01-18-2025 10:06 AM
I does use USPS for little packages Ain't got no other choice. I quit using them years ago when they added $4 extra on anything > 22" I buy stuff on here, last 2 large packages took > 15 days one now shipped 1-6 and now 500 miles wrong direction and they is saying "weather delay" in Atlanta where its 50s and sunny
guess clear weather hinders they job Only think I can think of, is its so much easier to drop off at post office vs using 100x better UPS or FEDEX
01-18-2025 01:07 PM
You have to check the cost. UPS and Fedex are often cheaper with large or heave packages. The problem is they have started back billing says you under paid. Fedex is the worst and have billed over a thousand dollars in some cases. Some sellers are worried about that and went back to USPS. They also pick up ground advantage packages for no extra cost.
01-18-2025 05:08 PM
@roccotacodad54 wrote:I have to agree with tobaccocardyahoo on Fedx. I live in a rural area and by the marks left it seemed as if it was just shoved off the truck and drug it to the side of my gravel driveway not even near the house. Maybe the driver was mad for having to drive all the way out here? I was lucky that the box was only damaged, it could have easily been much worse with such rough handling.
Since then I avoid Fedx deliveries if at all possible.
Yup. I've never had anything damaged by Fedex, but it is absolutely astounding how dirty the packages they deliver are. It's like every Fedex facility has a mud puddle they drag your package through before loading it on the truck. They also don't seem to put stuff in a plastic bag in the rain anymore, which would be fine if they could be bothered to put my packages in the box I have on my porch for packages..
01-18-2025 05:50 PM
Did not read through the thread. Someone may have mentioned this already...
I am comparing pricing for nearly every order, eBay vs PirateShip. Seems to get more critical every month lately to shop pricing.
01-19-2025 04:48 AM
yes I have had FEDEX/EBAY over bill me and I quit using FEDEX EBAY falsely advertised WRONG shipping prices like the crooks they is and I got a huge $13 charge package was PERFECTLY measured and weighed EBAY advertises incorrect prices I use only UPS or UPS Smartpost for large stuff no alternative but use USPS small light stuff
01-19-2025 04:52 AM
This is what I figured people in rural areas are SOL if they ship on here I live 1-2 miles from a UPS store and a FEDEX/KINKO or whatever they is now USPS awful here REgular driver scans what he pick up other just grab and go sometimes be 4 days before a scan
01-19-2025 04:54 AM
I have not seen a cheaper price on any package > 22" at USPS in 5 years or so ALWAYS 100% cheaper some version of UPS or FEDEX FEEBAY calculates it for you perfectly I will say that good thing about them
01-19-2025 07:44 AM
So I just punched up a hypothetical box, 30X14X5, 6 lbs. The quotes are from Pirate Ship, zone 1, the zone 8, and the cheapest options of both USPS and UPS.
Zone 1 USPS Ground Advantage $14.22 UPS 3 Day Select $14.59
Zone 8 USPS Ground Advantage $31.27 UPS Ground $32.84
So the winner is USPS by a small margin. I do not use UPS and have heard about lots of extra charges after the fact. I have had zero issues with extra charges after the fact from USPS.
01-19-2025 10:40 AM
Abd with USPS you round dimensions to the nearest inch, instead of always rounding up for UPS and FedEx. Can make a big difference!
01-19-2025 10:43 AM
@rosemary6525 wrote:I have not seen a cheaper price on any package > 22" at USPS in 5 years or so ALWAYS 100% cheaper some version of UPS or FEDEX FEEBAY calculates it for you perfectly I will say that good thing about them
I'm going to have to disagree with this.
USPS can be cheaper over 22".
There is more factors that determine price such as location and weight.
This is why i use generic services and use the one cheaper per order once all the variables are accounted for.
01-19-2025 10:45 AM
Yes, USPS can be. Unlike some of the other posters here im not throwing around the word 'always' there is more to it than simply length.
01-19-2025 10:47 AM
UPS you round down anything less than .5 and round up anything that's .5+.
Ebay tells you what to do wrongly perhaps, this is on UPS website.
01-22-2025 04:19 AM
The USPS sucks!! I have to file 1 or more missing mail piece claims per week an I'm just one person. Imagine how much they lose every day. The tracking sucks! The service sucks! Ebay should remove them as a shipping option. Then maybe they'll get their act together and stop loosing peoples packages when you hit them where it hurts. I have rarely had this issue with FedEx or UPS.
01-22-2025 06:14 AM
Have to disagree. I have been on Ebay since 1999, and on another platforn since 2013, and in this time I have only lost 3 items. Out of 1000s of packages shipped.
01-22-2025 10:47 AM
I've had many somewhat large packages that I intend to ship FedEx/UPS. But show up cheaper on USPS when calculating.
It's not normal, but it does happen.
As for weather delays where there's no bad weather? DUH.... If 100,000 shipments get stacked up in Memphis during an ice storm, that's an extra 100,000 packages added to the next day's packages. That excess is going to choke and clog up the whole system.
01-22-2025 12:17 PM - edited 01-22-2025 12:25 PM
Most anything above 4lbs or over 12" x 12" x 12" is FedEx or UPS for me.
I might get a 15x15x15 box going one state over that it isn't worth the hassle to drive there and sometimes super rural address' put FedEx more expensive.
Heavy and big is never USPS. They don't want to do it.