03-19-2019 11:45 PM
Since eBay has spent so much time trying to convince their sellers that this new GTC listing move will be good for them --- why don't you put your money where your mouth is and make some changes to store subscriptions to adjust for these new changes??
I just renewed my 1 year subscription for a Premium store (which i have PAID for for years & years) , that gives me 500 Auction listings & 1000 Fixed-Price listings! I am now locked into (unless I want to pay penalties) 11 more months of paying for thousands of listings that I will have NO OPPORTUNITY to use! OF COURSE, I was NEVER notified that the rules would soon be changing, or I might have downsized my subscription!
I am a single user, don't have, can't afford a staff! On average I run about 500 listings in my store, don't have the time or energy for more. I will use the 500 auction listing to list new merchandise and highlight other listings, but what am I to do with the 1000 FP listings?? If I listed EVERYTHING at fixed-price, & nothing at AUCTION, I would be TOTALLY unable to use the other 1000 listings!! So, I am stuck paying for something that I CAN NOT USE! How is that BENEFITING ME??
Will you offer me a refund for these UNUSED LISTINGS? Of course NOT! Will you be MORE FAIR and ADJUST the amount of AUCTION LISTING AVAILABLE? Probably not!
But yet you tell me that this CHANGE will be to my BENEFIT! HOW?? Seems to me all of the benefits are on eBay's side AS USUAL!
03-19-2019 11:59 PM
I'm confused. If you're only using 500 listings, why are you paying for a Premium store? Wouldn't it make much more sense to have two Basic stores? It would cost much less and it would give you the number of listings you're actually using.
03-20-2019 01:58 AM
03-20-2019 01:59 AM
03-20-2019 05:15 AM
I read somewhere yesterday they're letting people out of their store contracts because of the GTC uproar. Anyone know for sure?
03-20-2019 06:09 AM
@the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth wrote:I read somewhere yesterday they're letting people out of their store contracts because of the GTC uproar. Anyone know for sure?
I haven't seen anything about that & it may have been posted on 1 of the 100's of threads about GTC from yesterday.
As far as OP don't blame her as when the seller update board was open and they had that one large post going with Brian Burke and others responding as well as in other posts many sellers with Anchor & Premium stores asked about downgrading or cancelling without penalty because they renewed before this change
Many used 7 day fixed price & can't possible utilize all those listings now.
When we all signed up for stores we didn't have this restriction , we had restrictions on our allotments & categories but not on duration
ebay should let sellers cancel or downgrade it would be the RIGHT thing for them to do
03-20-2019 06:16 AM
Yes, there was a post about someone getting call in CS to agree to let them out of the contract........have no idea where......or if there was follow thru.......
03-20-2019 06:27 AM
@vintageista wrote:OF COURSE, I was NEVER notified that the rules would soon be changing, or I might have downsized my subscription!
I'd be careful making that claim since I noticed an ebay rep posting to another seller's post yesterday by giving them the date they received the email about the new early seller update back in February. They even knew the email had been opened to read. You might check your messages around the 26th of February to see if you got yours.
03-20-2019 06:29 AM
Kinda confused about your message, but feel your dissatisfaction with ebay. Many others feel the same and are looking at ending their time on ebay as sellers. I've only been doing this since about 2015 as a small seller downsizing 50+ year collections and a packed home. I took a basic store subscription so I could list more, and now it seems with this new money grab of GTC auto-renewals, it is not worth the hassle and potentially the added fees. I have until July 1 on my my store subscription, sure hate to pay ebay one cent of penalty, so will probably keep it until that time and then cancel it. I just donated probably 1/3 of my collections to a local Humane Society thrift shop. I'd rather lose all that money for a good cause than give ebay more in their money grab from sellers. ebay needs to remember, happy sellers will mean more happy buyers and more profits for ebay. Driving sellers away with greedy, desperate money grabs is a bad business model.
03-20-2019 06:30 AM
@the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth wrote:I read somewhere yesterday they're letting people out of their store contracts because of the GTC uproar. Anyone know for sure?
I read a post, too, about this (letting sellers out of their store contracts). Here is the link to that thread.
03-20-2019 06:42 AM
Thank you for the link!
03-20-2019 06:45 AM
That might have been premature.
There have only been....oh, about 100 posts on multiple boards explaining how to virtually avoid any surprise GTC fees altogether.
All you have to do is post toward the middle of the month and it’ll be two years before you roll into your first double list month.
03-20-2019 07:01 AM
03-20-2019 07:54 AM
03-20-2019 10:14 AM