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Unresponsive script in watch list and purchase history.

Keep getting an unresponsive script message in my watch list and purchase history list.  Any help?  Here is the script:  Script:

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Re: Unresponsive script in watch list and purchase history.



to gain access to watchlist without divine intervention might work too?


Message 91 of 112
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Re: Unresponsive script in watch list and purchase history.

have been having this Exact Same problem for at least 2 months now on my purchase history page In Addition almost every single time i try to put an item in my shopping cart Or go to my shopping cart Or once in my shopping cart Try to pay a seller i get the Unable to Load Shopping Cart Error ..its making me nuts..this is a severe problem and makes shopping on Ebay a Major pain..Clicking over and over and over and over and over only to get an Error..Also Ebay is going very very very painfully sloooow ..i feel like the ebay dial up days..i use an ad blocker but it makes no difference ..i have complained Literally Hundreds of times and ebay does not care..they wish to treat buyers as equally bad as they treat sellers ..I tried switching to different browsers ..i usually use firefox..didnt help at all...deactivated flash didnt help at all..ebay has royally screwed up their site..its close to NonFunctional for me as a buyer..i spent one year (2015-most of 2016) with ebay not loading my auction Watch page i had to go to see all Wish Lists to be able to bid on anything at all..finally after Over a year they fixed it..Rather Disgusting how they dont care ..seems they wish to destroy ebay shopping ..wonder why? For the Tech Guy..i have the Same experience on Win8.1 Win7 and WinXp Sp3 ..Firefox makes the entire site run slower didnt try chrome or IE because i refuse to use them..Opera and KMelon dont change the issues at all..its an EBAY ISSUE not a User Issue..IMAGINE ..spending Loads on ads for ebay to get Newbies to shop here..then they get here ..cannot shop because ebay site now sucks and then they are told it is their personal computer/phone or browser..IMAGINE Amazon telling ppl that..its Hilarious..its An Ebay ISSUE ..Amazon would collapse if it tried to do business based on users changing browsers or computers or phones...And worst of all ..changing computers and browsers does not fix the problem i wish it did!! Ebay has really lost it ..Only reason i hang around thru all this nightmare is that i love the ebay sellers and have been shopping here for years
Message 92 of 112
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Re: Unresponsive script in watch list and purchase history.

And this business of telling ppl to Clear their Browser History NO..i dont clean my browser history ..i keep tabs open as i work on different projects..i just cant even Believe that Ebay would have the gall to tell a customer to do that...its Amazing that Particularly the BUYER would have to change his own personal habits just to shop on ebay..Really??? that is all kinds of WRONG..Ebay site is not working Ebay needs to fix it or customers will be forced to shop elsewhere Even when they do not want to 

Message 93 of 112
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Re: Unresponsive script in watch list and purchase history.

And as of Now i can no longer add items to my collection Folders..How Lovely ..just dont know what to say
Message 94 of 112
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Re: Unresponsive script in watch list and purchase history.

Good old eBay a billion dollar company who has customer service reps that are twits. They blame it on your computer and tell you to clear your cache when every other site works lol. Also why do they ned to run ads when they fleece us for outrageous seller fees and are rich from that already. It is called "greed." That is assuming that you are lucky enough to get through after being put on hold for 2 hours, and hope that the person from India can understand you and vice versa which is usually not the case.

Message 95 of 112
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Re: Unresponsive script in watch list and purchase history.

Not applicable

@paramiti wrote:
And as of Now i can no longer add items to my collection Folders..How Lovely ..just dont know what to say

Hey @paramiti, I understand that this situation can be frustrating and can suggest you reduce the number of displayed orders you have on your purchase history - I didn't run into any trouble on my end when loading this page on your account, so it is likely a local issue related to your hardware. I don't say this as a means of pushing off responsibility for an issue, as we are still looking into the subject on our end to see if any adjustments can be put in place; it simply is the most likely explination when we are not having the same problem as a member of our community when following the steps they have outlined.


Additionally, I know that the suggestion of clearing browser history has gotten a certain reputation as being an unhelpful answer, but I assure you that in my experiences it fixes a lot more than you might expect. Not only is it the first recommend troubelshooting step for any issue you are running into while browsing online, it is also oftetimes considered a recommend practice as a part of regular computer usage. Asking someone to clear their browser history as a first step is analogous to technical support for electronics first asking if the item is plugged in - it isn't meant to be an insult, simply the first step towards a resolution.


As for your comment about collections, we are running some tests right now regarding the options available within the listing for adding items to collections or the watch list. When I was looking a listing from your viewpoint, I still saw a dropdown with all of your collections available. Can you share a screenshot of what you are seeing and I can be more specific for you? Happy to help figure out what is going on!

Message 96 of 112
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Re: Unresponsive script in watch list and purchase history.

I can confirm that I get the same hangups as you describe for more than a year no on five different computers. Probably closer to  2 years since it started.

Sometimes it really gets bad. It would work great for say 2 days and then suddenly it starts hanging with that same java script timeout and it is usually accompanied with timeouts and thumbnails that just wont load. I check my memory and cpu load and nothing is overloaded that could cause the system to create these timeouts.


I guess it is this kind of thing that happens if a company does not have any competition. I love ebay and ebay should really get the Nobel prize for keeping the planet clean with all the recycling of used material on a scale never seen on the face of the earth. They probably did more than anybody in history (with our help of course), but they must get their site to serve pages faster to buyers. It is really getting annoying to the point that one starts longing for competition.



Message 97 of 112
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Re: Unresponsive script in watch list and purchase history.

@Anonymous wrote:


Let me know if there continues to be problems as we work on a long term fix!


Hi Trinton,


Another issue has cropped up. Please see the following threads. Thank you.

Message 98 of 112
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Re: Unresponsive script in watch list and purchase history.

Add me too to the list of people having severe problems with the Watch list (and Purchase list).


Clearing browser caches, cookies, histories, and what not, WILL NOT help at all. This is NOT a user-side problem of low system resources and what not!


The lists worked perfectly fine before (as fine as possible for eBay that is), when all of a sudden, a couple of weeks ago, everything slowed down and locked up. Now, each time you navigate to another page of the Watch list (or Purchase list) the browser locks up for 10 seconds or more and then shows the "script not responding" dialog box (Firefox).


This is VERY clearly a problem with one of your (very poorly made) scripts responsible of loading the pages' contents. For me, the culprint script is


There is very obviously something very wrong with that script and nothing else (user side).


Yes, when lowering the number of shown items per page you can access the pages without too much of a lag, but that is NO fix nor solution at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The fix should be in fixing the script, not in limiting the user.


Case in point: when I use the Canadian eBay pages, there is NO LAG AT ALL when loading the Watch list nor Purchase list!! It only occurs on the US pages.


Please investigate and fix asap (how hard can it be, and how long should it take, really, djeezus, just revert this **bleep** back to what it was... are tests not done anymore these days?????)!


Also, while at it, remove that big complete useless bloat (aka more scripting, aka even more lag) of a horizontal category scroll thing on top of the Watch list (or make it at least optional).


Thank you,

A very angry and frustrated customer

Message 99 of 112
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Re: Unresponsive script in watch list and purchase history.

When you use so called IT people from INDIA this is what you get, if these clowns in INDIA are sooooooooooo sharp why is their country a complete HOLE?

Message 100 of 112
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Re: Unresponsive script in watch list and purchase history.

These Ebay issues have prevented me from making numerous purchases, from different computers, for more than a month. 


That these are regularly reported problems affecting everyone who uses the site, and are still unresolved, shows they are not simply minor issues with customer service or people's computers.


They are major failures of top management, which isn't doing it's job.

Message 101 of 112
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Re: Unresponsive script in watch list and purchase history.

Been having the same problems that all have discribed for some time, and it is extreemly annoying, and also occurs on Linux with Firefox.


The problem seems to be too many simultaneous internet links being require on the Ebay implementation of the watch list and purchase pages. Including links that are not actually required for normal user operation.


The solution, for Firefox users, is to install the Add-on 'Disconnect' (the one with black letters). Then ensure all catogories are set to green (blocked), by clicking on them. The user interface don't make this as clear as it could do. To unblock simply click on the catogory again. When operating, you should still have all normal Ebay functionality.


I have no affiliation with the Add-on whatsoever, which was found by chance.

Hopefully when Ebay fix the issue the Add-on blocking will not be necessary.


All the best everyone




Message 102 of 112
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Re: Unresponsive script in watch list and purchase history.

@b9colin2954 wrote:

Been having the same problems that all have discribed for some time, and it is extreemly annoying, and also occurs on Linux with Firefox.


The problem seems to be too many simultaneous internet links being require on the Ebay implementation of the watch list and purchase pages. Including links that are not actually required for normal user operation.


The solution, for Firefox users, is to install the Add-on 'Disconnect' (the one with black letters). Then ensure all catogories are set to green (blocked), by clicking on them. The user interface don't make this as clear as it could do. To unblock simply click on the catogory again. When operating, you should still have all normal Ebay functionality.


I have no affiliation with the Add-on whatsoever, which was found by chance.

Hopefully when Ebay fix the issue the Add-on blocking will not be necessary.


All the best everyone


Thanks for the tip!

However, I've been using the plugin Disconnect since years and I'm afraid it does not help (much). The problem still remains. All it does is blocking some ads etc, but the main problem still persists: when you have more than 50 items per page on the Watch List, the loading is extreme slow up to the point the browser (FF in my case) gives a warning that a script has hung (with the options to continue, stop, debug).

The problem isn't the ads (well it is, but you have ad-blockers for that :-P), but the new 'core functionality' scripts (or at least one of the new ones) of the Watch List itself.

Message 103 of 112
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Re: Unresponsive script in watch list and purchase history.

Have you also clicked on the Content category, to also turn it from grey to green, when on the Ebay site. It's default is grey.


So that Advertising, Analytics, Social and Content are all green, whenever you vist Ebay.





Message 104 of 112
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Re: Unresponsive script in watch list and purchase history.

@b9colin2954 wrote:

Have you also clicked on the Content category, to also turn it from grey to green, when on the Ebay site. It's default is grey.


So that Advertising, Analytics, Social and Content are all green, whenever you vist Ebay.







I even did an experiment in manually blocking all outside domain calls (manually alter my hosts file), up to the point no functionality was left on the Watch list. Although you have not a single add (or 'recommendation') then, the problem still remains.


The ads are not the problem here. It is a rouge/bad programmed new script which slows down the loading of the Watch list. Also note that you do not have the same problem when you select, for example the 'All Lists' or any other custom list you have made. All other lists load swift and properly like always, even with 200(!) items on one page when you've selected the 'All Lists'.

It is the Watch List only which contains this rouge new script (which is, I think, also responsible for that mostly useless category bar on top of the Watch List)

Message 105 of 112
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