I have been trying to get my money back for a week. All I get are
generic emails from eBay telling me to return the two items when I have
sent multiple request for refund and pictures of receipt from post
office with tracking number showing delivery ...
hey there! I have a little problem. I get an error when i try to add a
tracking number to my item. I’ve shipped it via Hrvatska Pošta (Croatian
postal service) thank you in forward! Luka
This is why you need to hire better tech professionals. A buyer
purchases 2 items separately from me and both shipped together within
one package ..with one tracking number... uploaded on view records page
1st(which has both purchased items and just ...
Looking for some advice here as this is the first time I’ve encountered
this on eBay. I purchased a fly fishing rod from a seller and upon
examining it the evening I received it noticed that there was a
significant scratch on the rod which was neithe...
Dear all, I have a question regarding a purchase I made.I bought an item
in the USA of 99 dollars. Shipping of 30 dollars to the Netherlands and
then about 30 importfees resulted in 165$ in total. From my Dutch
creditcard account, about 151 euros has...
I have never had this happen. Buyer purchased an item, left positive
feedback and then....... A week later the buyer opens a return with a
message that she would like to return because she accidently purchased
the wrong size. Return was auto approved...
i am corporate business holder and selling my own brand only, having
multiple warehouses in US and 18 retail stores and supplying to almost
10,000 stores in US and new label system is full of flaws do not allow
you to ship the item from nearest wareh...
I am a seller here. Over the years I have been selling, I have never
encounter this problem before. Maybe someone can help out. But for the
past month now, I get a few "item not described" returns. So therefore I
am obligated to send them a return la...
I am so confused about Fed Ex charges on Ebay. How many of you offer Fed
Ex Smart Post, Fed Ex Home Delivery, etc.? If you do are seeing a
discount reflected when your buyer opts for Fed ex when you as the
seller buy and print the label?I always see ...
I’ve recently relocated to Hong Kong and have added/changed my primary
postal address. However it says no sellers from China or Hong Kong are
able to post to this address?
If package sent to buyer says awaiting delivery scan (PayPal tracking
also has this as an "alert"). Assume package was delivered and not
scanned and hope buyer doesn't later realize they can claim they did not
receive it. This buyer has no current fe...
I had to cancel an item because it charged only $7 for international
package, the real cost was $16. Nobody can explain what happened and I
am worried all my international is messed up... anyone else with this
Has this happened to anyone? So I bought an SD card that turned out to
be fake.I requested a return from the seller. Ha agreed but sent me a
shipping label that doesn't match his return address. Is he trying to
scam me? Pretty sure if I use his shipp...