03-02-2025 08:02 AM
I had an auction that was a sought after item and was finding it strange that I wasn't get the bids - it did sell.
However I've sold plenty of auctions and know the buyer behaviors, but this time something was off.
I found out that all my seller feedback and ratings were deleted to the public and even though I could see it the buyers only saw the number ( not the score) and could not see the 100 percent positive feedback score and any of the reviews. This whole time I was naively thinking that they were visible to everyone.
These kinds of things are actions from ebay that I stopped selling here and once again am reminded to stop. This isn't my only ebay account and have been selling longer than most here. Ebay was a much better place and even now I can tell that it is nowhere the platform it was years ago. I feel for the people that continue to sell on this platform, but it isn't a source of main income that it was in the past...far from it. There's a sense of depression just going through this market place.
03-02-2025 08:05 AM - edited 03-02-2025 08:06 AM
Your feedback count only covers the last 12 months. It's actually a very positive thing, especially for sellers who had a bad run years ago for reasons beyond their control. Would you want negatives from 1998 showing up on your feedback?
03-02-2025 08:17 AM
Nothing is the same as it was years ago. eBay was once a place to clean out your garage and make a quick dollar or two. Today it is a full fledged business, record keeping, taxes, risks and all other things that go into running a business.
03-02-2025 08:37 AM
Feedback has been handled as you describe since I came here in 2004.....
Fact is Ebay has changed........and from your posts, it's obvious you dived back in without doing any research on the present iteration.......not a good idea.......
03-02-2025 08:37 AM
Nice try. No, it's a marginless slow and antiquated platform full of dreamers like yourself. Ebay is a thing of the past and has no innovation and to try to put off like it's a sustainable business that it was is just a lie. The markets and money have moved on....but thankfully ebay has got you in their trap.
Best day of my ebay experience was when I sold all my inventory that I need to and left. Now that I came back it's just a daralict of over inflated prices for items that aren't worth it and where the buyers are all low-ballers trying to haggle over pennies. This isn't the place to make money and there's so many better modern ways of doing so.
And by the looks of it it's still a place where people sell their junk in hopes to make a buck...but they'll pay taxes on it.
03-02-2025 08:40 AM
Be gone again and staying gone.
Good luck
03-02-2025 12:39 PM
"This isn't the place to make money and there's so many better modern ways of doing so."
Like a job maybe?
03-02-2025 12:46 PM
I know the percentage is based on the past 12 months, but I don't understand why it isn't showing zero percent and I can't see the other feedback comments you have received.
03-02-2025 12:53 PM
Whatever you saw in your latest auction is likely not based on the lack of recent FB.
Auctions are an unimportant and small amount of Ebay transactions and auctions with only 1 bid are very common. Much more common than in the past.
The decision on whether to list as fixed price or auction is usually most profitable as fixed price but an auction might lead to a quicker sale.
03-02-2025 12:58 PM
The OP received one feedback (as a buyer) in the past 5 years, the rest of their feedback is more than 5 years old.
As far as the lack of 0%, I just logged in to an old account of mine (first log-in for probably 10 years), it also does not show 0% as it used to years ago if you had no activity for more than a year.
Maybe eBay decided that showing 0% was not such a good look.
03-02-2025 01:02 PM - edited 03-02-2025 01:05 PM
As noted in the other posts (and on your feedback page), your feedback perentage is based on feedback reecived within the past 12 months. As soon as you get one new feedback, your feedback will again show 100%, even if that feedback is from a seller.
Your feedback as a seller does show:
03-02-2025 01:03 PM
@slippinjimmy wrote:The OP received one feedback (as a buyer) in the past 5 years, the rest of their feedback is more than 5 years old.
As far as the lack of 0%, I just logged in to an old account of mine (first log-in for probably 10 years), it also does not show 0% as it used to years ago if you had no activity for more than a year.
Maybe eBay decided that showing 0% was not such a good look.
That is probably true about the percentage thing, but can others not see my old feedback comments? I can still see mine back 20 years. I guess I don't pay much attention to feedback.
03-02-2025 01:12 PM
People often forget feedback defaults to "most relevant" which can hide all of someone's feedback. It's a very flawed system. When you change the view to "most recent" you'll see all feedback.
03-02-2025 01:16 PM
@comicsun wrote:I found out that all my seller feedback and ratings were deleted to the public and even though I could see it the buyers only saw the number ( not the score) and could not see the 100 percent positive feedback score and any of the reviews. This whole time I was naively thinking that they were visible to everyone.
They are. I can see your feedback just fine. It all occurred over a year in the past so it is no longer counted towards your current rating but anyone who wants to read it can do so. (If you do not see what you are looking for in the mobile app be sure to check the desktop or laptop view instead because they are more comprehensive.)
@comicsun wrote:These kinds of things are actions from ebay that I stopped selling here and once again am reminded to stop. This isn't my only ebay account and have been selling longer than most here.
...and yet it was just a week ago that several members here were trying to explain to you how long a 5-day auction would run for and when it would end:
It is great to ask questions about things you do not know and members here are willing to help. But you cannot be asking fundamental questions about Ebay and at the same time shrieking that your feedback has been deleted (it has not) or that (in another thread) Ebay is stealing your money (it has not):
Your best bet is to do some more reading and some more low-priced sales or auctions here and then you can operate here and perhaps even turn a decent profit.
As for your other thread your SS number will be expected by most every on-line sale forum because the government requires it for IRS reporting. Do the numbers on your return and take all the deductions to which you are entitled and it is not likely that your tax bill is going to increase much if at all. Certainly not worth all the shrieking and moaning about it that we see from many newbie sellers here who are encountering that requirement for the first time.
03-02-2025 01:45 PM
@wastingtime101 wrote:People often forget feedback defaults to "most relevant" which can hide all of someone's feedback. It's a very flawed system. When you change the view to "most recent" you'll see all feedback.
Oh gawd...I knew that! As soon as I wrote my post, I knew it had to be something I was missing that was right in front of me. Thanks --- as I hit myself up the side of the head!