There are a few people who cannot access the sold auctions. It's quite
simple. After you click on sold items you get a list. When you click on
the item, you may end up at a "similar" item. There is a box saying The
listing you’re looking for is no lo...
I have never sold anything on this ID. It's for buying only. I just left
feedback on my purchases and decided to look at my feedback received. I
have 10 5 star ratings on my seller profile. What an odd glitch. I
haven't had to return anything in a ye...
@this*old*attic wrote:Did you formally report the buyer? I had a buyer
file a bogus INAD awhile back, and packaged the return so poorly she
damaged the item. The “Report Buyer” link allowed me to upload pics.
Then I called EBay, and CS was able to lo...
No what I went is a list like sellers have so I don't have to deal with
sellers I don't want to buy from. Like a star beside the item so I don't
waste time. I don't want to buy from thieves. There are plenty of honest
sellers here that would prefer t...