We're selling several books by particular authors. jThe listings are
with variations for each title. We're trying to set up shipping as a
flat $4.75, no matter how many books the buyer purchases. How do we do
this? I'm sure this can be done. Just nee...
I was curious if anyone else has had problems receiving a refund for a
voided shipping label. What are the next steps if a refund hasn't come
after several days? Thank you.
I have accepted an offer from a Buyer who is now asking if I can ship
the item to Hong Kong. I have never done international shipping. My list
was listed for shipment in the U.S. I do not know how to proceed with
this request - how to change the ship...
I have a question about refunds and how do they affect the destiny of
the item not yet received from the IL Hub..If the est delivery date
comes and passes without me receiving the item (shipped from the Hub),
and I apply for and get a refund from Eba...
I've recently had a problem that after I print my labels ( I use Seller
Hub) from "Items ready to ship", that after I print my label, the item
is still showing. This happened twice on an item where I sent a combined
invoice and had to do two labels, ...
Hello, me and a seller are in a bit of a pickle. (Both in EU)I buy,
seller ships using a Carrier that is does not operate in my country
(MyHermes), so as usual a local Courier service handles their packages.
Thing is, it is absolutely impossible to i...
I have a buyer in Canada who wants to purchase an item, but I hate doing
customs forms and paying for international shipping costs. How do I tell
if I'm eligible for the eBay International Shipping program where I send
it to the domestic hub and they...
I've been using ESE for the last 2-3 months to send out trading cards.
I've packed the shipments the exact same way and haven't had any
issues...until my most recent batch of cards which were all sent back
"Returned for Postage". We there any recent ...
Heads up to anybody using Pirate Ship labels today: "Ebay's API began
returning errors today around midnight UTC. Because of this issue,
Pirate Ship is unable to automatically mark orders as Shipped in Ebay
and attach the tracking number for any orde...
Hello,i bought an item from a seller in Toronto. I paid via Credit Card,
the seller sent the item with ebay GSP. The item should have arrived in
Germany on August 25th.The item arrived at Glendale Heights, Illinois on
August, 15th. That's it. I' m in...
Hi folks ... I'm trying to decide whether or not to purchase a CPU (FX
AMD 6100 processor) sold from a seller in China... although the seller
says they do not accept returns I'm aware of ebay's money back guarantee
policy should the processor turn ou...
Hello! I am a relatively new eBay seller, and I have a buyer who offered
me 60$ above the starting bid price for an iPhonr 11. Also I tried to
counteroffer a little less because I didn’t think they understood the
description and I told them why but t...