09-08-2022 07:02 PM
It seems the option to revert back to the original listing tool is gone! I absolutely hate this new listing tool I cannot use it. I have sent so many messages and feedback trying to get them to fix all the problems. This is just awful, I don't know why they do this. Everything is taking me so long.
Solved! Go to Best Answer
09-09-2022 10:08 PM
Lol... I was wondering when you would get hit with it Zamo! eBay won't be happy until they slow the listing prices down for 100% of it's sellers lol.
09-10-2022 04:54 AM
I usually draft my listings on my laptop, save them and then add my photos and post them from the mobile app. Occasionally when I’m adding photos I find I need to add or adjust my description which I then go back and do on my laptop.
When I did that yesterday the description disappeared any time I tried to enter it on the laptop. It would be there and then once I clicked submit listing the entire thing would disappear. Worked fine on the mobile app though (I'm just too old to be typing out listings on my phone). Caused me to have to cancel a buyers sale yesterday since they didn’t actually look past the first picture to see the item wasn’t perfect.
I will never understand why the answer to lower sales is making some arbitrary change that only makes things more difficult for buyers and sellers. I wonder often what the hell some of these execs are thinking.
09-10-2022 06:11 AM
They are making selling here worse, on purpose, to have low value, low dollar item sellers decide to self-remove themselves off the ebay platform.
Easiest way to have done that is to remove free listings.........
09-10-2022 08:40 AM
My biggest frustration with the new listing format is the inability to crop photos after uploading them to the listing. I can rotate photos, lighten or darken them, remove background, but no way to crop that I can find. Is there something I'm missing here?
09-10-2022 12:33 PM
no, you can still scan in the barcode. It is just further down the page..
09-10-2022 12:38 PM
I have noticed that my Custom Label Sku is not sticking to my Templates. It keeps disappearing. I did contact Ebay about that and they said they would send it over to the Tech department...
09-10-2022 12:42 PM
@super_sunny_sales wrote:I have noticed that my Custom Label Sku is not sticking to my Templates. It keeps disappearing. I did contact Ebay about that and they said they would send it over to the Tech department...
I keep losing my custom measurements IS in my templates - every time you (collectively) input a title, the entire thing just dumps whatever you had before and replaces the IS's - OK, I get why that happens and it often works pretty well, but they haven't figured out how to do that and NOT dump everything. With the classic form it wasn't a problem, so I'm not sure why they couldn't replicate on this one, particularly since we have to tap our toes and watch the screen jump around while it's grinding through the IS replacement.
09-10-2022 01:31 PM
It used to be so quick and easy to list an item. I don't want to spend time looking at my old drafts and a lot of other things that are a waste of time. I would think that the goal of a new system should be to simplify it, not make it more complicated.
09-10-2022 02:38 PM
Yeah I don't like how the selected item specifics are hidden with a (+)6 sign or whatever. When using sell similar it's hard to be able to see what's selected and what's not. But at least most of the major problems I saw months ago have been fixed.
09-10-2022 02:45 PM
Okay, after a few days of using here's my new opinion -- not nearly as bad as I thought. A few months ago it was destroying HTML and also forcing the use of product catalog and I couldn't find a way to opt out, they seemed to have fixed that. I also like how when you opt out of the catalog it doesn't erase all your item specifics and make you start over, I have been complaining about that for years.
But it does seem a little slow, I don't know why they moved UPC from top to bottom and I keep forgetting to change that when using sell similar. I also don't like how the selected item specifics are hidden from view, this is confusing. I also don't like the 3-step process of being able to see the HTML. And the system for entering MPN is really clunky.
But overall I think it's just a matter of getting a rhythm down and learning the new system. I think I can hack it.
09-11-2022 03:09 PM
I am in your club. Listing tool became very time consuming and I am finding myself staring at each section for a long time . The fitment guide is glitching. The layout is not eye catching and easy to navigate like it was before. I wish I could opt out.
09-11-2022 06:12 PM
Keep using it as long as you can!
The last big listing change they made, it took them months to incorporate everyone into the new tool. You might get lucky and be one of the last!
Whatever you do, don't click the button inviting you to try it out..you might get stuck with it.
They switched me over a few days ago and I can't get back. I called and they said they cannot
change it back.
Good luck!
09-11-2022 06:25 PM
They auto switched me around the 8th or 9th...no warning. All my drafts fall under the new tool now.
You noted some good changes. Thanks! I have yet to come across anything I really like.
Things I've Noted in the past 4 days:
When editing photos, the image does not seem as sharp, the tools are not as user friendly and it takes forever
to switch and load the next photo to edit. Time consuming! Slow.
In the description box, if you want the extra options; font, size, color options, you have to open the option link, above like before, but there is an extra step, so it takes longer. Inside there are very few ink colors...all dull...
and no 36 font option. Takes longer for me to write out my dialogue in a balanced format.
If you use Templates or Sell Similar Option, I noted that when entering categories, such as Brand or Color, you have to double check you clicked save if you made a change to what was previously in the category. I've noted that it seems to revert back and not show the change I entered. It happened several times to me. Not sure what I did yet??? Still working out the kinks.
Have not gotten used to it, but am dealing with it.
It is what it is. Just like all the other changes they auto force on us.
At least it didn't happen after Halloween before the Thanksgiving and Christmas rush. They did that once and it was a mess!
Good luck everyone!
09-11-2022 06:30 PM
It has a crop tool...it is the 2 sets of line...looks kind of like a square. Play around with the buttons and you'll find it. I think its next to the 'brighten' button.
For some reason, the quality of my photos looks diminished though and it takes a long time to move from photo to photo, on my computer. Was fast 5 days ago, so I attribute it to the new tools.
09-12-2022 09:58 AM
I am having the same problem! It looks like EVERY listing I've started since August 23rd has a blank item description. Any solutions yet?