10-23-2020 07:54 PM
I've been getting conflicting answers from eBay support, so figured I'd post here.
All my listings include free shipping, and on all those listings my one and only shipping option is USPS First Class mail. These are small items, weighing just a few ounces, and easily within the size and weight requirements for First Class.
Up until about a week ago, when I went to ship an item it would always default to the "Buyer Selected" shipping method - and, since I only offer the one option, this was always First Class mail.
Starting about a week ago every item is now defaulting to Priority Mail. The option to ship First Class is still there, and even still says "Buyer Selected", but for some reason what use to be the default is now an extra click. As many of you are aware, when you're shipping MANY items on a daily basis, extra clicks and incorrect defaults are a recipe for mistakes.
A couple of eBay representatives either didn't know what I was talking about, or just seemed to think this was a setting that I needed to change - though when pressed for which setting they couldn't say. One rep, more concerningly, said this was working "as designed" and said (emphasis mine):
"...since the new update, this has been changed. This page is now working as designed, it automatically shows the very first shipping service on the list because there's a possibility that both of you and the buyer agreed to use another shipping service, let us say, faster ones like priority, and this decision or changes happened after the buyer paid. Another reason is, in the event that you set up first class package on the listing and for example you missed to set the correct measurements on it, which is not eligible for the first class package measurements as well. On the other hand though, we did make sure that we did not remove the logo "Buyer Selected" on a specific shipping service that both of you and the buyer agreed so that you are still aware that we do know what have you being agreed into."
This seems believable (given eBay history of disregarding the seller's experience). If true it appears that there is nothing I can do. I'm just puzzled that the reps have been inconsistent with me, and that I see no reference to this on these forums.
Is anyone else seeing this?
10-23-2020 08:14 PM
10-23-2020 08:16 PM
10-23-2020 08:19 PM
I ran into this with my last 3 shipments. It startled me because I'm expecting a price of around $3.00 and it's coming up as $8.50. It took me a moment to realize my usps 1st class was not checked, but priority mail. I figured ebay made some closed door deal with the post office so they could both make more money. So, I'm careful now to manually check the proper mail option.
10-24-2020 07:55 AM - edited 10-24-2020 07:57 AM
I thought I was going crazy - but I am not the only one with this issue. Typical eBay...they don't know what is going on themselves. I had to void multiple labels already (and dozens of them were shipped already) since I am so used to just clicking quickly through the label printing page. I am out hundreds of dollars in shipping fees from labels that were printed for priority mail.
10-24-2020 08:40 AM
I noticed it, too, and it's just wrong. Shipping methods that I did not include in my listing should not be prioritized above the one method that I'm offering. I'm sure that many sellers are now accidentally shipping by a more expensive method, and losing money, because of eBay's manipulation.
10-24-2020 12:15 PM
I'm shocked you see no reference to this on the forums since I've seen numerous posts about it and it was asked about at last week's weekly chat. I've heard no official answer from the reps yet, but my guess, it is working as intended.
10-24-2020 01:30 PM
"...since the new update, this has been changed. This page is now working as designed, it automatically shows the very first shipping service on the list because there's a possibility that both of you and the buyer agreed to use another shipping service, let us say, faster ones like priority, and this decision or changes happened after the buyer paid. Another reason is, in the event that you set up first class package on the listing and for example you missed to set the correct measurements on it, which is not eligible for the first class package measurements as well. On the other hand though, we did make sure that we did not remove the logo "Buyer Selected" on a specific shipping service that both of you and the buyer agreed so that you are still aware that we do know what have you being agreed into."
So for the far out, once in a blue moon chance that some seller and buyer agreed to a service switch after payment the entire process gets muddled for everyone? That's just crazy disrespect for sellers. It's as if the seller's time and effort mean nothing.
10-24-2020 04:51 PM
Vote early and vote often - at the bottom of the shipping label is a star rating and place to leave a message.
10-24-2020 08:54 PM
@threshold.sales.group wrote:
So for the far out, once in a blue moon chance that some seller and buyer agreed to a service switch after payment the entire process gets muddled for everyone? That's just crazy disrespect for sellers. It's as if the seller's time and effort mean nothing.
I cannot help but feel that this is a deceitful way of getting sellers to foot the bill to give eBay faster shipping times to better compete with Amazon during the holiday season.
Considering the rate charges for Priority are greater than the sales price for my average transaction, I think I'll be passing on this "feature" 🤣
10-26-2020 11:32 AM
I have the same problem. I have to void a few shipping label. it is painful. It doesn't make sense.
10-26-2020 11:49 AM
This has happened twice to me in last month. Still going on today. I ship a lot. So now have about 20 voided labels waiting for refund. USPS takes their sweet time refunding them. It should always have default selected for shipping. Often the new shipping they try to pick costs more then the item sold. 30+ dollars for a 9 dollar sale. Been doing it so long I am auto pilot. The muscle memory is permanent. No mistakes on my end other then accidently clicking purchase. Which I guess is my mistake.
10-26-2020 12:59 PM - edited 10-26-2020 01:00 PM
@timetravelerscoinexchange AND anyone else that is still having this issue TODAY please add screenshots to this thread. I have talked to community staff and this not so good test was ended. They would like some screen shots to share with the shipping label team to show that some sellers are still affected.
I know that my labels are normal again so there is hope.
11-02-2020 11:59 AM
Problem has been fixed for me. Just starting to get usps refunds from those muscle memory clicks. Hope everyone else has been fixed. Will post a screenshot next time it happens.
08-31-2021 03:09 PM
Yes. About mid-August 2021 eBay started defaulting to USPS Priority Mail instead of USPS First Class mail. Didn't see it at first. Voided mail label & now waiting for USPS to refund payment. Searched community & see many similar questions but NO answers.