07-04-2018 08:15 AM
07-10-2018 02:57 PM
I agree. The past month has been a disaster managing my subscription. My sales were down almost 50% for the month, yet my listing fees remained the same, despite the fact that my views and watches and almost all listings both registered zero.
I would add that simple site navigation and support materials for basic seller needs is so difficult on eBay- today I processed a sales order and went to print a shipping label and eBay defaulted to a totally different label setup than I had been using, with no support info or instructions for making changes back to my original.
Candidly, I can’t wait to finish my tour of duty here and grow forward.
07-10-2018 03:22 PM
Absolutely agree. I have over 20 listings with missing photos.
07-10-2018 08:08 PM
Has anyone had their store subscription fees refunded? I agree that Ebay should compensate us by eliminating our store costs or at least a bonus of free shipping supplies until the 'glitches are fixed". It's very frustrating going days without so much as a inquiry on an item or a sale
07-11-2018 12:40 AM
07-11-2018 01:55 AM
Same thing happened to me this past June, I went away for a week, 6 customers purchased items, and I got penalized in both tracking and late shipment! And tracking was 100%. **bleep** near lost my top rated status, now I’m going away in August, so i guess goodbye top rated as I’ll get screwed by eBay again while I’m away and customers order items and they will do nothing to fix it!!!!!!!!
07-12-2018 08:02 PM
I agree with you.
07-22-2018 07:37 PM
07-23-2018 02:05 AM
Were you able to get the coupon?
07-23-2018 10:17 AM
I'm also a seller whose sales have dropped dramatically. I thought it was because I downgraded my store subscription but I see here that there was some sort of announcement from ebay?! Where and when was this? How can I find this announcement? Thank you.
07-23-2018 10:43 AM
You should see it within the Seller Hub under the section, Seller Announcement. All selling information for a seller can be on the seller hub.
Here is the link if unable to find it.
This post is also anchored on the Technical Issue forum.
11-27-2018 11:59 AM
I am SO disgusted with ebay.
I am paying for a store but...
When I click on the My Store icon, What DO I get?
Nada. Nothing. Zero.
Except the store's name and logo.
ALL OF MY LISTINGS HAVE VANISHED. I was able to add four featured items.
Everything that I've worked hard to build a small store is GONE. Why?
eBay customer service IS a JOKE.
CS Rep: Your store, with your items, is showing on my computer. It MUST be a problem with your PC. Riigghht!
I have had friends check their computers to look for my store. Same thing.
Listing border. Store name. Logo. And that is it. Nothing ELSE.
FIVE days ago, the eBay CS Rep said that she would INFORM THE TECH DEPT.
Haven't heard a WORD from them. Not that I expected to.
I asked the CS rep to forward a reference email to me, with details of the phone call.
She said, Sure. That's not a problem. I guess she snail mailed it because I have yet to receive it.
Yes, I have a small store. I don't list many items. It's more of a hobby. Selling on ebay gives me something to do, as I am a U.S. disabled veteran and cannot leave home often.
I'll call again, though I don't know what good it's going to do.
11-27-2018 12:32 PM
Unfortunately it looks like you may be a victim of the HATA bug which affects US sellers outside of the continental 48 states, making their stores invisible when searching from those same US locations.
11-27-2018 11:27 PM
03-05-2019 03:41 PM
Ebay never apologizes, let alone reimburse for tech issues.
03-06-2019 03:15 AM
Actually they have apologized and did some reimbursement on the picture issue........