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As a seller, what is the one question you always get that drives you crazy?

I sell a lot of media and I always seem to get the person who asks: Can I see the back of the disc? You cannot tell what the back of a disc looks like from a picture, scratches will not show. It would be nice if they would take the time to READ my descriptions then they would not have to ask stupid questions. But most people don't even read the entire title of the listing because they don't scroll forward on their cellphone. I resurface ALL DISCS if needed and they go out looking brand new. Not sure why they want a picture of my cell phone reflected on back of the disc?

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Re: As a seller, what is the one question you always get that drives you crazy?

Not too many questions really bug me but sometimes buyers will message me after the sale....


"Do you guarantee this purchase to arrive within X days? I need it by xx/xx. Just want to make sure."




- Roasting id
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Re: As a seller, what is the one question you always get that drives you crazy?

I think sometimes buyers just ask to see if a seller will respond....and how....  You are an unknown entity and they just may be testing as whether you are reasonable, friendly, etc.    Some don't read...of course.....

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Re: As a seller, what is the one question you always get that drives you crazy?

Not reading the full description and asking questions that are clearly defined in there is what gets me.  I always read the full description if I'm interested in something.  Or asking me to confirm if a part works for their vehicle despite me saying in the description that the only info I have is already in the description, the rest is up to them and their own research.


People just don't read, or they just don't care what you write.  I also hate it when people leave instructions like "please pack well and ship best way".  Don't tell me how to ship, I've been doing this long enough.  I know how to pack and ship.

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Re: As a seller, what is the one question you always get that drives you crazy?


A question that often feels challenging for sellers is: "Can you offer a discount even though the price reflects its full value?" It can diminish the perceived worth of the product or service, as pricing is usually carefully structured to align with quality and market standards. A more productive conversation would focus on the benefits or unique features that justify the pricing.


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Re: As a seller, what is the one question you always get that drives you crazy?

AND always the: What is the lowest price you'd take for your listing? I always reply with: What is the highest price you would pay for my item?

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Re: As a seller, what is the one question you always get that drives you crazy?


I like to buy music cds on the bay. My pet peeve is that sellers will not show or list the songs on it. 

    You did a nice job ( exp Joan Jett) and I wouldn't hesitate to buy from you.

    For the other sellers who do not list the songs, they get a back click from me. Thank you for doing it right!

Message 7 of 30
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Re: As a seller, what is the one question you always get that drives you crazy?

Any question that is answered in the description or the pictures.

I also get the one about the back of the disc, I answer, no because it's to difficult to get the angle just right to show scratches. I will pull the cd and let them know if there are light scratches or not and let them know I listened to it the whole way through and it played fine, all of which is in the item description if they would have just read it.  The results of all that are about 50/50 some will buy and some won't.

Message 8 of 30
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Re: As a seller, what is the one question you always get that drives you crazy?

Hi @bbcardzman and Happy Thanksgiving.


It can be taxing on a popular seller when dealing with the demands of the general public.

But I am in disagreement with your premise. I think your buyers are likely reading your descriptions. Wanting a picture of the CD back would not be something that would tip my stupid scale, especially since you are encouraging them to do just that. You wrote this in your listing:


Conditions can be seen in pictures. If you have any questions or need more pictures ? Just Ask.”


It’s a smart question. The back  can reveal how much use/abuse  the pre-owned disc could have.  Shoppers may need reassurance that they’ll receive what is promised. it is a reasonable expectation for a disc buyer to have, that both sides will be shown. You feel it has no value, but it seems it does to your customers.


One solution can be to use a lightbox and shoot at an angle which can help prevent the mirror effect, and show some scratching. Might take a bit of experimentation.

Giving a specific description regarding the listed item, as opposed to a broad and general one could also help. I saw some details given that there might be scratches, or cracked cases etc. 


Message 9 of 30
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Re: As a seller, what is the one question you always get that drives you crazy?

Yes the discs are one of the most difficult to photograph, scratches don't show, super reflective, People need to read the description & trust you at your word!

Message 10 of 30
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Re: As a seller, what is the one question you always get that drives you crazy?

Any question that is clearly answered in the description.  I put measurements on every clothing and shoe item I sell and I still get questions wanting to know what the measurements are.  Reading is hard.

My second most annoying are a message with nothing more than a price and question mark.  Usually that price is at least 75% below my listed price.  If you can't have enough courtesy to at least surround the price with a  polite set of words asking if I would accept that price, you are ALWAYS going to get a blunt one word reply,  "No".

Message 11 of 30
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Re: As a seller, what is the one question you always get that drives you crazy?


I've been  buying a lot of cds on eBay as well.   I don't think I've ever seen a 'list of songs' on any of them.   But Amazon almost always list the songs, so I go take quick look there & then go back to eBay to buy.   You can't beat eBay's prices on cds and they are almost always in good condition.   But I agree with you, it would be nice if the songs were listed, but even without, I appreciate the low prices.

Message 12 of 30
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Re: As a seller, what is the one question you always get that drives you crazy?

When will this ship? (1 day after buying)


I have my 'response always ready' (although I really just want to say "not reading about an item that you have NEVER seen on a store shelf in your life is far from brilliant")


5 Day Handling.jpg

Message 13 of 30
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Re: As a seller, what is the one question you always get that drives you crazy?


I couldn't agree with you more.   As long as they're polite, most questions don't bother me even if it's in the description.   I'm usually just glad that people are finding my listing.   But my biggest pet peeve is when they ask AFTER the sale for it to arrive by an exact date.   That makes me real crazy!    I nicely tell them (while I'm gritting my teeth)  that while I really appreciate their business,  I cannot guarantee any specific date and that it won't be a problem to cancel if they want.


Since I sell books, I ship with media mail.   Yeah, sure I'll guarantee a date ...  🙂

Message 14 of 30
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Re: As a seller, what is the one question you always get that drives you crazy?

"What is the lowest price you'd take for your listing?" 


For auctions our answer is - 'The starting price.'

For BIN -  'The amount we listed it for.'


Sometimes we add - If we wanted less we would have listed it for less.


But sometimes getting questions is 'great' because we have found that half? of the 'add a BIN and I will BIN' ones are on the 'auto-blocked for strikes' list and so we can then add them to the BBL.

Or after checking their FB left the answer is - 'From FB you have left sellers you seem to never be happy with any camera [or toy train or record or most things] that you buy -- so you have been blocked from bidding/buying our items.



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