01-20-2020 03:04 PM
01-22-2020 03:34 AM
@savwillsell09, @the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth ,
Many ebay sellers use Amazon's Fulfilled By Amazon (FBA) to pack and ship items stored with them, and ebay does allow it. Often the sellers also sell on that site as well. Items usually arrive in Amazon's boxes which all have the smile and Prime on them, so that is no indication of a seller abusing their Prime privileges. The only indication of a Prime account being used/abused is a gift receipt.
Many dropship sellers give their home location, because the product source may have multiple warehouses or fulfillment centers. Depending on the source if an item arrives damaged, DOA, or the wrong item is received, it has to be returned to the seller who then deals with the source.
01-22-2020 09:08 AM
@savwillsell09 wrote:because the item i ordered here,came from amazon
Is it the item you ordered?
If you got what you ordered on time what is it you are upset about again?
01-22-2020 09:15 AM
@savwillsell09 @atikovi "This is about as silly as neging someone because the box it came in is torn. If you got what was described, thank them and move on"
I 2nd this statement. Stop with going out of your way to make someone's life a little tougher for a reason that had abolutely nothing to do with the business transaction that occurred. You bought, you got, on time, you like- move on.
01-22-2020 12:13 PM
01-22-2020 02:22 PM - edited 01-22-2020 02:24 PM
going to report this to the proper authority's...😂🤣😭😂
01-22-2020 02:30 PM
@savwillsell09 wrote:going to report this to the proper authority's...😂🤣😭😂
Yep, they're gonna halt the impeachment hearings just to investigate this for you.
01-22-2020 02:30 PM
What that you bought an item and received what you bought? Get over yourself
01-22-2020 03:17 PM
LOL, yes, much ado about nothing.
01-22-2020 09:40 PM
maybe they're out of stock and fearful of a neg, they fulfilled your purchase by buying from amazon, at a lost, just to make you happy???
01-24-2020 08:26 AM
Making a post like this on your seller ID.............
01-24-2020 11:37 AM
01-24-2020 02:10 PM
Many sellers have their products advertised on multiple venues. I don't see the point of leaving a negative if the item you received was what you ordered.
01-25-2020 07:23 AM
01-25-2020 07:38 AM
Is it really that difficult to let the buyer know of the items location. I once bought a item from a New Jersey seller a few weeks later I received it mailed from Iraq rapped in a grocery bag thought it was a bomb!
01-25-2020 05:46 PM
This wasn't about the shipping location. This was a US purchase and received from a domestic location. It was about the venue as the buyer's purchase was shipped from Amazon warehouse. But I do get what you are saying since I try to purchase items that are being advertised from a US location and are actually coming from China or some other country. Sometimes the lengthy delivery estimate is the only way unless you check each sellers profile to determine their location.