My question is when as a seller I offer coupon and buyer uses coupon and
saves on amount of coupon. Do I still pay for the full price in fees of
sold item. As as seller am I eating the coupon and the fees of full
price of sale item. Does it matter if...
Yes I was charging twice the pcgs price for a coin I believe was way
undervalued and consistently sells at the the price I charge for it. I
could understand they wanted a coin at the pcgs value. But sending a
message like they did was disturbing. Lik...
Problem has been fixed for me. Just starting to get usps refunds from
those muscle memory clicks. Hope everyone else has been fixed. Will post
a screenshot next time it happens.
This has happened twice to me in last month. Still going on today. I
ship a lot. So now have about 20 voided labels waiting for refund. USPS
takes their sweet time refunding them. It should always have default
selected for shipping. Often the new shi...