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Community Chat, November 25 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

eBay Staff (Alumni)

Hi everyone! Thanks for joining us for the Weekly Chat with eBay Staff. We don't have a specific topic this week, so feel free to share any general buying or selling questions you may have.


The chat thread will remain open until 2 PM PT at which point we'll close it from additional responses. After that time, we'll continue to work on responding to any queries that might still be unanswered.


To post your question, click Reply in the lower right corner of this post, type your question, and hit submit between 1-2 PM Pacific Time. The format of our chat mirrors the format of our Community Discussion Boards, where each post will appear in the thread chronologically. The Community Team will review each question as it comes in, and will quote the original question in our reply. This quote and the reply will appear later in the thread, so just keep scrolling down to see our answers.


Missed the chat? Send your questions to the podcast by calling  888-723-4630 or email us at and maybe your questions will make it on the air! Or listen to past episodes while you wait for next Wednesday!





Community Team

Message 1 of 86
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Re: Community Chat, November 25 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@donsdetour wrote:

going to a friends place that is going to try and cook a bird... Should be good.

And hello all you eBay folks.

@donsdetour sounds like fun! You'll have to let us know how their try at cooking the bird turns out 🙂



Community Team
Message 16 of 86
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Re: Community Chat, November 25 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

brian@ebay wrote:

Just a fun question, but what's everyone's plans for Thanksgiving? Any fun or unique recipes you'd like to share? (I'm excited for the holiday 😂 )

I don't know that anything I make is unique.  But here is the menu for Thanksgiving Dinner, if anyone wants more details about any of it, just ask.  I'm willing to share.


Turkey [cooked in a roaster with bacon, butter & garlic]

Make Ahead Mashed Potatoes


Candied Carrots

Cold Corn Salad

Fruit Salad

Pumpkin Pie

Banana Pudding Dessert


There is only 4 of us this year, which is very small, so I downsized the menu.  I would normally make a Green Bean casserole [with my own little twist] and a fantastic cornbread stuffing that is my personal favorite, but unfortunately not for my kids.


Edit: A reply to your post can be found here

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 17 of 86
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Re: Community Chat, November 25 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

IMG_8352.JPGI've mentioned this before, but if ebay has put out---or does put out---any new video ads for the Holidays, it really would be nice if ebay would share them with the community, either via an Announcement or maybe here in Weekly Chat. Just a suggestion. Oh, and....


Happy Thanksgiving to all!


Edit: A reply to your post can be found here

Message 18 of 86
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Re: Community Chat, November 25 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

tyler@ebay wrote:

@carlqsportscards wrote:

I have an idea to bring back the "Want It Now" board.

It seem to remember it was ended because of off-ebay selling.

What if the posts were anonymous so sellers couldn't directly contact them, and the only way to respond to them was with an ebay listing number or link.

The feature was helpful in the sports cards category for people trying to complete their sets.

Hi @carlqsportscards - I'm not familiar with this one - was it a Community feature or was it on the eBay marketplace side? 


mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 19 of 86
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Re: Community Chat, November 25 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

brittanie@ebay wrote:

@gracieallen01 wrote:

Yeah, I'm going to regress into the days of old and open up 9 cans of Spam and make a Spam turkey - just like my great-grandparents did just after the war.

@gracieallen01  Well you've peaked my interest. Can we possibly see pictures of this magnificent creation?

Well, that will depend on how well it comes out.  I've not done it for a very long time and my hand isn't nearly as steady as it once was.  I will keep your request in mind, but no guarantees. 


Edit: A reply to your post can be found here

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 20 of 86
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Re: Community Chat, November 25 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@comics-scifi-collectibles wrote:

brian@ebay wrote:

Just a fun question, but what's everyone's plans for Thanksgiving? Any fun or unique recipes you'd like to share? (I'm excited for the holiday 😂 )

Here's my weird cranberry jello receipe that is something that my mom made up when we were kids because we didn't like cranberry sauce.  

I have kind of tweak it a bit over the years.


2 cans of ocean spray whole cranberries  ( Mom only used one can) 

I box orange jello

I packet of Knox gelatin.   ( I added this when I added the extra can)

A couple of teaspoons or more of orange zest depending on your taste.  


This is what I grew up with and until I was married at 19 I had NO idea that people ate cranberry sauce on turkey.  LOL  




@comics-scifi-collectibles - I bet this tastes great! Did your mom serve it in a mold? It sounds so much better than aspic, which my family was obsessed with (my grandmother's shrimp and cabbage aspic haunts me to this day). 


Have you ever experimented with adding whipped cream to the mix? I bet it would make it a beautiful pink color.

Message 21 of 86
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Re: Community Chat, November 25 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@comics-scifi-collectibles wrote:

brian@ebay wrote:

Just a fun question, but what's everyone's plans for Thanksgiving? Any fun or unique recipes you'd like to share? (I'm excited for the holiday 😂 )

Here's my weird cranberry jello receipe that is something that my mom made up when we were kids because we didn't like cranberry sauce.  

I have kind of tweak it a bit over the years.


2 cans of ocean spray whole cranberries  ( Mom only used one can) 

I box orange jello

I packet of Knox gelatin.   ( I added this when I added the extra can)

A couple of teaspoons or more of orange zest depending on your taste.  


This is what I grew up with and until I was married at 19 I had NO idea that people ate cranberry sauce on turkey.  LOL  




That sounds yummy.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 22 of 86
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Re: Community Chat, November 25 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

Hello and Happy Thanksgiving. I e-mailed sdsupport with this question and they told me I had to call Customer Service to ask. I think every single person knows that CS can't answer a question like this, so I'm asking here (and sure you'll be going right back to the structured data team to get the answer).


Regarding recommended item specifics-


When I check this box "Don't remind me about these recommendations again" on the recommended item specifics pop-up edit window- does that remove the listing from appearing permanently or does it remove it only until recommended item specifics change again?


For example- I check the box and the listing is removed from the list. Two months later eBay adds a new recommended item specific for that category. Will the listing reappear on the list to alert me, or will it stay hidden from the list?



Edit: Reply to this post can be read here

Message 23 of 86
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Re: Community Chat, November 25 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics


  Golf... Because I can and it is still safe,  


Then Pumpkin pie, turkey, cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes and more pumpkin pie.  


No plans to do anything else.   Not going to risk socializing with Covid running rampant.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


Edit: Reply to this post can be read here

Message 24 of 86
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Re: Community Chat, November 25 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

tyler@ebay wrote:

@comics-scifi-collectibles wrote:

brian@ebay wrote:

Just a fun question, but what's everyone's plans for Thanksgiving? Any fun or unique recipes you'd like to share? (I'm excited for the holiday 😂 )

Here's my weird cranberry jello receipe that is something that my mom made up when we were kids because we didn't like cranberry sauce.  

I have kind of tweak it a bit over the years.


2 cans of ocean spray whole cranberries  ( Mom only used one can) 

I box orange jello

I packet of Knox gelatin.   ( I added this when I added the extra can)

A couple of teaspoons or more of orange zest depending on your taste.  


This is what I grew up with and until I was married at 19 I had NO idea that people ate cranberry sauce on turkey.  LOL  




@comics-scifi-collectibles - I bet this tastes great! Did your mom serve it in a mold? It sounds so much better than aspic, which my family was obsessed with (my grandmother's shrimp and cabbage aspic haunts me to this day). 


Have you ever experimented with adding whipped cream to the mix? I bet it would make it a beautiful pink color.

No mold, just a nice glass etched bowl that I still use for the occasion even though she passed away 8 years ago.  


I'll have to think about the whipped cream part.  It's already pretty sweet.   


I actually like to just eat it on rolls like jam....  



Edit: a reply to your comment can be found here

Comics-scifi_collectibles Is a Volunteer Community Mentor.
I have been a seller since 2003

Message 25 of 86
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Re: Community Chat, November 25 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

I have concerns about item specifics.  When I fill them out on variation listings, I am seeing that some are asking for size?  Well if the size is the variation, I cannot add size.   


This seems strange to me.  Some of my variation listings are older and have a long history of sales.  If size is a required soon item specific, what should I put for size.  Am I going to have to redo all my variation listings? 



Edit: A reply to your question can be found here

Message 26 of 86
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Re: Community Chat, November 25 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

brian@ebay wrote:

@divwido wrote:

Well, we are not on lock down, but then who wants to go to a Holiday dinner in a face mask and gloves?

@divwido It's going to be a different Thanksgiving for sure. I'm creating a list of movies I want to watch and maybe some video game to play.  

I'm trying to help someone get ahold of a PS5 sometime between this weekend and  the new year. Sorry to all eBay sellers, but he's not going to spend $1500 on a $400 unit.


We're doing a family video call and watching Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.


Edit: A reply to your post can be found here

Message 27 of 86
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Re: Community Chat, November 25 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

I spread it out over two days, so I can enjoy it more.  Make ahead mashed potatoes are delicious and makes it much easier timing stuff right on Thanksgiving.  There are several other things I can get some of the prep done today as well that makes tomorrow easier and gives me more time to enjoy the family.  And that is my favorite part, enjoying friends and family.  We had a bigger celebration planned, but for obvious reasons it isn't a good idea this year, so we are immediate family only this year.  It will still be fun!!



Edit: A reply to your comment can be found here

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 28 of 86
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Re: Community Chat, November 25 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics

@comics-scifi-collectibles wrote:

tyler@ebay wrote:

@comics-scifi-collectibles wrote:

brian@ebay wrote:

Just a fun question, but what's everyone's plans for Thanksgiving? Any fun or unique recipes you'd like to share? (I'm excited for the holiday 😂 )

Here's my weird cranberry jello receipe that is something that my mom made up when we were kids because we didn't like cranberry sauce.  

I have kind of tweak it a bit over the years.


2 cans of ocean spray whole cranberries  ( Mom only used one can) 

I box orange jello

I packet of Knox gelatin.   ( I added this when I added the extra can)

A couple of teaspoons or more of orange zest depending on your taste.  


This is what I grew up with and until I was married at 19 I had NO idea that people ate cranberry sauce on turkey.  LOL  




@comics-scifi-collectibles - I bet this tastes great! Did your mom serve it in a mold? It sounds so much better than aspic, which my family was obsessed with (my grandmother's shrimp and cabbage aspic haunts me to this day). 


Have you ever experimented with adding whipped cream to the mix? I bet it would make it a beautiful pink color.

No mold, just a nice glass etched bowl that I still use for the occasion even though she passed away 8 years ago.  


I'll have to think about the whipped cream part.  It's already pretty sweet.   


I actually like to just eat it on rolls like jam....  


@comics-scifi-collectibles  - It would be SO GOOD as a type of jam on a roll! I'm making rolls from scratch this year - I finally found a recipe that works for me and haven't been this excited to bake in a long while.  

Message 29 of 86
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Re: Community Chat, November 25 @ 1:00 pm PT - General Topics



Since I'll be alone this year, I'm roasting two miniature turkeys (aka Cornish Game Hens), with all the traditional trimmings: mashed potatoes, candied yams, stuffing, roasted green beans (not that icky mushroom soup casserole) and pumpkin pie. I got two of those little "individual" pie plates by Emil Henry for the pies. Each pie plate will probably make a couple of servings


Then I'll watch everyone's traditional Thanksgiving movie, "The Accidental Tourist."


Then I'll eat the same meal's leftovers again on Saturday or Sunday.


Voila! Done! Another Thanksgiving in the books!



Edit: Reply to this post can be read here


Message 30 of 86
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