@ Just wondering!...Am I the only one having a MINI mental conniption
over the removal of the "Classic My eBay Page" as being the life blood
of managing auction sales at a glance?
How can I become a private buyer, I don't want my purchases to show up
in the feedback rating. I am a seller who Buys on eBay, fixes and
restores than sells on eBay.
Could not agree with you more. I'm am with you 100%. eBay has made a
HUGE mistake. It is ALL about the mighty dollar, PERIOD!! They really
don't care about sellers and how they manage THEIR customers, the young
executives just need to change all the ...
eBay is a mess with their embarrassing new format. The worst EVER.What
an awful mistake taking away the Classic My eBay Page. I am embarrassed
for the designers that couldn't even consider that the 20 year old My
eBay page was the life blood and hear...
eBay is a mess with their embarrassing new format. The worst EVER. What
an awful mistake taking away the Classic My eBay Page. This is the full
definition of shooting both feet while legs crossed.