09-25-2019 06:44 AM
09-25-2019 06:47 AM - edited 09-25-2019 06:50 AM
It's true!
Whomever steps in, please turn this train wreck around!
Foreshadowing! Read this Ecommerce article https://www.ecommercebytes.com/C/blog/blog.pl?/pl/2019/2/1550542819.html from Ina last week. In it Wenig quotes Roosevelt "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena...who does actually strive to do the deeds". Teddy Roosevelt, 1910.
09-25-2019 06:47 AM
Let the PARTY begin!
09-25-2019 06:50 AM
I am glad I started to diversify my sites a few years back. I now do as much on another sited as I do Ebay.
The main investor pushing this wants to sell Stub Hub and Ebay classify, increase products on site i.e. more Chinese, return more money in dividends to stock holders and compete in the modern market.
09-25-2019 06:51 AM
@whatmorefabric wrote:I am glad I started to diversify my sites a few years back. I now do as much on another sited as I do Ebay.
The main investor pushing this wants to sell Stub Hub and Ebay classify, increase products on site i.e. more Chinese, return more money in dividends to stock holders and compete in the modern market.
Yes...we don't know if the devil we don't know will be worse than the devil we do....
09-25-2019 07:07 AM
....sounds hostile
09-25-2019 07:28 AM
Today is a Glorious Day for eBay, Devin Wenig Resigns but not before running the company into the ground Other miscreants of the Old Guard to follow that should be rooted out. Yes! they know who they are.
09-25-2019 07:48 AM - edited 09-25-2019 07:48 AM
@yongscholar wrote:
Today is a Glorious Day for eBay, Devin Wenig Resigns but not before running the company into the ground Other miscreants of the Old Guard to follow that should be rooted out. Yes! they know who they are.
Respectfully speaking, be careful for what you wish. It may not turn out as you think it should.
09-25-2019 09:07 AM
Resigning--is that the new word for being fired?
Hallelujia there is a God. Too bad he gets an undeserved golden parachute.
Hope they do a little more house cleaning while they are at it. Let's get this train back on the right track.
09-25-2019 09:41 AM
This is both good news and bad news. Good news in that Wenig, who has made a number of bad decisions such as GTC, is departing. The bad news is that it strengthens the hand of the vulture capitalists who want to sell the profitable subsidiaries to leave the less profitable mother branch to wilt and then be sold to the highest bidder and thus make big one-time financial gains on the transaction fees while leaving the Ebay platform to flounder. I said here on these boards about two years ago that I gave Ebay at most 10 more years and I believe that prognostication is still valid. Sell off the profitable assets and lessen the value of Ebay and at some point it becomes affordable to Alibaba.
09-25-2019 10:00 AM
I had never seen eBay being that bad as during past year - from trapping sellers into Webinterpret without sellers permission (someone from eBay`s top got a slice of a pie, but it turned to nightmare for trapped sellers) to non-existent sales this Summer. Promoted listings and forced GTC were the worst policies of all times.
Bring eBay back where it belongs - an unique and fair marketplace for both buyers and sellers.
09-25-2019 10:25 AM
From: member to member,
Wenig was just winging it. After allegedly losing $60M in India crashing the company stock allegedly intimidating and placing sellers under duress with ridiculous constraints with regards to containing inventory treating the sellers merchandise as if it was their own. On their own volition with reference to last quarter report revealed eBay lost 5% of Merchandise Volume. If you do not think that this is NOT a big deal losing 5% of your territory you are mistaken as eBay is only a go-between the buyer and seller. The company's critical quantitative mechanics is merchandise brought to the market.
Algorithms shows nearing to every reporting cycle there is a slow-down in sales. Why? in order to contain inventory. The company must show continuity, viability to the shareholders it must emphasize active listings. However, the listings are only shown on the back-end. Just a couple days ago eBay tried to repel a similar claim. eBay then rely on realizing their cash flow so as to offset the non -captured revenue of back-end merchandise volume > Inventory. Allegedly enriching themselves from the seller's time and hard labor.
Don’t play a dirge for Wenig he is far better off than you. After cashing in sold 149,563 shares value @$41.49 of the company's stock September 4th he must have smelled his fate. "The chief executive officer now owns 1,034,592 shares in the company, valued at $42,925,222.08" last calculation as reported He should have sold all earlier > Currently Stock Down $38.78Sep 25, 1:01 PM EDT
Wenig , as a result of his incompetence and devious practices not to mention a big chatter box selling snake oil to the shareholders making false promises to sellers. He should not be paid one penny past his severance package when he is shown the door. Don't be surprised he lasted this long.
Foot Note > He should also be kicked off the Board Directors at GM
Reprisals welcomed thank you.
Acknowledgements :
eBay was forced to admit that a new policy that went into effect this month can result in listings getting zero visibility in search results, though it disputed the scale of the impact.
09-25-2019 10:48 AM
@ersatz_sobriquet wrote:
@whatmorefabric wrote:I am glad I started to diversify my sites a few years back. I now do as much on another sited as I do Ebay.
The main investor pushing this wants to sell Stub Hub and Ebay classify, increase products on site i.e. more Chinese, return more money in dividends to stock holders and compete in the modern market.
Yes...we don't know if the devil we don't know will be worse than the devil we do....
So far history shows a 100% chance that the new devil will be worse.
09-25-2019 10:51 AM
Donald Trump's next gig?
09-25-2019 10:52 AM
YES! YES! YES! there IS a God!!
Now find someone who actually KNOWS how this site should work and FIX IT and scrap this Mangled Payments **bleep** before you run off 75% of your sellers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!