03-25-2021 10:32 AM
03-25-2021 11:27 AM
I know how you feel.
I have been an anchor store for 8 years. I am downgrading to premium, solely because of managed payments killing my cash flow by holding out money for returns, delaying payments, charging FVF on sales tax, and only paying out net. I can no longer use money from gross sales to stock my store.
10 years on ebay and never missed a payment, now they want their money up front And it is days before I get my cut.
03-25-2021 12:20 PM
I tagged your post so that you can see that there are MANY MANY unhappy sellers in regards to this needless change (needless for us seller's anyway.)
Check out all of the tagged posts. Some of them are extremely well written and concise.
If you think it's hard managing a few hundred listings...can you imagine how impossible managing a few THOUSAND listings would be with this new nightmare of a layout???
I will not be surprised if many seller's here just simply reduce the amt of listings that they have on this site.
There will also be some who have had it...it's the last straw and leave.
It's really sad to see such a functional page get turned into a mumble-jumble mess.
Updates should make something easier (or at least as easy) to use as the one it is replacing.
03-25-2021 12:51 PM
eBay was a great e commerce company but I guess the corporate mentality has set in. Amazon stock has increased 176,316% eBay 7264% Most of eBay's change's hurt it's early core sellers they have been doing this for years. Many sites have much lower fees. These ill advised change's just show they care little for us. It was a great platform just gets worst as time goes buy.
03-25-2021 02:06 PM
I see I'm not the only one that thinks they went 10 steps backwards!
03-25-2021 04:20 PM
It's going to get worse, not better. The disdain that management has shown toward their backbone of sellers is blatant. They're beyond even feeling the need to camouflage it. They're aware though of the deluge of posts damning the new layout so the Community Team posted about the "New Seamless Unified Listing Experience" but so lack examples to back it up that all they do in the body of the post essentially is to repeat the subject line and suggest eBay now has tools to make sellers rich. What? Where? How exactly? Yet at the time of this comment, despite the complete lack of substance, the Community Team got one "helpful" for their fantasy.
04-15-2021 10:34 AM
I'm beginning to believe that the people coding the new layout have never listed an item on ebay in their life. The unified listing tool is a nightmare. Extra clicks, a clunky layout that doesn't make sense, etc. I sell almost all clothing. I have been for years and years. In the classic listing tool, I can fully list an item in 2-3 minutes. I tried the new "unified listing tool" and it took me a half hour to list 3 items. If I'm forced into using this tool, I will have no choice but to list a lot less on ebay and focus more heavily on other platforms. My time is worth a lot. I can't fritter it away trying to navigate a clunky website.
04-21-2021 04:28 PM
It started with the managed payments away from PayPal (it was suppose to be cheaper.....not sure it is) and now the new format for listings/sales. It is way too much info and is not an easy format to follow. My daddy used to say "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!" If there were complaints about the other format, then tweek the existing one. Don't just throw it all away and come up with a completely different design. That's is not user friendly and causes confusion.
I've been with eBay for over 20 years, but this latest change is probably going to be the straw that broke the camels back. I suggest that eBay rethink this little fiasco.
04-21-2021 11:52 PM
OK, I can finally say I am fed up with Ebay. From the FVF, lack of seller protection, confusing formats that are ever changing, lousy feedback policy.....my days as a seller are numbered. Time to just hang it up, it is just not worth the effort. I miss the days when Meg was at the helm.
04-22-2021 11:41 PM
I am so happy to see that I am not the only one who has issues with this format. On contacting eBay , I am told this is the way it will be. Surely eBay has to rethink this shambles ? Is there any way to organise a campaign to get this format reversed?
04-23-2021 06:30 AM
Yes....this is the mess they have thrown us into. I reached out to Ebay initially and they said that this is the new "modern format" going forward and by end of April everyone will be using (forced) it and the ole classic view and tools will be no longer available.
I then sent an email to the CEO yesterday morning and well....crickets. They don't care. This company is managed by morons and young dumb adults who are not out there selling or they would know the problems we are experiencing. If they were sellers in addition to working for Ebay they would see the mess they have created.
Yes...it's close that I toss in the towel too. I am fed up! I would love to (A) see them respond and turn back the hands of time to the ole seller tools or (B) watch their empire crumble before my and their eyes.
As Joan Rivers once said...."pick a finger!"
04-27-2021 08:29 PM
eBay has really shot themselves in the foots this time! What a freakin' mess! The new format has ruined a good old thing. Their "Classic My eBay" landing page allowed me to check and manage 20 Auction items in 40 seconds. That means I could see what I wanted to know about what items were hot and what to list next and also see who was bidding in relation to how much they have purchased AND any questions and alerts from eBay...all while half asleep in 40 seconds...okay some days it was a minute. NOW with the new menacing and half baked format it takes me 10 minutes just to finish screaming about the senselessness of their new HORRIBLE formatting. It is absolutely foolish, the absudity of the designers of the lame new "modern" format.
Just a note to the folks that have any hope for the young I-Want-It-Now executives that are wrecking eBay....THEY DONT CARE WHAT WE THINK as sellers. It would be nice to be able to start a Class Action Grand Standing, but they still wont care. I think they want to get rid of the little sellers. Going on 18 years and $120,000 and I am a nobody to them. Their New Managing program and getting rid of PayPal will net them HUGE gains right out of the gate.
04-27-2021 09:10 PM
All of these classic view links should work. They need to be bookmarked & accessed through your browser's bookmarks (for however long they will work), I have been using these all 3 separate tabs or I WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO LIST ON EBAY, IT IS TO CONFUSING for me and you can still go to the seller hub if you click on the side
Classic View Active Selling
Classic View Unsold
Classic View Sold
05-11-2021 07:43 PM
New payment bull**bleep** from Ebay SUCKS. Its been 5 days and it looks like Ebay was paid now they have to send me the money and clear my account before I ship. Looks like a total or 7-8 days from when the auction ended to when I ship. Now I can get dinged for slow shipping do they take that into account. They could care less. This will be an ongoing problem with a lot of **bleep** of people. Buyer and seller alike will suffer. What a bunch of $hit.
05-22-2021 03:14 PM
I agree! I am not a techy at all.....When I started to sell on EBAY maybe 6 or 7 years ago my husband guided me through it and I was fine after that.....I have sold stuff over the last couple months but just tried posting something new and lo and behold I was stumped.....It took me more than 15 minutes to try to post a new item which is unacceptable so I guess I'll be looking for a new site to sell things....Why would they make simple more difficult? My guess is they want to chase us away! (Which they have for me)!!!!!!
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