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Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!


Surprise! Surprise! Despite the fact that my site preferences say NO for Guaranteed delivery, nor did I click to OPT IN, ebay has changed ALL my listings to Guaranteed Delivery!


The estimated delivery dates being completely unrealistic and actually impossible. My listings all have 2 day handling. They're all showing delivery by Monday May 6 for someone in my area. That's impossible, considering the 2 day handling wouldn't have me shipping an item until Monday if it was ordered today (Thursday), as the 2 days doesn't include weekends. CS couldn't seem to comprehend this.


I DO NOT want Guaranteed delivery. I have no interest in being forced into it or being forced to take a return simply because ebay gives a buyer an unrealistic magic carpet delivery time and the carrier can't meet it. Resulting in a potential large monetary loss due to loss of paypal fees, and shipping both ways!!


I phoned CS and they state that ebay has the policy requiring automatic Guaranteed delivery if you use an expedited shipping method, despite any handling time! The only way out would be to chose a non expedited shipping method. It's hard enough to get sales, buyers aren't going to select listings with economy shipping. I asked the rep to tell me where I could see this new policy and he couldn't point it out to me of course! This is not good. After I hung up, I saw my other account was also suddenly showing all Guaranteed Delivery!


First it's forced GTC and now it's forced Guaranteed Delivery. Did I miss something? Can someone show me the policy that just took effect forcing sellers into this nightmare of guaranteed delivery if they use expedited shipping!! It seems seller's hands are tied no matter what they try to do here and they have zero control over their listings or business!!


Am I the only one suddenly seeing this change?!

Message 1 of 91
latest reply

Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

@zamo-zuan wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:

@zamo-zuan wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:

I thought the same thing.  What the heck is going on here.  But come to find out I was mistaken, this is no longer a policy you need to opt into.  Ebay will do that for you under certain circumstances.  This link will provide you with more accurate information on the subject.


My biggest complaint is if you view your GD items in search, it sometimes gives buyers the false impression that you're shipment is going to get there LATER with GD, even though it's the same shipping method.


Expected by: 3rd on a non-GD listing.


Guaranteed by: 8th on a GD listing.



I posted the link to the announcement, but that by no stretch of my imagination means I agree with what they are doing.

Oh, I may have replied to your comment did not intend that comment towards you. We have actually been signed up for GD for over a year now. 


I just think it's ridiculous that they choose to present it in a way that makes it look worse, and this has been an issue since they beginning they seem to still have not fixed.


They could easily give the expected date AND guaranteed numbers as a solid resolution. Instead they choose to do it in a misleading (the eBay) way.

@zamo-zuan  Wrote:


They could easily give the expected date AND guaranteed numbers as a solid resolution. Instead they choose to do it in a misleading (the eBay) way.




Seems like I'm seeing the same theme here regarding this issue (I've also read more concerns on other threads).

Message 61 of 91
latest reply

Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

@twnpopcards wrote:

@e-cheddar wrote:

@autopartspuller wrote:

Sellers will not take the hit.  As long as you get your item out with in your stated handling time you will be fine.  The estimated delivery date has nothing to do with you.  If you ship out in what every your handing time is, Ebay will cover the cost if someone files for the guaranteed delivery.  I have had a couple GD claims and they have not effected me at all.  I got my item out on time, so Ebay pays the claim... Not me  or YOU.

this is is basically a marketing scam to the buyers, who get irritated when their item doesn't arrive on time according to ebay's promises.  However, ebay handles the remedies (ie either refunding shipping when shipping as been charged, or by offering a $5 credit toward future purchases if shipping was free).  None of this comes out of your pocket, but that doesn't mean the customer can't leave a negative feedback.  

But it also gives the Buyer one more excuse for returning an item at the Sellers Expense.  So because Ebay changes things on our listings and/or ignores our settings Buyers now are unrealistically expecting a shipment to arrive sooner than it is supposed to and that is also a valid SNAD reason for the return. Gee another SNAD to add to your others that are false and puts you that much closer to the 5% penalty FVF that Ebay gets to charge you for being classified as high % of SNAD's vs your unidentified peers.  


This is just another way for Ebay to try and grab more money from their Sellers and by no longer allowing us to opt out of it, Ebay once again finds a sleazy way to potentially increase their revenue at the Sellers Expense.  With PayPal making the change later this month to no longer refunding fees charged for processing a payment this is going to really  start getting expensive for Sellers who get opted into this program that obviously was not working or more Sellers would have opted in.  So once again Ebay buyers will have to eat another increase in Sellers pricing to absorb these additional costs of doing business on this site.


Then Ebay wonders why Sellers ignore their recommendations for selling prices.  That may be a reasonable price on another site but not one that keeps their hand in the Sellers Wallet 24/7/365.

100% agree. If I wanted to opt into the dang program I would! Why can`t they just leave sellers alone? Why continue to cause a rift? Does ebay have to stoop this low for a few bucks?

"There`s always barber college" - Dalton - Road House
Message 62 of 91
latest reply

Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

@mam98031 wrote:

eBay likes to make promises that they can't deliver on time ..... or ever.  nerd


Maybe Sellers can open a PNR case? ..... Promise Not Received  slight smile


What is your goal here?  


We know you are upset with Ebay, you have been very clear on your reasons on multiple threads.  But what is your goal?

Thanks for enhancing my post with bright color.


My only goal is to bring opinion and awareness to issues that Sellers & Buyers share at eBay, with the intent to hopefully make eBay a better ecommerce site. 


I was really hoping to become a Seller here, after many years of Buying.  All of the issues that I keep reading about concern me (and I see they also concern many others).

Message 63 of 91
latest reply

Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

@greg5000 wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:

eBay likes to make promises that they can't deliver on time ..... or ever.  nerd


Maybe Sellers can open a PNR case? ..... Promise Not Received  slight smile


What is your goal here?  


We know you are upset with Ebay, you have been very clear on your reasons on multiple threads.  But what is your goal?

Thanks for enhancing my post with bright color.


My only goal is to bring opinion and awareness to issues that Sellers & Buyers share at eBay, with the intent to hopefully make eBay a better ecommerce site. 


I was really hoping to become a Seller here, after many years of Buying.  All of the issues that I keep reading about concern me (and I see they also concern many others).

The difference in color is only so that it is easy to see what you wrote and what I wrote. 


You seem to want to take the voice and opinion of a few to mean that everything on Ebay must operate that way.  That simply is not the case.


While it is very important for members to be able to come to the threads to voice concerns, vent, ask for help and/or get help.  That by no stretch of the imagination means that 6.7 million US sellers are represented here by more than a fraction of posters.


Nor does it mean that the transactions that members come here seeking help for or to vent about represent the majority of transactions on Ebay, because it doesn't.


The vast majority of transactions on Ebay go off without a hitch.  In fact with most of them, there isn't even a single email that transpires between the buyer and seller other than normal tracking emails and the such.  The vast majority of buyers are good honorable people as are the majority of sellers.


If that were not to be true.  If most transactions had issues as is so often outlined on various threads, there would be absolutely no reason for any seller to sell on Ebay.  And if that were to be true, then there would be a whole lot list that the 160+ million active buyers worldwide.


So while it may be your opinion that Ebay "can't deliver on time" or can't deliver on what they promise.  I don't hold that same opinion.  I've been selling here successfully for over 20 years. 


Are there problems?  YES 

Could Ebay do some stuff differently?  YES 

Would I like to see some specific changes?  ABSOLUTELY  

Do I like all of Ebay's policies?  NO

Can Ebay be better?  YES

Is Ebay a good value for the money?  YES



mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 64 of 91
latest reply

Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

If ebay is forcing listings to be displayed as the delivery being guarantied then perhaps you should opt in. IT sounds like they are already opting your listings in door by door and this should only be done if you are a drop shipper whos distributor offers 2 day shipping.  If you opt into by handle time then you are automatically excluded from guarantied 2 day shipping. Then by specifying longer handle times at least more than 1 day your listings should be excluded. Also while you want to have a fast shipping service perhaps try setting your shipping service to the economy. Then offering the expedited service as a second shipping option. This may also block the forced inclusion into the program.

Message 65 of 91
latest reply

Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

@Anonymous wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@auctionpet wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@auctionpet wrote:
Oh, nice, so we're only out the hefty initial shipping and paypal fees and have to wonder if we're even getting the right item back. It shouldn't cost the seller a dime, when a program like this is Forced on them! That means I'd likely be out at least $10! It's so nice that the Post Office and Paypal get to keep their money due to ebay's foolish program and the seller gets to lose.

Just wait til Christmas!

Hi @auctionpet, I just wanted to add some additional clarification that a seller would be expected to accept a return for an item that arrived late regardless of if there is a guarantee displayed on the listing or not. The only difference is, if eBay is guaranteeing the delivery date, we would offer additional protections to a seller. More details are in my most recent response, but I wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page that this guarantee does not put additional responsibility on the seller, it only provides additional protections.


It would be different if ebay was quoting shipping estimates which actually included the seller selected handling time, but it sounds like they're not, this is what triggered my issue in the first place. Seeing an estimated delivery of Monday for an item a buyer purchases today (Thursday), when I have 2 day handling, meaning I wouldn't be required to ship it til Monday, and it would state this on my orders page. So exactly how is the buyer supposed to receive it Monday, when it hasn't even shipped til Monday?


Why is ebay not including the seller selected handling time in their quoted delivery date and instead basing it on past shipping times. If I say 2 days handling, I should have the option of using that full handling time and ebay shouldn't give the buyer a shorter delivery date simply because I've shipped within 1 day in the past.


I sell with No Returns, thus an item should be 'not as described' to initiate a return. So ebay is making an item not as described if it arrives later than the shipping estimate, which they're miscalculating in the first place!? A seller who does no returns, shouldn't be on the hook for a return because an item arrives late due to ebay's forcing them into this unwanted plan.  If this is true, I'm not the one 'describing the guaranteed shipping date', ebay is, why should the seller take a loss because of this?


Not to mention, ebay also states they may decide not to foot to the bill for this plan at any time. If the plan was so great, why would ebay have to force it on sellers! Let those who want it select it. Everything is not one size fits all.

Hi @auctionpet, the estimated delivery date being immediately after or even during your stated handling time is unrelated to eBay's guarantee of delivery and is instead a potential technical issue we can get reported. If there is a technical issue that causes a problem for a seller, we will take steps to protect them.


While I have noted your feedback on this feature, we have seen great success with it and it has no negative impact on a seller. I strongly encourage you to review the resources on our site regarding this guarantee to confirm that it only provides additional protections to you in the event that an item is delivered late. A late delivery would be considered 'not as described', but as I mentioned previously, a technical issue that is affecting the delivery date negatively would be something we would protect a seller on. Again, the guarantee of a delivery date has no impact on the estimated delivery date - the estimate delivery date is what causes a guarantee of delivery to appear in your listings in the first place. If the item is not estimated to arrive within 4 days based on your location, the buyer's location, the shipping service selected, and historical data, the guarantee will not be displayed to a buyer.



I understand what you are saying and why you are saying it.  As others have stated, I don't like having this forced upon me either.  I would much prefer that this was an options that sellers could opt into or not.


Since Ebay started this I have an uptick in emails from my buyers wondering where they package is and why it is late.  It isn't late, if Ebay were to be considering my handling time.  Ebay feels they need to correct what I say my handling time is which I don't think Ebay should be involved in.  I would much prefer to under promise and over deliver.  This practice has served me very well over the years and I have 1000's of happy customers to prove that.


FWIW I also disagree with your statement there is no negative impact to sellers.  If a buyer opens a SNAD because the item was delivered late, then the seller now has to deal with that SNAD.  The buyer is unhappy and the seller has additional expenses they otherwise may not have had.  Then there is the Service Metrics and how SNADs are recorded for that function.  Unless you are saying that SNADs opened because the Guaranteed delivery date was not met are not used in the Service Metrics???

Hi @mam98031, you have raised the point I really want to drive home for everyone; a buyer has always been able to open a return request for an item that is delivered late. The guarantee that we make regarding the delivery date only serves to provide the seller with additional protections if the buyer wants to return an order that was delivered late. This guarantee does not change the expectation, nor does it have any impact at all on the estimated delivery date. The guarantee only appears when the delivery date has already been determined to be within 4 days. Any issues with the delivery date, or the handling time not being counted properly would be a separate issue. When I say that the guarantee for eligible items has no negative impact on a seller, it is because the guarantee is not related to any of the complaints that have been raised here or any problems that might arise. Again, the stated guarantee in the listing only ensures the seller has additional protections in a situation where they already would have faced some kind of responsibility. 


Again, I do want to stress this, a buyer has always been able to open a not as described return for a item delivered late, and can do so even when there is no guaranteed delivery date highlighted in the listing. If there is no guarantee highlighted by either the seller or by eBay, the seller would be responsible for return shipping costs. If there is a guarantee, the buyer may receive a refund from eBay of the shipping cost they paid, a voucher if there was no shipping cost or, if they would like to return the item, eBay would cover the cost of return shipping. All the seller had to do to be eligible for these protections is ship within their stated handling time.


We've gotten reports of the estimated delivery date showing either immediately after the seller's handling time or during the seller's stated handling time and have passed this onto our tech teams. Reports of this specific issue have only begun recently, and are not a result of the guarantee that we provide in the listing. While I understand that a seller may receive questions or concerns about delivery when the date was highlighted in the listing, the seller simply has to direct their buyer to eBay Customer Service for further assistance.



I absolutely agree with you and buyers have always had the right to open a claim if the item is not delivered within the stated terms on the listing.  I also agree that buyers can open a claim for just about any reason they can come up with.  I may take issue with their reasons from time to time, but their right to open the claim is there as it should be.


My issue is with Ebay changing my handling time from what they feel my history shows that I do from what I state in my listing.  That shouldn't happen period.  If I wanted my handling time stated at 1 day I would state that.  If I want it at 2 days, it is my right as a seller to do that as there is nothing in the rules of seller says that I can't.  My handling time is within the rules set forth for sellers.  I just don't want Ebay changing that when calculating delivery times because their records show I ship faster than that on the average.  I much prefer to under state something and over deliver.  It has work great for me for a long time and I don't see why that needs to change.


I do however apologize if my post seem to be as if I was directing my concerns at what you said verses what is happening on the site.  I know you are just explaining how the policy works for us all.


Once a SNAD is opened, do matter the reason, right or wrong, it does count against a seller in the Service Metrics.  And until the Spring Seller Update seller protections kick in, we can't even get them removed from the Service Metrics even when we could prove abuse.  So I have great hopes for the Spring Seller Update to help some sellers when this arrives.  I know that not all buyers that will end up getting reported for abuse are actually abusive or they may not be enough evidence to prove it.  But the ability to express our concerns is a great start.  Hopefully in time we will improve this process too for ALL members.  Both buyers and sellers.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 66 of 91
latest reply

Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

@3eyedfishcatcher wrote:

If ebay is forcing listings to be displayed as the delivery being guarantied then perhaps you should opt in. IT sounds like they are already opting your listings in door by door and this should only be done if you are a drop shipper whos distributor offers 2 day shipping.  If you opt into by handle time then you are automatically excluded from guarantied 2 day shipping. Then by specifying longer handle times at least more than 1 day your listings should be excluded. Also while you want to have a fast shipping service perhaps try setting your shipping service to the economy. Then offering the expedited service as a second shipping option. This may also block the forced inclusion into the program.

NO absolutely NOT!  Door to door is different and NO Ebay is NOT opting sellers into that part of the program.  Please don't spread that around as it will really scare some members unnecessarily.  


I have no idea why you would think that drop shippers could be any more successful as other sellers with door to door.  I'm a drop shipper of some items I sell and I can absolutely tell you I would never do door to door because of this.  That would just be to invite trouble and cause me to hurt my own selling account.



mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 67 of 91
latest reply

Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

@Anonymous wrote:

Hi @greg5000, I believe my other responses have addressed the concerns raised in this thread. If I've missed something please let me know what I can touch on for clarification.

Hi @Anonymous 


I think you covered the topics of discussion.  Just focusing on your last paragraph in your reply to @mam98031 (after gleaning through all of the posts and some other threads), it looks like this may be one of the causes of the reported Delivery Date changes (i.e. recent technical glitch changing info).  The second one I've gleaned from the numerous posts is that Sellers weren't aware of the new GD policy or how it worked, and you covered that in another reply and your last reply. 



Message 68 of 91
latest reply

Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

@mam98031 wrote:

@greg5000 wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:

eBay likes to make promises that they can't deliver on time ..... or ever.  nerd


Maybe Sellers can open a PNR case? ..... Promise Not Received  slight smile


What is your goal here?  


We know you are upset with Ebay, you have been very clear on your reasons on multiple threads.  But what is your goal?

Thanks for enhancing my post with bright color.


My only goal is to bring opinion and awareness to issues that Sellers & Buyers share at eBay, with the intent to hopefully make eBay a better ecommerce site. 


I was really hoping to become a Seller here, after many years of Buying.  All of the issues that I keep reading about concern me (and I see they also concern many others).

The difference in color is only so that it is easy to see what you wrote and what I wrote. 


You seem to want to take the voice and opinion of a few to mean that everything on Ebay must operate that way.  That simply is not the case.


While it is very important for members to be able to come to the threads to voice concerns, vent, ask for help and/or get help.  That by no stretch of the imagination means that 6.7 million US sellers are represented here by more than a fraction of posters.


Nor does it mean that the transactions that members come here seeking help for or to vent about represent the majority of transactions on Ebay, because it doesn't.


The vast majority of transactions on Ebay go off without a hitch.  In fact with most of them, there isn't even a single email that transpires between the buyer and seller other than normal tracking emails and the such.  The vast majority of buyers are good honorable people as are the majority of sellers.


If that were not to be true.  If most transactions had issues as is so often outlined on various threads, there would be absolutely no reason for any seller to sell on Ebay.  And if that were to be true, then there would be a whole lot list that the 160+ million active buyers worldwide.


So while it may be your opinion that Ebay "can't deliver on time" or can't deliver on what they promise.  I don't hold that same opinion.  I've been selling here successfully for over 20 years. 


Are there problems?  YES 

Could Ebay do some stuff differently?  YES 

Would I like to see some specific changes?  ABSOLUTELY  

Do I like all of Ebay's policies?  NO

Can Ebay be better?  YES

Is Ebay a good value for the money?  YES



My posts are my voice and opinions and not what I see others post about.  I take time to read posts, validate issues, and look at how many Customers are being impacted.  Many of my posts are about my personal experiences here at eBay. 


I was a Buyer for 9 years and had numerous issues with eBay and never once posted on Community Boards, until 2019.  Most eBay members don't post here.  The ones that do typically come here when they get frustrated with an issue and can't get it resolved by contacting Customer Support. 


The issue posted at Community Boards are a sampling of the total number of Customers impacted and needs to be extrapolated further, to determine the total number of Customers impacted.  


I'm curious where you got the number of U.S. Sellers from, as I couldn't find this on eBay's Corporate site?  Is this 2019 data?


I'm glad you're successful on the site and I hope you continue to be.

Message 69 of 91
latest reply

Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!



I am also having major issues with forced Guaranteed Delivery dates that are not considering my handling time on my seller account. I don't think it's fair to say that a buyer can return an item because it "arrived late" when the buyer is given a date that isn't accurate for my handling time. I have a 3 day handling time. Sometimes I ship in 1 day, usually 2, but sometimes I need the full 3 days, it depends what day of the week an item sells since some days I have more time and others I have far less time.

I live in Connecticut. An item sold today to a buyer in California. I have standard shipping selected with a 3 day handling time. Since today is Friday, the item is due to ship by Wednesday. The order has a guaranteed delivery date of Tuesday, May 7. It probably won't even ship until Tuesday. How is this at all fair or reasonable? The item is guaranteed to arrive late since my handling time isn't being considered at all. Another item sold to a buyer in Washington state today and also has a guaranteed delivery date of Tuesday May 7. Another one, sold to Texas, also guaranteed for the 7th, not quite as far as the West Coast but it's still not going to happen. Oddly enough, the only one that sold today to a close state, Massachusetts, has a guaranteed delivery date of May 9th, which at least might arrive "on time." Is there anything I can do to fix these inaccurate dates so my items don't unfairly arrive "Late" when they are shipped within the handling time? I am not required to send ANY of these items until Wednesday per my handling time but buyers are being promised a delivery date before Wednesday! The earliest any of these items should be estimated to arrive would be next Friday (and that should be the beginning of the estimated delivery window, not the end of it) since First Class takes at least 2 days.

Message 70 of 91
latest reply

Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

@greg5000 wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:

@greg5000 wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:

eBay likes to make promises that they can't deliver on time ..... or ever.  nerd


Maybe Sellers can open a PNR case? ..... Promise Not Received  slight smile


What is your goal here?  


We know you are upset with Ebay, you have been very clear on your reasons on multiple threads.  But what is your goal?

Thanks for enhancing my post with bright color.


My only goal is to bring opinion and awareness to issues that Sellers & Buyers share at eBay, with the intent to hopefully make eBay a better ecommerce site. 


I was really hoping to become a Seller here, after many years of Buying.  All of the issues that I keep reading about concern me (and I see they also concern many others).

The difference in color is only so that it is easy to see what you wrote and what I wrote. 


You seem to want to take the voice and opinion of a few to mean that everything on Ebay must operate that way.  That simply is not the case.


While it is very important for members to be able to come to the threads to voice concerns, vent, ask for help and/or get help.  That by no stretch of the imagination means that 6.7 million US sellers are represented here by more than a fraction of posters.


Nor does it mean that the transactions that members come here seeking help for or to vent about represent the majority of transactions on Ebay, because it doesn't.


The vast majority of transactions on Ebay go off without a hitch.  In fact with most of them, there isn't even a single email that transpires between the buyer and seller other than normal tracking emails and the such.  The vast majority of buyers are good honorable people as are the majority of sellers.


If that were not to be true.  If most transactions had issues as is so often outlined on various threads, there would be absolutely no reason for any seller to sell on Ebay.  And if that were to be true, then there would be a whole lot list that the 160+ million active buyers worldwide.


So while it may be your opinion that Ebay "can't deliver on time" or can't deliver on what they promise.  I don't hold that same opinion.  I've been selling here successfully for over 20 years. 


Are there problems?  YES 

Could Ebay do some stuff differently?  YES 

Would I like to see some specific changes?  ABSOLUTELY  

Do I like all of Ebay's policies?  NO

Can Ebay be better?  YES

Is Ebay a good value for the money?  YES



My posts are my voice and opinions and not what I see others post about.  I take time to read posts, validate issues, and look at how many Customers are being impacted.  Many of my posts are about my personal experiences here at eBay. 


I was a Buyer for 9 years and had numerous issues with eBay and never once posted on Community Boards, until 2019.  Most eBay members don't post here.  The ones that do typically come here when they get frustrated with an issue and can't get it resolved by contacting Customer Support. 


The issue posted at Community Boards are a sampling of the total number of Customers impacted and needs to be extrapolated further, to determine the total number of Customers impacted.  


I'm curious where you got the number of U.S. Sellers from, as I couldn't find this on eBay's Corporate site?  Is this 2019 data?


I'm glad you're successful on the site and I hope you continue to be.

Since you have, by your own admission, never sold on Ebay, it isn't likely that you have any personal experience with some of the issues you comment on beyond what you see on the threads.  It is fine that you post on the selling board and on matters that affect sellers, I am not in any way say you shouldn't.  But until you actually have some selling experience, it can be hard to get a grasp on some of this stuff.  Heck often even with experience it is challenging.


Yes, I'm aware of your buying history here.  You have mentioned it a few times.


There are several places to get the numbers, here is just one link.


mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 71 of 91
latest reply

Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

@mam98031 wrote:

@greg5000 wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:

@greg5000 wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:

eBay likes to make promises that they can't deliver on time ..... or ever.  nerd


Maybe Sellers can open a PNR case? ..... Promise Not Received  slight smile


What is your goal here?  


We know you are upset with Ebay, you have been very clear on your reasons on multiple threads.  But what is your goal?

Thanks for enhancing my post with bright color.


My only goal is to bring opinion and awareness to issues that Sellers & Buyers share at eBay, with the intent to hopefully make eBay a better ecommerce site. 


I was really hoping to become a Seller here, after many years of Buying.  All of the issues that I keep reading about concern me (and I see they also concern many others).

The difference in color is only so that it is easy to see what you wrote and what I wrote. 


You seem to want to take the voice and opinion of a few to mean that everything on Ebay must operate that way.  That simply is not the case.


While it is very important for members to be able to come to the threads to voice concerns, vent, ask for help and/or get help.  That by no stretch of the imagination means that 6.7 million US sellers are represented here by more than a fraction of posters.


Nor does it mean that the transactions that members come here seeking help for or to vent about represent the majority of transactions on Ebay, because it doesn't.


The vast majority of transactions on Ebay go off without a hitch.  In fact with most of them, there isn't even a single email that transpires between the buyer and seller other than normal tracking emails and the such.  The vast majority of buyers are good honorable people as are the majority of sellers.


If that were not to be true.  If most transactions had issues as is so often outlined on various threads, there would be absolutely no reason for any seller to sell on Ebay.  And if that were to be true, then there would be a whole lot list that the 160+ million active buyers worldwide.


So while it may be your opinion that Ebay "can't deliver on time" or can't deliver on what they promise.  I don't hold that same opinion.  I've been selling here successfully for over 20 years. 


Are there problems?  YES 

Could Ebay do some stuff differently?  YES 

Would I like to see some specific changes?  ABSOLUTELY  

Do I like all of Ebay's policies?  NO

Can Ebay be better?  YES

Is Ebay a good value for the money?  YES



My posts are my voice and opinions and not what I see others post about.  I take time to read posts, validate issues, and look at how many Customers are being impacted.  Many of my posts are about my personal experiences here at eBay. 


I was a Buyer for 9 years and had numerous issues with eBay and never once posted on Community Boards, until 2019.  Most eBay members don't post here.  The ones that do typically come here when they get frustrated with an issue and can't get it resolved by contacting Customer Support. 


The issue posted at Community Boards are a sampling of the total number of Customers impacted and needs to be extrapolated further, to determine the total number of Customers impacted.  


I'm curious where you got the number of U.S. Sellers from, as I couldn't find this on eBay's Corporate site?  Is this 2019 data?


I'm glad you're successful on the site and I hope you continue to be.

Since you have, by your own admission, never sold on Ebay, it isn't likely that you have any personal experience with some of the issues you comment on beyond what you see on the threads.  It is fine that you post on the selling board and on matters that affect sellers, I am not in any way say you shouldn't.  But until you actually have some selling experience, it can be hard to get a grasp on some of this stuff.  Heck often even with experience it is challenging.


Yes, I'm aware of your buying history here.  You have mentioned it a few times.


There are several places to get the numbers, here is just one link.


I had to take over the Selling Account of my girlfriends brother two years ago when he had a stroke, so I actually do have some selling experience on the site.  I had to learn very quickly, as there were many listings and sales in progress that I had to address.  He recovered and was back at selling within ~ 8 months. 


Thanks for the link.  The article says:  In 2017, 6.7 million sellers on eBay (NASDAQ: EBAY) sold products in 190 markets around the world. 


You had stated 6.7 million US Sellers, but the article indicates the 6.7 million figure is for Worldwide Sellers.  This data is 2 years old, so not sure how accurate it is, but would be interested to see a recent number reported from eBay.  Let us know if you come across one?

Message 72 of 91
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Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

@greg5000  Wrote:


You had stated 6.7 million US Sellers, but the article indicates the 6.7 million figure is for Worldwide Sellers.  This data is 2 years old, so not sure how accurate it is, but would be interested to see a recent number reported from eBay.  Let us know if you come across one?





Correcting my post, as you were correct with the 6.7 million number for US Sellers in 2017.  I read further into the article and it stated there were 25 million Worldwide Sellers at that time.


Would still be interested to see a recent figure if you come across one?


Message 73 of 91
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Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

As we all would.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 74 of 91
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Ebay Has Forced Guaranteed Delivery!!! Did NOT Opt In!

  1. I

    @auctionpet wrote:

    @e-cheddar wrote:

    @autopartspuller wrote:

    Sellers will not take the hit.  As long as you get your item out with in your stated handling time you will be fine.  The estimated delivery date has nothing to do with you.  If you ship out in what every your handing time is, Ebay will cover the cost if someone files for the guaranteed delivery.  I have had a couple GD claims and they have not effected me at all.  I got my item out on time, so Ebay pays the claim... Not me  or YOU.

    this is is basically a marketing scam to the buyers, who get irritated when their item doesn't arrive on time according to ebay's promises.  However, ebay handles the remedies (ie either refunding shipping when shipping as been charged, or by offering a $5 credit toward future purchases if shipping was free).  None of this comes out of your pocket, but that doesn't mean the customer can't leave a negative feedback.  

    The fact that it won't affect the seller is only partially true. If you read the 'details' section the buyer sees, it states they can RETURN the item if not received by the Guaranteed Delivery date. This would lose the seller a sale, cost them shipping both ways and come May 7, the paypal fees. It doesn't state anywhere that ebay will cover these loses. That possible event has nothing to do with one shipping within the stated handling time.

    The seller doesn’t have to cover shipping both ways.  eBay pays the return shipping in this case also negative feedback complaining it didn’t arrive on time is removable 
“Birth certificates show that you were born. Death certificates show that you died. Photographs show that you have lived.” -Unknown
Message 75 of 91
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