04-29-2019 02:02 PM
Buyer isn't happy with the cost of shipping. I gave him the dimensions and weight of the box with my zipcode and said 'See if you can find a better rate'. He just replied and said I should send a 15 pound large box media mail. --- Straight to Blocked Bidders List.
What have you got today?
04-29-2019 03:11 PM
@holsteinatlanta wrote:What have you got today?
I am reminded of that classic from years back (long-timers here may remember it) of the buyer who was miffed because he had ordered a pair of blue jeans, but when he opened the package...
Wait for it...
...there was only one "jean" in there. The second of the "pair" was missing.
04-29-2019 03:12 PM
Technically a Best Offer does not affect shipping.
But it is best to make this clear.
"Thank you for your offer of $15.99 plus shipping for the earrings. I also combine shipping when customers buy multiple items."
Or something similar.
Make sure she knows before accepting the Offer if you want to be paid.
04-29-2019 03:13 PM
04-29-2019 03:13 PM
I bet she was REALLY TORQUED when she got the 3 cheese pizza and there was only one!
04-29-2019 03:15 PM - edited 04-29-2019 03:19 PM
Buyer here, I guess it's a tie between the guy who started a flame war with me because I wouldn't pay him $80 for a pair of ancient 80s sneakers with glue crumbling out of the soles, and the lady who sold me a used sweater that mysteriously disappeared in the mail for multiple months. She tried to blame "the government shutdown", ranted on for a page long email about it, insisted her tracking number was real even though it kept showing the sweater repeatedly traveling between Georgia and LA like a ping pong ball (I am from the Northeast and it should have been at my house within days even at the lowest shipping tier). Finally one night there it was on my front stoop crammed into a too small plastic packet, rumpled up and smelling like weird chemicals, just in time for spring when you don't need to wear a sweater anymore.
Then there's the one who sold me a hair product still full of someone else's hair.
...and the one who tried to get me to buy a several hundred dollar musical instrument sight unseen, refused to post a quick clip of the thing being played...and the other instrument that arrived with a part missing that nobody at the big box chain music store in question apparently noticed before packing it in fifty pounds of bubble insulation
...and the one who cancelled a packet of underwear that was shipped because "it couldn't be shipped" (huh?)
...or the guy who wanted me to buy a double pack of DVDs he was selling and just "throw away the one you don't want"
...and how can I possibly forget the lady who put a religious note into my order of a random yellow shirt, and then wrote that she hopes I'm not offended
Ebay is one wacky place at times.
04-29-2019 03:15 PM
I sold a large sheepskin coat - weighed about 20 lbs - and the buyer couldn't grasp why I couldn't ship it flat rate...in the TINY VCR tape size flat rate box (of course because it was the CHEAPEST of the flat rates...) Something about the laws of physics and the TARDIS.
04-29-2019 03:16 PM
@rixstuff wrote:I almost wish I had left it up but I had a neg removed years back that the buyer left because I sold them a BLACK dress - exactly as stated in the listing - and they wanted it in RED. I repeated that I only had the black one. She repeated that the company MAKES a red one and I should get one for her and exchange the black one for the red...
I know I've told this story before, but one more time... I sold two skeins of yarn, photographed two skeins, described two, shipped two and she unloaded on me when she received two skeins. She filed a not as described case and simultaneously called me to yell at me.
Seemed her project called for six skeins...and I only sent her two.
04-29-2019 03:18 PM
Was your Ouija board broke that day? How were you supposed to know how much she needed?
04-29-2019 03:40 PM
04-29-2019 03:51 PM
Don't you just hate fake rhinestones? LOL
04-29-2019 03:55 PM
04-29-2019 04:04 PM
04-29-2019 04:09 PM - edited 04-29-2019 04:10 PM
Recently I listed for auction at a starting price of 7.99 a vintage sewing pattern titled : HALTER DRESS & SHAWL Simplicity 7469 sewing pattern 70's size 16-18. Also the listing description and item specifics also made mention that it was a sewing pattern.
I received a bid right away but about 5 minutes after the person bid they sent a message:
Please tell me if this is an already made dress or if its just material to make a dress please respond
I was happy that I could retract her bid before she had the chance to win the auction. I would have hated to have sent it out and her not be happy she did not receive a dress.
04-29-2019 04:17 PM - edited 04-29-2019 04:21 PM
@femmefan1946 wrote:Technically a Best Offer does not affect shipping.
But it is best to make this clear.
"Thank you for your offer of $15.99 plus shipping for the earrings. I also combine shipping when customers buy multiple items."
Or something similar.
Make sure she knows before accepting the Offer if you want to be paid.
Sorry I forgot to mention it wasn't a best offer listing. Just someone messaging me. I thought it was an odd price to ask for. Plus when I checked their profile they were also a seller. It always blows my mind that most messages I get for free shipping are from other sellers. lol
04-29-2019 04:43 PM
Had a buyer return an item because it was to nice.