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Thank you and good luck to Trinton!

I wanted to share with you all that Trinton will be moving to a new role within eBay as of Thursday July 30th.

While we’re incredibly sad that he’s leaving our team, we’re so excited for the new opportunities he’ll be able to pursue on the next leg of his adventure here at eBay.


Trinton joined the Community Team in 2016 to help with the re-launch on the new platform and has worked hard over the past 4 years to help share your feedback, pain points and suggestions with the larger business. He’s been a key contributor to our Commonly Asked Questions portion of the Community, participated in the hiring and training of both Brian and Tyler, and served as a valuable resource for many teams within the company to deliver the insights that everyone has shared here over the years.


In addition Trinton has headed up various projects for member feedback, reporting and escalating bugs, sharing insight and suggestions for product improvements. It is a testament to his many successes in the Community that Trinton is now moving to a new role within eBay!


If you'd like to come wish him well and thank him for all he's done for the community over the years please stop by the Weekly Chat, starting at 1 pacific 4 eastern.

Director of eBay Community
Message 1 of 16
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Thank you and good luck to Trinton!

eBay Staff (Alumni)

What can I say about @Anonymous?


Who else can look at a PowerPoint and know when something is 3 pixels off, a slightly lighter (or darker) shade or know how to align columns and bullets with such magnificence?


Thanks for consistently having my back, showing me the ropes and always helping me find the right teams to escalate feedback. 


Excited to see you grow and pursue new challenges, and I'm certain I won't ever panic message you at 330 in the afternoon on a Thursday asking how to fix formatting. 🙂 

Message 2 of 16
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Thank you and good luck to Trinton!



You have been the one constant since I came back to Community and your passion for our sellers and the eBay experience we deliver will be sorely missed. You effectively channeled seller concerns and needs for years through product and policy teams to help our seller community - thanks for all you've done!  I hope you pop back in on occasion.


I'm excited for you and the new opportunity at eBay (and move to a new city), but will miss your focus on our sellers in our weekly meetings.


I'm looking forward to hearing about your successful transition to your new role and I'm also excited because you will be a new city and we can leverage that for staff podcast guests 😅 - maybe we can get you on the podcast! 😀

Brian B

Join us at eBay Open this September!
Message 3 of 16
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Thank you and good luck to Trinton!

Your presence will definitely be missed in our community.  Such a wealth of knowledge, compassion and passion.  Thank you for everything you've done, and everything you will do in your next chapter at eBay.  


~ Liz

Message 4 of 16
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Thank you and good luck to Trinton!

I hope it's a good move for Trinton and for eBay, because it's a real loss to those of us who use the discussion boards with any regularity. 

Message 5 of 16
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Thank you and good luck to Trinton!

Thank you @Anonymous for all of your support on the Community Boards.  Best of luck in your new eBay position and endeavors.  Stay safe, healthy and happy.  I am going to miss you. 

Message 6 of 16
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Thank you and good luck to Trinton!

Ah..........Trinton.........thanks for all the help (and corrections) over the years, I will miss you and hope what's next is GREAT..


Speaking of which, perhaps it's rude....but what area of ebay will you be moving into?  I'm always fascinated by all the opportunities in the company.....


Again, best to you.  If memory serves, you are from Texas so perhaps there won't be much culture shock....but am sure you can weather the change with flying colors........

Message 7 of 16
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Thank you and good luck to Trinton!

rebecca@ebay wrote:

I wanted to share with you all that Trinton will be moving to a new role within eBay as of Thursday July 30th.

While we’re incredibly sad that he’s leaving our team, we’re so excited for the new opportunities he’ll be able to pursue on the next leg of his adventure here at eBay.


Trinton joined the Community Team in 2016 to help with the re-launch on the new platform and has worked hard over the past 4 years to help share your feedback, pain points and suggestions with the larger business. He’s been a key contributor to our Commonly Asked Questions portion of the Community, participated in the hiring and training of both Brian and Tyler, and served as a valuable resource for many teams within the company to deliver the insights that everyone has shared here over the years.


In addition Trinton has headed up various projects for member feedback, reporting and escalating bugs, sharing insight and suggestions for product improvements. It is a testament to his many successes in the Community that Trinton is now moving to a new role within eBay!


If you'd like to come wish him well and thank him for all he's done for the community over the years please stop by the Weekly Chat, starting at 1 pacific 4 eastern.


All the best in your new position and challenges.

Don't forget to stop in once in a while to let us know how the new job is, what you are doing, and to just say hello.

Too many people go to new positions , never to be heard from again.

Message 8 of 16
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Thank you and good luck to Trinton!

Well, Trinton... you were always there when I needed you. And I learned from you as you helped others. I'll miss having you around. Congratulations and good luck with whatever comes next!

Message 9 of 16
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Thank you and good luck to Trinton!

Best of luck @Anonymous, you rock! You were a devoted Community advocate and always supportive and helpful to the team. I enjoyed working with you. The new team is lucky to have you, and you will be amazing.



Message 10 of 16
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Thank you and good luck to Trinton!

Thank you Trinton for all your hard work for the community, you will be missed. Good luck in the next chapter of your journey.



Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 11 of 16
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Thank you and good luck to Trinton!

Thanks so much, Trinton, and all the best to you!

Message 12 of 16
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Thank you and good luck to Trinton!

Again, thank you for all you help over the years to all of us!



Message 13 of 16
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Thank you and good luck to Trinton!

Congrats on the new job, @Anonymous! You'll be missed around here- particularly your willingness to research and explain policy nuances!

Message 14 of 16
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Thank you and good luck to Trinton!

eBay Staff (Alumni)

@Anonymous you helped train and mentor me in the Community role and I will always be thankful to you for that. I'm definitely going to miss you, and I know the Community will too, but I'm so excited to see you grow in your new role at eBay! Don't be surprised if I come visit you in Austin some day. I want to try all the good food there 😝

Community Team
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