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Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!


Surprise! Surprise! Despite the fact that my site preferences say NO for Guaranteed delivery, nor did I click to OPT IN, ebay has changed ALL my listings to Guaranteed Delivery!


The estimated delivery dates being completely unrealistic and actually impossible. My listings all have 2 day handling. They're all showing delivery by Monday May 6 for someone in my area. That's impossible, considering the 2 day handling wouldn't have me shipping an item until Monday if it was ordered today (Thursday), as the 2 days doesn't include weekends. CS couldn't seem to comprehend this.


I DO NOT want Guaranteed delivery. I have no interest in being forced into it or being forced to take a return simply because ebay gives a buyer an unrealistic magic carpet delivery time and the carrier can't meet it. Resulting in a potential large monetary loss due to loss of paypal fees, and shipping both ways!!


I phoned CS and they state that ebay has the policy requiring automatic Guaranteed delivery if you use an expedited shipping method, despite any handling time! The only way out would be to chose a non expedited shipping method. It's hard enough to get sales, buyers aren't going to select listings with economy shipping. I asked the rep to tell me where I could see this new policy and he couldn't point it out to me of course! This is not good. After I hung up, I saw my other account was also suddenly showing all Guaranteed Delivery!


First it's forced GTC and now it's forced Guaranteed Delivery. Did I miss something? Can someone show me the policy that just took effect forcing sellers into this nightmare of guaranteed delivery if they use expedited shipping!! It seems seller's hands are tied no matter what they try to do here and they have zero control over their listings or business!!


Am I the only one suddenly seeing this change?!

Message 1 of 91
latest reply

Re: Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

@mongoose26 wrote:

@castlemagicmemories wrote:

I'm sorry but it has been this way for some time now.  If you extend your handling time, you may be able to remove it.  eBay places guaranteed delivery on those listings that qualify for it.

Here is the problem with that. They are desperately trying to copy Amazon's Prime Shipping, but buyers there have to pay $120/year for that privilege. Buyers here pay nothing.  Amazon has negotiated guaranteed ship times with the carriers, so when they say 2 days shipping, they know the carriers also know its 2 day shipping. Has eBay ever announced they have partnered with any carrier where eBay packaged are guaranteed by a certain time frame? Did they negotiate special rates based on their tremendous volume and pass it along to their sellers?



I sell on Amazon, using their Fulfilled by Amazon warehouse storage, so my items qualify for Prime shipping. First, Amazon has negotiated better rates with all 3 major shippers and they pass that along to its sellers. Ebay claims their shipping team negotiated for 3 days to get the exact same rates everyone else offers. I even doubt that, they probably did get special rates and are keeping the extra for themselves.  When I ship on Amazon, they give me a credit when a customer ships with Prime, and a slightly bigger credit when a customer chooses a slower option. This credit comes from the customer's Prime fee, it is not all profit for Amazon. When my customer buys on Friday, they know right away if it will be delivered on Sunday, 2 days later. No eBay package will be delivered on a Sunday, but based on their volume alone, they could negotiate that today, I wonder why they don't.


EBay is offering a guarantee that they cannot ever back, they just hope it gets there in time. Right now eBay is covering the cost of returning postage on late packages, but that will not last forever. I am never penalized if my package is late when Amazon ships it, they probably get something back from the shipper, but they only apologize to the buyer if its late, they do not bribe them.

eBay likes to make promises that they can't deliver on time ..... or ever.  nerd


Maybe Sellers can open a PNR case? ..... Promise Not Received  slight_smile

Message 46 of 91
latest reply

Re: Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

@ohnojoey wrote:

@auctionpet wrote:

@ohnojoey wrote:

"You can opt out at any time by navigating to Account Settings > Site Preferences > eBay Guaranteed Delivery Setting. Click "Show," then "Edit". Lastly, select "I want to opt out of eBay Guaranteed Delivery," and click "Continue." You may opt back in at any time."


This is in the "eBay Guaranteed Delivery" policy.

So is this true that you can opt out of GD or is it not true and this policy is old or not updated?



As you can see from my opening post, I'm not opted in. I never received any notice of the policy changing.  A huge area showed above my ebay selling page, saying my listings 'qualify' for GD, indicating a box for me to select to opt in. I never opted in. I can't opt out, since I'm already opted out, but it's meaningless! Ebay does whatever they feel like, despite their own policies.

I get it, that's crazy and disingenuous! So their policy is meaningless if ebay is opting sellers in without the seller being able to opt out, while telling sellers that they can opt out when they never opted in in the first place!

Sounds about right.

Message 47 of 91
latest reply

Re: Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

@abfabvintage wrote:



Not to go off topic, there are a lot of sellers (and buyers) who do not go to these threads every day or even at all. And probably even fewer who go to "announcements." I never received a notice in my ebay messaging that there was a change to the GD auto opted in...were ebay messaging notices sent out? I get enough in my email from ebay to "lower your price to sell" and other, to me, useless emails (to my personal emails), I would think to me this is a major change that should have been promoted other places rather than just going to Announcements. I only go to announcements if I have an expected bad weather announcement or if there is a tech problem. And I can't even fathom if any newbies would even bother. Thank you.



You should sign up for an email notice every time Ebay posts an announcement.  That way you won't miss important announcements in the future.


When you are on the Announcement page [link below] just as it appears when you are in the discussion boards there is a function called OPTIONS on the right side of your screen.  Click on it and select the word SUBSCRIBE.  That will enable you to receive an email notification whenever Ebay posts an announcement on any subject.



mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 48 of 91
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Re: Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

eBay likes to make promises that they can't deliver on time ..... or ever.  nerd


Maybe Sellers can open a PNR case? ..... Promise Not Received  slight smile


What is your goal here?  


We know you are upset with Ebay, you have been very clear on your reasons on multiple threads.  But what is your goal?

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 49 of 91
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Re: Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

Not applicable

@auctionpet wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@auctionpet wrote:
Oh, nice, so we're only out the hefty initial shipping and paypal fees and have to wonder if we're even getting the right item back. It shouldn't cost the seller a dime, when a program like this is Forced on them! That means I'd likely be out at least $10! It's so nice that the Post Office and Paypal get to keep their money due to ebay's foolish program and the seller gets to lose.

Just wait til Christmas!

Hi @auctionpet, I just wanted to add some additional clarification that a seller would be expected to accept a return for an item that arrived late regardless of if there is a guarantee displayed on the listing or not. The only difference is, if eBay is guaranteeing the delivery date, we would offer additional protections to a seller. More details are in my most recent response, but I wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page that this guarantee does not put additional responsibility on the seller, it only provides additional protections.


It would be different if ebay was quoting shipping estimates which actually included the seller selected handling time, but it sounds like they're not, this is what triggered my issue in the first place. Seeing an estimated delivery of Monday for an item a buyer purchases today (Thursday), when I have 2 day handling, meaning I wouldn't be required to ship it til Monday, and it would state this on my orders page. So exactly how is the buyer supposed to receive it Monday, when it hasn't even shipped til Monday?


Why is ebay not including the seller selected handling time in their quoted delivery date and instead basing it on past shipping times. If I say 2 days handling, I should have the option of using that full handling time and ebay shouldn't give the buyer a shorter delivery date simply because I've shipped within 1 day in the past.


I sell with No Returns, thus an item should be 'not as described' to initiate a return. So ebay is making an item not as described if it arrives later than the shipping estimate, which they're miscalculating in the first place!? A seller who does no returns, shouldn't be on the hook for a return because an item arrives late due to ebay's forcing them into this unwanted plan.  If this is true, I'm not the one 'describing the guaranteed shipping date', ebay is, why should the seller take a loss because of this?


Not to mention, ebay also states they may decide not to foot to the bill for this plan at any time. If the plan was so great, why would ebay have to force it on sellers! Let those who want it select it. Everything is not one size fits all.

Hi @auctionpet, the estimated delivery date being immediately after or even during your stated handling time is unrelated to eBay's guarantee of delivery and is instead a potential technical issue we can get reported. If there is a technical issue that causes a problem for a seller, we will take steps to protect them.


While I have noted your feedback on this feature, we have seen great success with it and it has no negative impact on a seller. I strongly encourage you to review the resources on our site regarding this guarantee to confirm that it only provides additional protections to you in the event that an item is delivered late. A late delivery would be considered 'not as described', but as I mentioned previously, a technical issue that is affecting the delivery date negatively would be something we would protect a seller on. Again, the guarantee of a delivery date has no impact on the estimated delivery date - the estimate delivery date is what causes a guarantee of delivery to appear in your listings in the first place. If the item is not estimated to arrive within 4 days based on your location, the buyer's location, the shipping service selected, and historical data, the guarantee will not be displayed to a buyer.

Message 50 of 91
latest reply

Re: Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!



I followed your directions. So it will go direct to my personal email or to ebay messaging? Thanks for your help. Still feel sorry for others who don't have a clue on how to do this unless you have been here a long time. I still don't understand these "alerts" are not sent to personal emails or even eBay messaging as a normal function. Thanks for your help as always. I assume I won't be getting the previous "announcements"? and have to scroll through the announcements thread to find the one related to GD. 

I ain't got the brains to make this up (Fantastic Beasts)
Message 51 of 91
latest reply

Re: Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

Not applicable

@go-bad-chicken wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@ohnojoey wrote:

@auctionpet wrote:

@ohnojoey wrote:

"You can opt out at any time by navigating to Account Settings > Site Preferences > eBay Guaranteed Delivery Setting. Click "Show," then "Edit". Lastly, select "I want to opt out of eBay Guaranteed Delivery," and click "Continue." You may opt back in at any time."


This is in the "eBay Guaranteed Delivery" policy.

So is this true that you can opt out of GD or is it not true and this policy is old or not updated?



As you can see from my opening post, I'm not opted in. I never received any notice of the policy changing.  A huge area showed above my ebay selling page, saying my listings 'qualify' for GD, indicating a box for me to select to opt in. I never opted in. I can't opt out, since I'm already opted out, but it's meaningless! Ebay does whatever they feel like, despite their own policies.

I get it, that's crazy and disingenuous! So their policy is meaningless if ebay is opting sellers in without the seller being able to opt out, while telling sellers that they can opt out when they never opted in in the first place!

Hi @ohnojoey & @auctionpet, we announced this change on October 30, 2018. You can review the details here. We recommend you subscribe to our Announcement board so you don't miss important updates that may impact you. Those listings that were eligible for the Fast 'N Free logo will now display "guaranteed by" dates and be eligible for the protections available to those who participate in Guaranteed Delivery. This is not a process that a seller can opt out of, and only provides additional protections to a seller. If a listing showed this guarantee to the buyer, the seller shipped in their stated handling time, but the item arrived late, eBay would be able to protect a seller and resolve this concern for the buyer in ways that we would not if there was no guarantee. Without the guarantee being shown, a seller would be responsible for the cost of return shipping if the item was late and the buyer wanted to return it, for example. With the guarantee being displayed, eBay can offer the buyer compensation for the shipping cost they may have paid originally if they wish to keep the item, or we will cover the cost of the return shipping label if they would like to return it. We also offer some protection related to feedback and defects which you can review here.

"This is not a process that a seller can opt out of, ......."


Well kinda sort of.


Sellers do still have some options available to them; at least for now that will effectively allow them to "Opt Out" their listings from eBay's FAST 'N FREE program.


1 - Charge $0.02 ....etc. for shipping in lieu of free shipping.
2 - Extend their handling time to 4,5,6 day......etc.

Hi @go-bad-chicken, I want to clarify that sellers can no longer opt out of the Fast 'N Free program. If you have seen an indication on the site that this is currently an option, please share the link with me so I can get this outdated information corrected.

Message 52 of 91
latest reply

Re: Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

Not applicable

@greg5000 wrote:

@ohnojoey wrote:

@auctionpet wrote:

@ohnojoey wrote:

"You can opt out at any time by navigating to Account Settings > Site Preferences > eBay Guaranteed Delivery Setting. Click "Show," then "Edit". Lastly, select "I want to opt out of eBay Guaranteed Delivery," and click "Continue." You may opt back in at any time."


This is in the "eBay Guaranteed Delivery" policy.

So is this true that you can opt out of GD or is it not true and this policy is old or not updated?



As you can see from my opening post, I'm not opted in. I never received any notice of the policy changing.  A huge area showed above my ebay selling page, saying my listings 'qualify' for GD, indicating a box for me to select to opt in. I never opted in. I can't opt out, since I'm already opted out, but it's meaningless! Ebay does whatever they feel like, despite their own policies.

I get it, that's crazy and disingenuous! So their policy is meaningless if ebay is opting sellers in without the seller being able to opt out, while telling sellers that they can opt out when they never opted in in the first place!

Sounds about right.

Hi @greg5000@auctionpet, and @ohnojoey - I just want to clarify that the screenshot provided here is from the FAQ for eBay's Guaranteed Delivery Program. This is different than eBay's guarantee of delivery for items that qualify for the Fast 'N Free banner. While these do share a similar name and both include guarantees, the FAQ referenced is unrelated to eBay's guarantee that is displayed on items that will arrive within 4 days (Fast 'N Free).

Message 53 of 91
latest reply

Re: Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

@Anonymous wrote:

@auctionpet wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@auctionpet wrote:
Oh, nice, so we're only out the hefty initial shipping and paypal fees and have to wonder if we're even getting the right item back. It shouldn't cost the seller a dime, when a program like this is Forced on them! That means I'd likely be out at least $10! It's so nice that the Post Office and Paypal get to keep their money due to ebay's foolish program and the seller gets to lose.

Just wait til Christmas!

Hi @auctionpet, I just wanted to add some additional clarification that a seller would be expected to accept a return for an item that arrived late regardless of if there is a guarantee displayed on the listing or not. The only difference is, if eBay is guaranteeing the delivery date, we would offer additional protections to a seller. More details are in my most recent response, but I wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page that this guarantee does not put additional responsibility on the seller, it only provides additional protections.


It would be different if ebay was quoting shipping estimates which actually included the seller selected handling time, but it sounds like they're not, this is what triggered my issue in the first place. Seeing an estimated delivery of Monday for an item a buyer purchases today (Thursday), when I have 2 day handling, meaning I wouldn't be required to ship it til Monday, and it would state this on my orders page. So exactly how is the buyer supposed to receive it Monday, when it hasn't even shipped til Monday?


Why is ebay not including the seller selected handling time in their quoted delivery date and instead basing it on past shipping times. If I say 2 days handling, I should have the option of using that full handling time and ebay shouldn't give the buyer a shorter delivery date simply because I've shipped within 1 day in the past.


I sell with No Returns, thus an item should be 'not as described' to initiate a return. So ebay is making an item not as described if it arrives later than the shipping estimate, which they're miscalculating in the first place!? A seller who does no returns, shouldn't be on the hook for a return because an item arrives late due to ebay's forcing them into this unwanted plan.  If this is true, I'm not the one 'describing the guaranteed shipping date', ebay is, why should the seller take a loss because of this?


Not to mention, ebay also states they may decide not to foot to the bill for this plan at any time. If the plan was so great, why would ebay have to force it on sellers! Let those who want it select it. Everything is not one size fits all.

Hi @auctionpet, the estimated delivery date being immediately after or even during your stated handling time is unrelated to eBay's guarantee of delivery and is instead a potential technical issue we can get reported. If there is a technical issue that causes a problem for a seller, we will take steps to protect them.


While I have noted your feedback on this feature, we have seen great success with it and it has no negative impact on a seller. I strongly encourage you to review the resources on our site regarding this guarantee to confirm that it only provides additional protections to you in the event that an item is delivered late. A late delivery would be considered 'not as described', but as I mentioned previously, a technical issue that is affecting the delivery date negatively would be something we would protect a seller on. Again, the guarantee of a delivery date has no impact on the estimated delivery date - the estimate delivery date is what causes a guarantee of delivery to appear in your listings in the first place. If the item is not estimated to arrive within 4 days based on your location, the buyer's location, the shipping service selected, and historical data, the guarantee will not be displayed to a buyer.



I understand what you are saying and why you are saying it.  As others have stated, I don't like having this forced upon me either.  I would much prefer that this was an options that sellers could opt into or not.


Since Ebay started this I have an uptick in emails from my buyers wondering where they package is and why it is late.  It isn't late, if Ebay were to be considering my handling time.  Ebay feels they need to correct what I say my handling time is which I don't think Ebay should be involved in.  I would much prefer to under promise and over deliver.  This practice has served me very well over the years and I have 1000's of happy customers to prove that.


FWIW I also disagree with your statement there is no negative impact to sellers.  If a buyer opens a SNAD because the item was delivered late, then the seller now has to deal with that SNAD.  The buyer is unhappy and the seller has additional expenses they otherwise may not have had.  Then there is the Service Metrics and how SNADs are recorded for that function.  Unless you are saying that SNADs opened because the Guaranteed delivery date was not met are not used in the Service Metrics???

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 54 of 91
latest reply

Re: Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

@abfabvintage wrote:



I followed your directions. So it will go direct to my personal email or to ebay messaging? Thanks for your help. Still feel sorry for others who don't have a clue on how to do this unless you have been here a long time. I still don't understand these "alerts" are not sent to personal emails or even eBay messaging as a normal function. Thanks for your help as always. I assume I won't be getting the previous "announcements"? and have to scroll through the announcements thread to find the one related to GD. 

Good question.  It is actually really rare for me to check my Ebay messages as I have everything dumped into my email account I have registered on Ebay.  However my guess is it goes to both.  


Correct, it isn't going to go back and issue you a ton of emails on previously released announcements.  Boy that would be annoying to say the least.  LOL

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 55 of 91
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Re: Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!



Thanks, Mam. Ya live and learn around here. LOLOL. IF you live around here enough. 

I ain't got the brains to make this up (Fantastic Beasts)
Message 56 of 91
latest reply

Re: Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

@mam98031 wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@auctionpet wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@auctionpet wrote:
Oh, nice, so we're only out the hefty initial shipping and paypal fees and have to wonder if we're even getting the right item back. It shouldn't cost the seller a dime, when a program like this is Forced on them! That means I'd likely be out at least $10! It's so nice that the Post Office and Paypal get to keep their money due to ebay's foolish program and the seller gets to lose.

Just wait til Christmas!

Hi @auctionpet, I just wanted to add some additional clarification that a seller would be expected to accept a return for an item that arrived late regardless of if there is a guarantee displayed on the listing or not. The only difference is, if eBay is guaranteeing the delivery date, we would offer additional protections to a seller. More details are in my most recent response, but I wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page that this guarantee does not put additional responsibility on the seller, it only provides additional protections.


It would be different if ebay was quoting shipping estimates which actually included the seller selected handling time, but it sounds like they're not, this is what triggered my issue in the first place. Seeing an estimated delivery of Monday for an item a buyer purchases today (Thursday), when I have 2 day handling, meaning I wouldn't be required to ship it til Monday, and it would state this on my orders page. So exactly how is the buyer supposed to receive it Monday, when it hasn't even shipped til Monday?


Why is ebay not including the seller selected handling time in their quoted delivery date and instead basing it on past shipping times. If I say 2 days handling, I should have the option of using that full handling time and ebay shouldn't give the buyer a shorter delivery date simply because I've shipped within 1 day in the past.


I sell with No Returns, thus an item should be 'not as described' to initiate a return. So ebay is making an item not as described if it arrives later than the shipping estimate, which they're miscalculating in the first place!? A seller who does no returns, shouldn't be on the hook for a return because an item arrives late due to ebay's forcing them into this unwanted plan.  If this is true, I'm not the one 'describing the guaranteed shipping date', ebay is, why should the seller take a loss because of this?


Not to mention, ebay also states they may decide not to foot to the bill for this plan at any time. If the plan was so great, why would ebay have to force it on sellers! Let those who want it select it. Everything is not one size fits all.

Hi @auctionpet, the estimated delivery date being immediately after or even during your stated handling time is unrelated to eBay's guarantee of delivery and is instead a potential technical issue we can get reported. If there is a technical issue that causes a problem for a seller, we will take steps to protect them.


While I have noted your feedback on this feature, we have seen great success with it and it has no negative impact on a seller. I strongly encourage you to review the resources on our site regarding this guarantee to confirm that it only provides additional protections to you in the event that an item is delivered late. A late delivery would be considered 'not as described', but as I mentioned previously, a technical issue that is affecting the delivery date negatively would be something we would protect a seller on. Again, the guarantee of a delivery date has no impact on the estimated delivery date - the estimate delivery date is what causes a guarantee of delivery to appear in your listings in the first place. If the item is not estimated to arrive within 4 days based on your location, the buyer's location, the shipping service selected, and historical data, the guarantee will not be displayed to a buyer.



I understand what you are saying and why you are saying it.  As others have stated, I don't like having this forced upon me either.  I would much prefer that this was an options that sellers could opt into or not.


Since Ebay started this I have an uptick in emails from my buyers wondering where they package is and why it is late.  It isn't late, if Ebay were to be considering my handling time.  Ebay feels they need to correct what I say my handling time is which I don't think Ebay should be involved in.  I would much prefer to under promise and over deliver.  This practice has served me very well over the years and I have 1000's of happy customers to prove that.


FWIW I also disagree with your statement there is no negative impact to sellers.  If a buyer opens a SNAD because the item was delivered late, then the seller now has to deal with that SNAD.  The buyer is unhappy and the seller has additional expenses they otherwise may not have had.  Then there is the Service Metrics and how SNADs are recorded for that function.  Unless you are saying that SNADs opened because the Guaranteed delivery date was not met are not used in the Service Metrics???

@mam98031  I agree with you. 


It's hard to understand how what's being reported here can be good for the Customer experience of Buying and the Seller's experience of Selling. 


Regardless if a case is opened and if the Guaranteed Delivery Date is not used in the Service Metrics, it's still a bad experience for Buyer and Seller if it becomes an issue (which apparently it is).

Message 57 of 91
latest reply

Re: Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

@Anonymous wrote:

@greg5000 wrote:

@ohnojoey wrote:

@auctionpet wrote:

@ohnojoey wrote:

"You can opt out at any time by navigating to Account Settings > Site Preferences > eBay Guaranteed Delivery Setting. Click "Show," then "Edit". Lastly, select "I want to opt out of eBay Guaranteed Delivery," and click "Continue." You may opt back in at any time."


This is in the "eBay Guaranteed Delivery" policy.

So is this true that you can opt out of GD or is it not true and this policy is old or not updated?



As you can see from my opening post, I'm not opted in. I never received any notice of the policy changing.  A huge area showed above my ebay selling page, saying my listings 'qualify' for GD, indicating a box for me to select to opt in. I never opted in. I can't opt out, since I'm already opted out, but it's meaningless! Ebay does whatever they feel like, despite their own policies.

I get it, that's crazy and disingenuous! So their policy is meaningless if ebay is opting sellers in without the seller being able to opt out, while telling sellers that they can opt out when they never opted in in the first place!

Sounds about right.

Hi @greg5000@auctionpet, and @ohnojoey - I just want to clarify that the screenshot provided here is from the FAQ for eBay's Guaranteed Delivery Program. This is different than eBay's guarantee of delivery for items that qualify for the Fast 'N Free banner. While these do share a similar name and both include guarantees, the FAQ referenced is unrelated to eBay's guarantee that is displayed on items that will arrive within 4 days (Fast 'N Free).



OK, thanks for letting us know. 


This still doesn't address the concerns I'm seeing reported here. 


@mam98031  also just shared some thoughts, and I posted a reply.



Message 58 of 91
latest reply

Re: Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

Not applicable

@mam98031 wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@auctionpet wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@auctionpet wrote:
Oh, nice, so we're only out the hefty initial shipping and paypal fees and have to wonder if we're even getting the right item back. It shouldn't cost the seller a dime, when a program like this is Forced on them! That means I'd likely be out at least $10! It's so nice that the Post Office and Paypal get to keep their money due to ebay's foolish program and the seller gets to lose.

Just wait til Christmas!

Hi @auctionpet, I just wanted to add some additional clarification that a seller would be expected to accept a return for an item that arrived late regardless of if there is a guarantee displayed on the listing or not. The only difference is, if eBay is guaranteeing the delivery date, we would offer additional protections to a seller. More details are in my most recent response, but I wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page that this guarantee does not put additional responsibility on the seller, it only provides additional protections.


It would be different if ebay was quoting shipping estimates which actually included the seller selected handling time, but it sounds like they're not, this is what triggered my issue in the first place. Seeing an estimated delivery of Monday for an item a buyer purchases today (Thursday), when I have 2 day handling, meaning I wouldn't be required to ship it til Monday, and it would state this on my orders page. So exactly how is the buyer supposed to receive it Monday, when it hasn't even shipped til Monday?


Why is ebay not including the seller selected handling time in their quoted delivery date and instead basing it on past shipping times. If I say 2 days handling, I should have the option of using that full handling time and ebay shouldn't give the buyer a shorter delivery date simply because I've shipped within 1 day in the past.


I sell with No Returns, thus an item should be 'not as described' to initiate a return. So ebay is making an item not as described if it arrives later than the shipping estimate, which they're miscalculating in the first place!? A seller who does no returns, shouldn't be on the hook for a return because an item arrives late due to ebay's forcing them into this unwanted plan.  If this is true, I'm not the one 'describing the guaranteed shipping date', ebay is, why should the seller take a loss because of this?


Not to mention, ebay also states they may decide not to foot to the bill for this plan at any time. If the plan was so great, why would ebay have to force it on sellers! Let those who want it select it. Everything is not one size fits all.

Hi @auctionpet, the estimated delivery date being immediately after or even during your stated handling time is unrelated to eBay's guarantee of delivery and is instead a potential technical issue we can get reported. If there is a technical issue that causes a problem for a seller, we will take steps to protect them.


While I have noted your feedback on this feature, we have seen great success with it and it has no negative impact on a seller. I strongly encourage you to review the resources on our site regarding this guarantee to confirm that it only provides additional protections to you in the event that an item is delivered late. A late delivery would be considered 'not as described', but as I mentioned previously, a technical issue that is affecting the delivery date negatively would be something we would protect a seller on. Again, the guarantee of a delivery date has no impact on the estimated delivery date - the estimate delivery date is what causes a guarantee of delivery to appear in your listings in the first place. If the item is not estimated to arrive within 4 days based on your location, the buyer's location, the shipping service selected, and historical data, the guarantee will not be displayed to a buyer.



I understand what you are saying and why you are saying it.  As others have stated, I don't like having this forced upon me either.  I would much prefer that this was an options that sellers could opt into or not.


Since Ebay started this I have an uptick in emails from my buyers wondering where they package is and why it is late.  It isn't late, if Ebay were to be considering my handling time.  Ebay feels they need to correct what I say my handling time is which I don't think Ebay should be involved in.  I would much prefer to under promise and over deliver.  This practice has served me very well over the years and I have 1000's of happy customers to prove that.


FWIW I also disagree with your statement there is no negative impact to sellers.  If a buyer opens a SNAD because the item was delivered late, then the seller now has to deal with that SNAD.  The buyer is unhappy and the seller has additional expenses they otherwise may not have had.  Then there is the Service Metrics and how SNADs are recorded for that function.  Unless you are saying that SNADs opened because the Guaranteed delivery date was not met are not used in the Service Metrics???

Hi @mam98031, you have raised the point I really want to drive home for everyone; a buyer has always been able to open a return request for an item that is delivered late. The guarantee that we make regarding the delivery date only serves to provide the seller with additional protections if the buyer wants to return an order that was delivered late. This guarantee does not change the expectation, nor does it have any impact at all on the estimated delivery date. The guarantee only appears when the delivery date has already been determined to be within 4 days. Any issues with the delivery date, or the handling time not being counted properly would be a separate issue. When I say that the guarantee for eligible items has no negative impact on a seller, it is because the guarantee is not related to any of the complaints that have been raised here or any problems that might arise. Again, the stated guarantee in the listing only ensures the seller has additional protections in a situation where they already would have faced some kind of responsibility. 


Again, I do want to stress this, a buyer has always been able to open a not as described return for a item delivered late, and can do so even when there is no guaranteed delivery date highlighted in the listing. If there is no guarantee highlighted by either the seller or by eBay, the seller would be responsible for return shipping costs. If there is a guarantee, the buyer may receive a refund from eBay of the shipping cost they paid, a voucher if there was no shipping cost or, if they would like to return the item, eBay would cover the cost of return shipping. All the seller had to do to be eligible for these protections is ship within their stated handling time.


We've gotten reports of the estimated delivery date showing either immediately after the seller's handling time or during the seller's stated handling time and have passed this onto our tech teams. Reports of this specific issue have only begun recently, and are not a result of the guarantee that we provide in the listing. While I understand that a seller may receive questions or concerns about delivery when the date was highlighted in the listing, the seller simply has to direct their buyer to eBay Customer Service for further assistance.

Message 59 of 91
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Re: Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

Not applicable

Hi @greg5000, I believe my other responses have addressed the concerns raised in this thread. If I've missed something please let me know what I can touch on for clarification.

Message 60 of 91
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