10-01-2020 08:38 PM
10-01-2020 08:55 PM
I am sure I can guess why !! And I am with you !!!
10-02-2020 06:49 AM
I hope a lot of sellers who have been here many years reply to this. If policy makers continue to find new ways to steal money from sellers we will all leave. The return policy is a total scam. All automated except when the final value fee is supposed to be credited back after the return is closed. Watch your seller account. It is amazing how they can come up with ways to steal from you and call it legal. I have been here many years and it was fun in the beginning. I wanted to be done selling on eBay this year. Great place for buyers but if you have no sellers left it won't matter.
10-02-2020 08:17 AM
10-02-2020 08:40 AM
I noticed the same thing. I got a huge credit card bill form ebay and I now owe 62.45. I actually received a call back from someone from managed payments. She told me that the only things that should show up on my credit card is my store subscription and any promoted listings fees. Paypal was so much easier. I agree, it used to be kind of fun selling on ebay but now with all of their new rules and no real seller protection the site has a huge number of scammers and ebay just looks the other way .
10-02-2020 08:52 AM
sadly many of the sellers that has signed up has not come to the realization yet that ebay has made them their employees ! How else can it be ? They never have given the seller that much control anyway but now they have social security numbers, banks statements, bank routing number to get in and out of your bank when they want, so called daily payments if you choose which is totally false according to many and I believe them over ebay. I just wish all the good sellers trying to deal with MP much luck !! I have a feeling you are all going to need it ! Regards
10-02-2020 08:56 AM
Sorry to see another long time seller post that they are leaving.
Good luck in your future endeavors.
10-02-2020 10:35 AM
Why would anyone be surprised with the outcome of MP? With every premeditated 'glitch' that they are able to invent, it's the sellers that are the losers and e-bay makes more $$$$$.
10-03-2020 05:46 AM
The instant flow of cash with PayPal was wonderful and challenging. Mailing and spending everyday, while waiting 4 or 5 days for money to trickle into bank account is brutal and keeps me broke. It’s hard to even shop or restock items. After 25 years, it’s gotten harder, not easier.
10-03-2020 05:49 AM
Yep. The bill is brutal. But this job keeps people safe and working from home during these times. Keeps us selling. Not to mention the unemployment numbers. Everyone is flipping and Amazon is making a killing.
10-03-2020 06:09 AM
I have been here about that long too. What just happened to tip the scale? Did I miss something they sneakily put through in policy?
10-04-2020 04:52 PM
As am I, been with them since their inception, but have ended all 400 of my listings, and am not sure I will ever sell on eBay again
10-04-2020 04:54 PM
Im done with them as well, I have been with them since the beginning, and this is the worse policy they have initiated, a shame they have so little regard for the sellers who make them the money!
10-05-2020 07:11 AM
I am going through it right a buyer saying the camera I sold them is defective and the only lens they have is a Sigma with known issues and the Canon body works with every Canon lens I have ever tried flawlessly and they won't / can't try any other lenses. Ebay says my only option is to accept the return. I feel the buyer cjl950 is playing games.
10-05-2020 07:35 AM
We as sellers are feed up with all these changes in which ebay is making it where they get all the money and we cannot even access our accounts to see what is happening or what we are being charged. If you sell on the app from your cell phone you cannot access your account. If you can get thru to the classic site everything works but the seller hub your account of course. The only way I was tolerating it so far was I could see what I was receiving thru paypal. Now they are taking that and taking weeks to give you money that you cant access an account to see what they should be sending you. Someone please gives us sellers a site to go to sell from. FRUSTRATED