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classic seller page gone again !!!!!

I thought on April first when I could once again access the ' Classic Seller Page ' through View My Listings that this company had finally listened to the masses that couldn't stand the ridiculous new seller page. .. But no it was a April Fools Joke and this piece of garbage, time wasting, ugly new seller page is back again... And I can't access the Classic Page anymore.  ............ So once again I have 5 listings to a page instead of 200. That means 77 pages to scroll through. I have to scroll back & forth to see everything. Can't see how many watchers, how many bidders, how much time left, all in one spot ............ The people that run this company are seriously lacking in any common sense. Who are the idiots that made this decision  ? ......... Once again Why can't I see The " Classic View '  if I want too, what harm is that. . what a shame .. what a shame

Message 1 of 63
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Re: classic seller page gone again !!!!!

All of these classic view links should work. They need to be bookmarked & accessed through your browser's bookmarks (for however long they will work), I have been using these all 3 separate tabs or I WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO LIST ON EBAY, IT IS TO CONFUSING for me and you can still go to the seller hub if you click on the side


Classic View  Active Selling 


Classic View Unsold 


Classic View Sold

Message 46 of 63
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Re: classic seller page gone again !!!!!

Thank you...   Only the first link shows anything for me..  but that's really what I want to see in a nut shell!  

Message 47 of 63
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Re: classic seller page gone again !!!!!

Only first link is working for me... for now. Not sure for how long. I hope it remains functional because this is what I need on a daily basis to quickly view my listings without getting a headache!

Message 48 of 63
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Re: classic seller page gone again !!!!!


Have you got a link that shows all the info on one page. I.e. promotions,  selling active, sold and unsold, saved drafts.

Thank you 

Message 49 of 63
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Re: classic seller page gone again !!!!!

Sorry no, that's the only way I can get the classic view 

Message 50 of 63
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Re: classic seller page gone again !!!!!

Have a look here, it seems the new page has been improved (scroll to the last few posts)

I have been imported from Australia and this is my posting ID
Message 51 of 63
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Re: classic seller page gone again !!!!!

Still leaves a LOT to be desire with these so called "improvements" I just don't understand why they can't give the choice to the seller of what they want to use with a simple click of a link, instead they are forcing everyone to this Overly complicated UI that apparently not many people like..It's pushing away your customers (seller) and shooting yourself in the foot at the same time..

Message 52 of 63
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Re: classic seller page gone again !!!!!

When I opened my seller's page, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.  TOTAL CONFUSION!  I thought I was the only one who found this insulting, confusing, and lacking total structure.  


Whoever designed this new page need be fired immediately.  NO ONE asked me my opinion/feedback. It was just there.  My prices changed, listings are lost, ended listings are now listed, not by my doing.  WHAT A MESS!  I quit!

Message 53 of 63
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Re: classic seller page gone again !!!!!

All of these classic view links should work. They need to be bookmarked & accessed through your browser's bookmarks (for however long they will work), I have been using these all 3 separate tabs or I WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO LIST ON EBAY, IT IS TO CONFUSING for me and you can still go to the seller hub if you click on the side


Classic View  Active Selling 


Classic View Unsold 


Classic View Sold

Message 54 of 63
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Re: classic seller page gone again !!!!!

Thank you for coming back so quickly.  Btw, I'm in uk. To get uk versoin instead of US, change address script from to and voila my prices change from us dollars to gbp

Message 55 of 63
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Re: classic seller page gone again !!!!!

..and how is the helpful?


You have managed to bury and hide all the information behind multiple pages and multiple clicks that used to be on the main landing page of the classic sellers page, for what?


You, as a company, not you directly, have now tripled the time that it takes to get the information that I need to do what I need to do, for what reason?


What is this constant need for new programmers to bury and hide information that used to easily available? Are they trying to prove that they are all geniuses, or prove that they were hired for a reason?


This new ungodly abhorrent mess should just be flushed down the toilet like the 10 coil turd that it is..


..and now these same kind of changes are coming to my summary search landing page as well as my specific search summary page.Why, to waste more of my time?


I see only one single auction in a font that is so large I can see it from a mile away, where before I used to be able to see about 5 auctions, why?


To waste more of my time having to scroll an extra few miles of auctions that I used to be able to see in a qtr of a mile, why?


Have you, not you directly but you as a company, have no thought to how valuable my time is to me, because it seems that it isn't very important to you as a company, as you have no thought to make these moronic changes.


KEEP IT SIMPLE rules need to be applied, making it harder to complete one's task, is not making it any easier for anyone. And now how much time and effort is being used and wasted having to address these changes?


And don't even get me started on your, as a company, "ebay search suggestions" that we can no longer "hide"..


..AGAIN, wasting my time.! I spent years refining my search terms and words and you, as a company, have summarily just thrown it away, oblivious to my time let alone the other millions of users time in generating their own search words/terms.


As a company, whom ever is in charge, should have a long close up look to the amount of time that you have thrown away.


Not at all impressed with your answer to this, maybe go back to your overlords and have a deep dark hard discussion on how to better address peoples concerns, rather than just spout "party lines".

Message 56 of 63
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Re: classic seller page gone again !!!!!


Message 57 of 63
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Re: classic seller page gone again !!!!!

@blanasells wrote:

When I opened my seller's page, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.  TOTAL CONFUSION!  I thought I was the only one who found this insulting, confusing, and lacking total structure.  


Whoever designed this new page need be fired immediately.  NO ONE asked me my opinion/feedback. It was just there.  My prices changed, listings are lost, ended listings are now listed, not by my doing.  WHAT A MESS!  I quit!

In the bizarro world known as ebay, the guy who designed this page probably got promoted to vice president.

Message 58 of 63
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Re: classic seller page gone again !!!!!

I call baloney. I can't seem to figure out how to bulk edit all of my listings at once.


Message 59 of 63
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Re: classic seller page gone again !!!!!

Yeah Cintantry, your links dont work anymore. All I see is the new interface and its HORRIBLE! I cant find anything! It just shows me useless information! I cant even see tracking numbers. What morons came up with this? Why would they ruin a working interface? 

Why is it showing me some ARBITRARY **bleep** 90 day selling totals? Its right at the top? 90 days? Why 90? Why cant I get rid of it? Who asked for that? eBay is pretty much the only company who doesn't ask the people who make them money what works for them. Absolute terrible business practices. And putting ONLY non English speaking foreigners on the other end of English Tech support calls?! Sure way to ensure nothing ever gets resolved.

Message 60 of 63
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