02-20-2025 06:46 PM - edited 02-20-2025 06:47 PM
Navigating with My Ebay --> Selling is opening page https://www.ebay.com/mys/active instead of https://www.ebay.com/sh/ovw . Can you please fix this? Many people having the issue according to item on the Seller Discussion Board: https://community.ebay.com/t5/Selling/What-happened-to-SELLER-HUB-I-have-NO-HUB-anymore/m-p/34949949...
Thank you.
02-20-2025 06:54 PM
Same problem here. Seller Hub isn't opening. reverting back to my-ebay format -- can't find anything without scrolling and scrolling.
02-20-2025 06:56 PM
Yes same here and not the old view of selling hub, some odd hybrid of mobile version.
I cannot get an overview of things easily and filters (like review of offers I have sent now absent)
Message page getting a lot of error messages. Hot mess of a change. Just leave things alone for the sake of your sellers.
02-20-2025 06:56 PM
Me too! Nice of ebay to make sure every listing has a Promoted Listing tab but the layout is nothing short of moronic if I want to look at my 1900 active listings meaningfully!
02-20-2025 07:09 PM
thanks for the link. I called eBay, thought I was in the Twilight zone. No good. My Yahoo email changed today too so thought I was going to lose it. Anyways, I was the third person in a row for that particular CS rep calling about this issue hope they fix it soon. It looked to me like a round table discussion on how to sell Promoted listings, yuk
02-20-2025 07:18 PM
One of the other threads about this issue suggested clicking on "Sell", at the upper left on the screen -- that should revert back to normal.
Give it a try -- and hope they repair this latest snafu soon!
02-20-2025 07:21 PM
Any difference if you use a direct link? Or an alternative link?
Seller Hub Overview:
Direct links:
Orders (https://www.ebay.com/sh/ord)
Active listings (https://www.ebay.com/sh/lst/active)
Marketing (https://www.ebay.com/sh/mkt)
Performance (https://www.ebay.com/sh/prf)
Payments (https://www.ebay.com/sh/acc)
Research (https://www.ebay.com/sh/research)
Alternate links
Selling Overview:
Alternate Sold:
02-20-2025 07:24 PM
All 3 of my accounts are now doing what the OP posted
02-20-2025 07:34 PM
My seller page has switched back and forth about 3 times. Right now it's back to regular Seller Hub, but I wonder if it will stay, hope!
02-20-2025 07:36 PM
@eburtonlab wrote:Seller Hub Overview:
In addition to bookmarking that link, anybody experiencing the problem should click the ? icon on the lower right of the page to file a tech report. eBay tracks those and the more people reporting, the more eBay will pay attention, the higher it will go up on the fix list.
02-20-2025 07:56 PM
Same issue here but eBay has been a mess (bigger than normal) since last night. Lots of sites seem to have been borked the past 24 hours on the East Coast. I figured storms hit servers somewhere and we are paying the price.
02-20-2025 09:34 PM
Same glitch here. Can no longer access via My eBay>Selling. I hope it wasn't intentional. Hate to think eBay would make such changes without letting their sellers know about it ahead of time.
02-21-2025 09:40 AM
Thurs nite maintenance, I would guess..........
02-21-2025 10:37 AM
This particular issue was fixed in the middle of the night. Thank you.
02-24-2025 06:27 AM
Hi all, we have received word from our product team that the hub should be working correctly again.