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Managed payments

I've been with ebay for almost 10 years now. I have an above average rating and I've been very happy with everything. Now this Managed Payments has caused me for the first time , to consider closing my account.  I don't know what transpired between ebay and paypal but I was happy with it and I 

don't care for the idea of having my personal bank account wide open to ebay.  There are too many changes going on with Our Government right now and this just feels like one more way of being manipulated into loosing all control . I'd like to know how others feel about this new policy. And if there are no other options I will definitely close out.

Message 1 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

My Theory on Ebay Managed Payments:

While Ebay tries to paint a rosy picture of 'EMP' as being a positive move to 'simplify and improve' the buying & selling for both Buyer AND Seller...

What it really does is give Ebay the opportunity to inject itself into the transaction and control the money, for their own corporate benefit.

How So?

Well; note that under 'EMP', when an item is paid for, the $$ is NOT available to the Seller. Ebay has full control of that $$ for at least A FULL DAY...

A full day where--if I am right--that $$ sits in an Ebay Bank Account and COLLECTS INTEREST!

Now, that may not seem like much for just ONE sale...pennies, at best.

But...How many sales happen on Ebay in a given day?

(Que the sound of Lots O` Pennies of Interest adding up! CHA-CHING!)

I know this much; BEFORE, when I had PayPal handling things, I had my payment from a sale within one day of the transaction--within MINUTES, if I wanted to sacrifice a nominal transfer fee.

With 'Ebay Managed Payments', I wait for DAYS before Ebay tells me that they are sending my payment, and that it may still take' 1-2 Business Days' to show up in my Bank Account.

Question: If PayPal could zap my $$ so fast...

Why does it take Ebay so much more TIME to do the same thing?

My theory does not sound so wild now.

Message 31 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

MP was put in place since eBay has spent a good amount of time chasing down seller fees. Many people empty their PayPal account and do not leave money in there for paying the fees. It was a common occurrence. PayPal failed to pay my eBay invoice on the last thing I sold on eBay back in January, even though I had $500 PayPal balance, as well as a registered bank account with over 80K in it and three credit cards as alternative payment methods. So eBay said enough is enough and now opted to just handles the money internally.

Message 32 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

It not about politics. And besides it's about capitalism, not socialism. Not everything is about socialists. Stop with the politics being put on everything. It's tedious and misguided, and has no place here.

Message 33 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

@john_lerouge wrote:

MP was put in place since eBay has spent a good amount of time chasing down seller fees. Many people empty their PayPal account and do not leave money in there for paying the fees. It was a common occurrence. PayPal failed to pay my eBay invoice on the last thing I sold on eBay back in January, even though I had $500 PayPal balance, as well as a registered bank account with over 80K in it and three credit cards as alternative payment methods. So eBay said enough is enough and now opted to just handles the money internally.

No, it was put into place because Ebay could  start their own payment system and keep the money they were paying paypal, since paypal was (since 2015) an independent company.............  I think the estimates were about 3 billion $..........

Message 34 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

eBay was paying PayPal? For what? PayPal was making money from the sellers. It's agreements with eBay was the same for any platform using them as a portal. No ... I do not think you're correct. eBay had billions in outstanding seller fees over the years, and had to invest significant man hours in chasing those down.

Message 35 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

I am being forced on Managed payments by the Aug 26th. If I don't sign up by the 26th eBay says they will stop me from listing. I have 4300 listings 100%feedback for over ten years and have been on eBay for 19 years. Managed payments is not the problem it is the timing after the pandemic and the lack of cash flow for the first week.  It is just not a good deal when Paypal pays us immediately. Managed payments waits two days then they transfer the money which can take up to three days depending on the bank. eBay acts like that is perfectly normal.  ebay acts like they only take two days but in reality becasue of them it takes 4 to five days. Right now I have a managed payment pop up that pops up and says eBay has changed the way we pay and it pops up every time i change a page. They are just ruthless eBay's managers and there customer service just lie when they talk about Paypal. They act like Paypal cut them off and they say PayPal does not take our payments.  ( a LIE paypal has not changed there is just no agreement is all) About three years ago eBay DECIDED not to use PayPal anymore. There is proof in articles written about eBay in corporate news.  The company managing the payments is Ayden which is not a bad company .  It is the way eBay is doing it and the way eBay handles customer service that scares the hell out of me.  Keep in mind once you switch over to managed payments you only have thirty days to OPT OUT OF THE ARBITRATION AGREEMENT.  That way if necessary we can eventfully file a class action suit against Ayden which is tied to the hip of eBay.  All I asked eBay for was a few more months to switch over so I could builds more cash flow and they wouldn't hear it.  I had to listen to some 21 year old tell me to bad. They have someone that eBay pays 15 to 20  bucks an hour to telling me after 19 years how to run my business.  I sell antiques and it is much harder to get the good type of quality merchandise since the pandemic has closed all in person estate auctions. So when good items come up I need 20 to 40 thousand in cash to buy all I need and the way Ayden pays on top of how my payroll works I have to change my entire business around to suit eBay.  I have been reading the agreements calling attorneys for over four months now and eBay can do this and it doesn't matter how much they make you loose in the process.  Every one should know about being able to opt out of arbitration that will keep them more honest if we have the ability to sue without arbitration.  When we send out payments you have seen what it looks like when you get an offer. For four months now every offer I sent out to buyers has ITEM DOES NOT SHIP TO YOU in the offer. Its an eBay glitch I have called over 20 times about this emailed proof and they won't fix it. I have a dispute i am getting ready to file with eBay's legal dept. The reason I bring this up is if eBay can't even keep the website up and running properly and all they have is excuses why things don't work. We are so screwed when they handle our money and that scares the hell out of me to. If any one wants to reach me on this let me know. Another thing is I don't mind putting my name on this. eBay is wrong the way they take care of there sellers is wrong. There is no loyalty If somone came up with a better deal then eBay a majority of the eBay sellers would jump ship with out even thinking about ebay.,Barry Funk 

Message 36 of 83
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Re: Managed payments



Paragraphs my friend, paragraphs!!

Sellers have been invited/drafted into managed payments long before the pandemic. 

eBay first announced there would be a new payment program at least 3 years ago. When eBay separated themselves from PayPal, the writing was on the wall. That happened in 2015. 
There has been plenty of time for sellers to get their poop in a group (plan for any cash flow issues).



Class action drinking game is back on. 

Message 37 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

Yikes!   Where does one start?

First, as Ophelia has advised, paragraphs are your friend.   And the friend of anybody who tries to read what you've typed there.

As for class actions lawsuits, I copied your sentence:  "That way if necessary we can eventfully file a class action suit against Ayden which is tied to the hip of eBay."   Yeah, good luck, BUT -- 

If it's an eventful class action lawsuit, I might consider joining.   

Message 38 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

Yes Sellers have been forced into managed payments for almost two years. Large sellers that are using WebInterpret were not able to switch over until recently.  Also they had some problem with currency conversion that was worked out.  It has only been the last few months that eBay was able to handle our business on Managed payments so it wasn't like we had a year for this. Even with having a year the pandemic weekend us enough that every days cashflow makes a difference in our growth.  How many of you have over 4,000 listings that you are trying to keep up with financially. Those of you who know what this business is will understand what I just said. When the pandemic stared we had 5,900 listings all different antiques and collectibles.  In the last 15 mo we sold off 1,600 listings for cash flow on top of a small PPP so we could keep those working who wanted to work.  All I am saying is eBay eBay does not know who you are or we are even after 19 years. They really could care less because the law of averages they have the edge. Its like Some will Some Won't So what whos's Next. 

Message 39 of 83
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Re: Managed payments


Message 40 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

I JUST SHUT DOWN MY ACCOUNT!    By linking your bank you might have to many monthly transactions, "FEES" will incur from your bank you might be forced to get a business account then you need to get a business license.  OR if you are on S.S. and medicare they will want to know what all those deposit's are for from ebay and you could lose your benefits

Message 41 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

@cobblestone-glass-and-porcelain wrote:

Yes Sellers have been forced into managed payments for almost two years.


No one is forced to sign up.

It's totally up to the seller if they want to sign up and continue to sell here.




Have a great day.
Message 42 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

@nnewell1953 wrote:

I JUST SHUT DOWN MY ACCOUNT!    By linking your bank you might have to many monthly transactions, "FEES" will incur from your bank you might be forced to get a business account then you need to get a business license.  OR if you are on S.S. and medicare they will want to know what all those deposit's are for from ebay and you could lose your benefits


If you choose weekly payout, you'd only have 4-5 deposits monthly.

Yes, you have to claim your income on your taxes

Have a great day.
Message 43 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

@hero-for-hire Love this post, I have been thinking the same thing. Don't know how they do it, but I think there is money being made on "OUR" money before the seller gets it.

My sales changed TOTALLY after I signed up for managed payments, my sales are down 50% since March.

I can see a TOTALLY different sales trend.

But as is usually the case with ebay revenue gain algorithms, it is not working the way they intended it to. 



Message 44 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

Hyperbolic much?



Message 45 of 83
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