08-04-2019 09:29 PM
An Abrupt and Complete Stop in Sales: Why? What's Going On?
The baby needs formula!
The light bill needs to be paid!
The mortgage needs to be paid!
The cupboards are getting bear!
..........................................................I do not have time for these abrupt and complete stop in sales. Sheesh!
PS: I am not referring to this acct.
08-05-2019 10:10 AM
@ifyouloveit wrote:
^^^ Spot on @gamersbaystore^^^
This morning I had a promotional offer of opening a free store for 2 months. Haven't looked into what nonsense this promotion is yet. Anyone else get this promotion?
Yup, went straight to Delete. Like we don`t pay enough fees already. Even if you have a store, eBay wants to get an extra cut from Promoted % just to show your inventory.
08-05-2019 10:16 AM
@turquoisetulips wrote:That many watchers and zero buyers = bad economy, and that's only part of the problem. djdaniel
It's not the economy ,, this is a specific e bay issue .
Exactly! Buyers have more cash than ever and they spend it elsewhere! Try to postpone an online purchase on Nordstrom, Macy`s, etc - you`ll regret you didn`t buy right away - most of the time it is gone and your`d bite your elbows. But eBay doesn`t appeal anymore to both buyers (only pandering to scammers) and sellers due to its changes.
08-05-2019 10:18 AM
Our minimum wage is a laughable $8.60 an hour, and many employers find ways to skirt around those wages; such as the job I had last year that paid me $3.93 an hour djdaniel
That's terrible . However I'm afraid if they ever succeed in raising the minimum wage to 15 to 20 dollars an hour then more employees will be totally let go and the ones allowed to stay will be doing twice the work. Tulips
08-05-2019 11:01 AM
I do have some listings that still have watchers but I have noticed some watchers gone on an item that has had a watcher for 2 weeks and I sent offers to every one. Nothing. Not one sale has been generated from any watcher in the last week. Very very odd. It's almost like the watchers are not receiving my offers? Usually 70% of the time I would get a sale from my offer or counteroffer. Nothing for a week?? Something is wrong because by all the comments from others, they have the same issue.
08-05-2019 11:12 AM
@618unicorns wrote:I do have some listings that still have watchers but I have noticed some watchers gone on an item that has had a watcher for 2 weeks and I sent offers to every one. Nothing. Not one sale has been generated from any watcher in the last week. Very very odd. It's almost like the watchers are not receiving my offers? Usually 70% of the time I would get a sale from my offer or counteroffer. Nothing for a week?? Something is wrong because by all the comments from others, they have the same issue.
Buyers can set up their accounts NOT to receive offers. So you may be right, your potential buyers may not have seen your offer.
08-05-2019 11:27 AM
As a buyer some things I really want are way more than I am willing to pay. I usually just wait and what I want will pop up cheaper and I will buy it. I've been eyeballing an item for months and another seller listed the same item far cheaper than the one I have been watching and I snagged it.
I've been on ebay a long time and usually this time of year, Aug - Sept, is the best time to buy because people will offer stuff cheaper because they need money for school stuff for their kids or trying to build up quick cash for the upcoming holidays. Prices will start jumping again from Oct to January because of the holidays, but drop back down after New Years until about May.
08-05-2019 12:45 PM - edited 08-05-2019 12:46 PM
If every one of my watched items suddenly had one of the watchers hit the buy button, I'd be in a world of hurt trying to get all those orders pulled, packed and shipped in 2 days.
Likely to happen? Not hardly LOL
08-05-2019 03:29 PM
08-05-2019 03:33 PM
08-05-2019 03:42 PM
08-05-2019 06:04 PM
My guess is that there was another change in the search algorithms in early July as there was in March. eBay is desparate to increase revenue so promoted listings have become even more important to their bottom line. Since Wall Street has not punished the stock for the decline in GMV - sales are less important than maximizing the fees attached to those sales.
The unfortunate thing is that sellers desparate for sales have bought into paying an extra FVF for promoted listings which shows eBay they are on the right track and encourages them to look for more revenue grabs.
08-05-2019 06:10 PM
08-05-2019 06:21 PM
@uncseniorsportsfan wrote:My guess is that there was another change in the search algorithms in early July as there was in March. eBay is desparate to increase revenue so promoted listings have become even more important to their bottom line. Since Wall Street has not punished the stock for the decline in GMV - sales are less important than maximizing the fees attached to those sales.
The unfortunate thing is that sellers desparate for sales have bought into paying an extra FVF for promoted listings which shows eBay they are on the right track and encourages them to look for more revenue grabs.
Makes a lot of sense about what eBay is up to. Very bad strategy, which eventually will wreck the company.
08-05-2019 06:42 PM
I do not understand promoted listings. As a buyer if I scroll past it the first time why am I going to give it any more credence when I see it a second time?
08-05-2019 06:42 PM
A reduction in sales volume made up for by increased fees is a poor short lived market strategy. Having to constantly change my listings to try and appease some AI"s unknown criteria is not something I want to waste my time doing. It is hard enough to find things people actually want to buy. Paying even more to have my items shown is not something I want to engage in either. It's already around 20% when all is said and done.
You don"t gain any market share or customer loyalty here. Every month is like starting your business from day one. I too think eBay probably gives priority to fast selling repeatable items from large sellers. There is just not enough server space for everyone else. I think they will dump the flea market **bleep** completely soon enough. The managed shipping, and "soon all items sold on eBay will be shipped by fufilment" is the writing on the the wall.