as selller better understand to public interest towards the item listed.If I have 3 views in the matter on a month compared to 83 on a listing,I know to either relist at a lower price or simply list something in it's place that might have more interest.To not have them working for as long as the glitch has been there (2 years and counting and now at it's steriod beef-cake peak) is simply a service said to be provided but not rendered.I say beat the dead horse until somebody does something about it!
07-05-2018 12:06 PM
Co-sign, not fixed.
07-05-2018 12:24 PM
I don't use my phone. Laptop. End of auction notice says no views but 1 watcher. It had up to 54 views a few days ago. Now I just went into my Unsolds for the blazer in question that didn't sell. It NOW shows 64 views. Someone tell me what is what. I use chrome and all cookie files have been cleared out.
And what I have not mentioned: I relisted a cancellation once all the monies were refunded, etc. Listed as new listing. That was June 9. NO views, not even my counter that I put on all of my listings up until this morning. From June 9 til this morning. NOW it says 11 views. Something just ain't right. Yes, I do rely on the views and watchers even tho knowing it could be Board members, competitors checking prices, etc. and me looking at it. And I have gone in and changed a price when I have a lot of views. Just doesn't make sense. It is all over the place.
07-05-2018 12:32 PM
@abfabvintage wrote:
I don't use my phone. Laptop. End of auction notice says no views but 1 watcher. It had up to 54 views a few days ago. Now I just went into my Unsolds for the blazer in question that didn't sell. It NOW shows 64 views. Someone tell me what is what. I use chrome and all cookie files have been cleared out.
And what I have not mentioned: I relisted a cancellation once all the monies were refunded, etc. Listed as new listing. That was June 9. NO views, not even my counter that I put on all of my listings up until this morning. From June 9 til this morning. NOW it says 11 views. Something just ain't right. Yes, I do rely on the views and watchers even tho knowing it could be Board members, competitors checking prices, etc. and me looking at it. And I have gone in and changed a price when I have a lot of views. Just doesn't make sense. It is all over the place.
Okay, I'm still trying to understand this outrage. Since I see you have a store, I'm guessing you have at least a couple hundred listings, so how do you even remember the number of views from day to day? I can't figure out how to use them to help me much, so I must be missing something important here.